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Oakford Annual Parish Meeting, held 12th May from 9.30am in the Village Hall

Members present

Chairman Cllr J Phillips Vice Chair Cllr J Mayer  Cllr M Baylis  CllrFairchild Cllr P Jobson


were received from Cllr T Rich

Annual Meeting

The meeting was held on an informal basis with 15 members of the public present and an opportunity to sample a more than adequate breakfast.

There were reports and information available on the main activities connected with Oakford Parish. These were -:

The Oakford Players

St Peter’s Church

Exe valley Bus

The Moorland Club

Parish Paths Partnership

A newsletter from the Chairman had been previously circulated to 90% of the residents summarising the achievements of the parish council in the past year and highlighting some of the future plans.

The meeting concluded with the more energetic attendees joining in a parish walk, led by Tony and Maggie Northcott