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Minutes of Oakford Parish Council Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Held in the Village Hall, 7.30pm May 8th 2018

Members present

Cllr J Phillips  Cllr J Mayer Cllr M Baylis Cllr I Fairchild Cllr T Rich 


these were received from District Cllrs A Moore & R Stanley, Cllr D Mason

Declarations of Interest

there were none declared

Retiring Chairman’s Report

thanks were given to everyone for what should be considered a year where much was achieved.  The base is down for the new summer house, the drainage has been mostly sorted in the Playing Field with new pipes and thanks must go to Donald Shere and Ian Fairchild for their assistance. The surface water problem on the petanque pitch has been corrected. A defibrillator was installed though thankfully unused as yet.  A summary of events has gone out in the newsletter which should reach 90% of the parish.

Election of Chairman

John Phillips was unanimously re-elected. Proposed by Cllr Baylis and seconded by Cllr Mayer

Election of Vice Chair

Julia Mayer was unanimously re-elected. Proposed by Cllr Phillips and seconded by Cllr Baylis. The Chairman commented on her valued contribution to the website and continued activity as the representative on the Village Hall Committee.

Election of Working Committees


3 people were considered sufficient to deal with any such issues.  These are Cllrs Phillips, Rich and Baylis. The Chairman proposed that the overall responsibility for such issues was down to MDDC. The parish council should only get involved if problems were identified. A vote was taken and the proposal carried by 3 to 2.


any issues arising would continue to be dealt with by the Chair and Vice Chair.


2 signatories for each payment would continue. The existing number of signatories was deemed sufficient ie. Cllrs Rich, Mason. Stevens and the Clerk.

Areas of Liaison for Councillors

Website – Julia Mayer

Police - the Clerk, as contact seems to have been markedly reduced.  Details of personal contact details of the CPSO to be sent to all councillors

Playing Field - John Phillips & Ian Fairchild

Highways - Marjorie Baylis and Richard Stevens. Pothole complaints should be reported direct via the DCC website as this seems to be a most effective way of stimulating a response.

Footpaths - this is to be left again to Tony and Maggie Northcott. A token amount of £50 was awarded again for the current year towards general maintenance.

Village Hall

Julia Mayer. Cllr Mason was given a commendation for identifying an overcharge.

Official Documentation

all members present confirmed receipt of Standing Orders. 

Acceptance of Office

these were signed by all those present on the night

Completion of the Register of Interests

copies were circulated, to be returned to Phoenix House.

Acceptance of Office Forms

these were duly completed.


official reminder that in 2024 the Absolute Title for the land to the East of the School House must be applied for. Possessory Title already granted – needs to be made absolute.


an updated copy of the budget was circulated.