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Agenda for the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council to be held on Monday, March 12th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


Chairman Cllr J Phillips Vice Chair Cllr J Mayer Cllr M Baylis Cllr I Fairchild

Cllr P Jobson Cllr D Mason Cllr T Rich Cllr R Stevens


Declarations of Interest

The Public

an opportunity for members of the public to speak on items on the agenda

Minutes of the Meeting held January 8th

to be approved


  1. a) County and District Council
  2. b) The Police
  3. c) Members of the Parish Council


recent applications received and results to date are summarised at the end of the agenda

Red Lion Hotel - application for change of use

Risk Assessment

update and agree for the current year


summary of the position to date

The Playing Field

progress on the summerhouse

hedge cutting


whether to repair, restore or replace

The Telephone Kiosk

Any developments to date


general update

Proposed dates for Meetings for 2018/9 – to be agreed

Annual Parish Council Meetings May 14th 2018 and May 13th 2019

Parish Bi monthly meetings 2018 July 9th, September 10th, November 12th

Parish Bi monthly meetings 2019 January 14th, March 11th, May 14th

Annual Parish Meeting May 2019 – to be discussed

General Data Protection Regulations

information to date


Current balance as at 31st January £7530.5

Payments to be approved -: Clerk’s expenses £122.19 for the year Clerk’s salary £840 SeptMarch      HMRC £210   “Summerhouse” £2700


17/01299/FULL Erection of a carport, Hamslade Farm

17/1802/HOUSE Demolition & following this erection of a single storey, The Old School House – permission granted

17/01962/FULL Two extensions to agricultural buildings, Manor Farm – granted

17/02014/FULL Retension of log cabin, Castleland House, Bampton – going forward to the Planning Committee 21/3/18