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Agenda for the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council, to be held at 7.30pm, Monday, September 10th  2018 in the Village Hall


Chairman Cllr J Phillips   Vice Chair Cllr J Mayer Cllr M Baylis Cllr I Fairchild  Cllr P Jobson Cllr D Mason Cllr T Rich  Cllr R Stevens


Declarations of Interest

The Public

an opportunity for members of the public to speak concerning items on the agenda

Minutes of the Meetings

held July 9th and August 22nd to be approved


County & District Council

Members of the Parish Council

Code of Conduct for Councillors

to be discussed

Parish Council Elections 2019

to be discussed

The Red Lion Hotel

situation to date with planning. Discuss £750 possible valuation fee.


the new signs and any ongoing issues

The Playing Field


The Telephone Kiosk

progress to date


Nat West money available as at 3rd Sept 2018 £7134.93 + £50 current account

Payments to be approved -: £200 J Phillips( retrospective)  Clerk salary £720  HMRC £180  Admin expenses £77.71 for half year.


Sandra Phillips, Clerk 3/9/18