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Minutes of the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council held Monday, January 8th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Members present -: 

Chairman - Cllr J Phillips  Vice Chair Cllr J Mayer  Cllr M Baylis Cllr P Jobson

Cllr D Mason Cllr T Rich Cllr R Stevens


none received

Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Fairchild, Mason and Rich declared personal interest in the planning application 17/01962/FULL Manor Farm

The Public

there were 4 members of the public in attendance. Thanks were given for the gritting of Rookery Hill in the recent cold snap.

Minutes of the Meeting held November 13th

these were signed and approved as a true record after a spelling correction under Item  7. Highways to “Chawlmoor” plus  a request from Cllr Rich that the third paragraph (under the same heading) should be reclassified under a separate title Flooding.


County Council – Polly Colthorpe. Devon is one of 10 areas participating in a pilot project for councils to retain 100% of the business rate which amounts to 80% in actual terms. There has been a proviso for Devon to raise council tax by 1% to help towards highway repairs. The grants for Rural Enterprise and Local Livelihood have been extended for another year. Broadband coverage is still extremely variable but the government is still promising assurance for significant improvement by 2020. The roadworks from Bolham to Junc 27 should provide a quieter road surface.

District Council – Ray Stanley.  Electric charging points are being installed in car parks and at leisure centres. The costs have spiralled for the Premier Inn development and the start has been delayed until February. Building of the 39 houses behind the Town Hall will begin in March. The improved facilities at the Exe Valley Leisure Centre will open soon. A Londis store in Market Walk has opened.  There is currently a public awareness campaign on the increase in litter fines and associated enforcement.

The Police – again no communication received

Parish Councillors - The Chairman gave special thanks to Paula, Marjorie, Jeff, Ian, Jenny, Paul, Patsy, patch, Sean and Julia for assisting in the recent litter and general clean up in Oakford village. 


17/01962/FULL Extension to an agricultural building at Manor Farm. 

The council requested a delay to any decision, concerns being expressed as to the water runoff, soakaway and discrepancies/ variations to the original plans. A request was made for a site visit in conjunction with representatives from the Environment Agency and Planning Department.  Other potential problems were an increase in heavy traffic, visibility from other properties and damage to a conservation wall. The Chairman AGREED to contact the Planning Office for clarification of the final plans and to express the concerns. District Cllr Stanley also AGREED to follow up.

17/01764/FULL Erection of a poultry house at Valley View. It was explained to the public that MDDC considered this property was technically out with Oakford Parish and the council had only been notified on courtesy grounds. However the public were at liberty to approach the MDDC on a personal level, likewise the parish council if they identified a particular issue.


thanks were expressed to Patch, Ian, Sean, Richard and Theresa for all their help during the recent flooding. Richard Linton had managed to video events on his mobile phone which were played to the attendees. The associated debris had possibly slowed the passage of water to some extent.  Cllr Jobson said that in hind sight the emergency services should have been alerted but there would have been an inevitable time delay as the situation had escalated within a very short time scale. Cllr Rich felt strongly that despite the detailed report carried out in June 2016 little action had followed.

Emergency Plan

it was concluded that the existing plan formulated in 2011 was out of date. Sandbags, cones and water pumps should be available as a contingency plan. Vulnerable residents in the parish should be given particular consideration. It was decided to form a sub committee to be chaired by Cllr Jobson to consider the cause and possible solution to the flooding problem. 

Richard Linton a recent resident had also video coverage and believed that the water had backed up and a sudden release had caused the problem. Cllr Fairchild was of the opinion that a grid had caused the obstruction. Cllr Baylis mentioned that she had been asked about inserting a newsletter in the Parish magazine, informing residents of what the council had been doing and at the same time it would be a good idea to provide telephone numbers of councillors in the event of an emergency. Cllr Phillips AGREED to contact the Environment Agency for expert advice. 

The Playing Field

Hedge cutting has been delayed until March

The picnic table has been assembled and will be sited once the weather improves

The Chairman circulated plans for a “summer house “at a cost of £2700 which was unanimously agreed by the council. The funding will come from the remainder of the monies raised by the charity auction held in October 2016. The site will need to be made level and Cllr Mason asked that the enthusiastic youngsters who regularly use the area be involved in some of the tasks.


the recurring problem of water flooding outside the village hall and at the bottom of the village is in hand and will be sorted soon. The promised varnish from Cllr Mason for the Gilbert Summers seat is not yet available.

The Telephone Kiosk – the Clerk reported that the purchase had been completed for the sum of £1.  Alterations could start but the actual BT equipment has still to be removed.


Anthony and Maggie Northcott had recently attended a training session. No request had been submitted for funding for 2018/19 although the need for replacement of 2 gateposts has been identified along with other minor works. The meeting was reminded that £300+ was held in the reserve account on behalf of the PPP3 trust.


Total funds available as at 5/12/17 = £7,530 +£ 50.

Invitation to join the CPRE – information passed to the Chairman, include item on the next agenda

Ring and Ride – any contribution was discounted as the parish has other transport arrangements

Bursary application – the clerk had down some research but without more specific details of the applicant had not been very successful regards additional financial help. The Pyncombe fund can in some circumstances  provide funding for some further education. 

Other Recent Planning Applications or Results

16/00246/UDRU West Loosemoor change of use and caravan on site

17/00445/FULL Ford Farm 16 solar panels – permission granted with conditions

17/01618/FULL West Tapps erection of 2 agricultural buildings – permission granted

17/01733/FULL Beacon View – courtesy notification

17/01802/HOUSE The Old School House replacement of lean to with a single storey extension – consultation request

17/01895/CAT Oakford Manor – 5 day notice of tree removal  - grant consent