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Agenda for the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council, to be held on Tuesday, May 8th in the Village Hall immediately following the Parish Council AGM.


Declarations of Interest

The Public

an opportunity for members of the public to speak concerning items on the agenda

Minutes of the Meeting held March 12th 2018

to be approved


County and District Council b) Members of the Parish Council

The Telephone Kiosk – update

The Playing Field

a general update/drainage/ action following  RoSPA report.


the problem of heavy vehicles taking short cuts

unauthorised rubbish dumping

signpost repair and funding


new proposal for Oakford Bottom

17/02014/FULL Retension of log cabin Castleland House – permission granted 17/01299/FULL Car port erection Hamslade Farm – permission granted 18/00371/FULL Erection of garage at Sunny Side – decision awaited


situation to date and possible access to additional funding

Villages in Action

discuss possible participation

Annual Parish Meeting

discuss arrangements for the 12th May


current situation/consent forms/privacy notice


Approval of the Annual Governance Statement b) Approval of the Accounting Statement

Precept application £4250 granted.  PPP3  £50 awarded.  Way leave cheques x 2 received

Current and Reserve Account Summary.  £6458.96 as of 5th April 2018 

Payments to be approved for - :  RoSPA  £88.20 Tax & Accounts £43.20 Village Hall £156 Stoodleigh Parish Council £30.50 D Shere £100 donation M Stimpson  (amount to be confirmed)  DALC £89.07

S Phillips, Clerk to the Parish Council 1/5/18