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Minutes of the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council, held on Monday November 12th 2018 in the Village Hall, 7.30pm

Members present

Chairman Cllr J Phillips Vice Chair Cllr J Mayer Cllr M Baylis Cllr P Jobson Cllr R Stevens


none received. There were 3 councillors absent.

Declarations of Interest

none were declared

The Public

there were 4 members of the public present. The question was asked as to why the planning application date regards the Red Lion Hotel had been changed. Apparently both parties had agreed for an extension in order to complete the exchange of sale contracts. Tony Northcott gave a summary of the plan for repairing the “100 steps” footpath which hopefully will be mostly funded by DCC. He has approached Ian Woolacott for an estimate. The Chairman expressed gratitude on behalf of the parish council for the work and responsibility which the Northcotts undertake in this sector.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held September 10th

these were approved and signed as a true record.


County Council

the information on intended temporary closures of the A361 have been circulated. The Winter Gritting Survey, largely concerning the major roads will be redistributed for comment. £150 had been awarded from the Locality Budget towards the WW1 celebrations in the village. Reassuringly the cost of accommodation and policing of the recent Tour of Britain had been covered by the tour organisers and not been a drain on local resources. East Devon Council are currently trialling a different approach to the never ending pothole problem on minor and unclassified roads with a new specialist machine, the”Dragon Patcher”. The policy is now to repair all potholes in a given stretch rather than just those individuals which meet the particular dimensions of depth and surface area.  

Although DCC is in the top league for efficient recycling a voluntary analysis of black bag rubbish has highlighted that still more could be achieved.  Bathroom plastics are frequently left unsorted.  Pro rata, the annual cost of disposal of the recyclables which are incorrectly consigned to the black bag rubbish is £6.7 million.

Ash Die back is widespread and was identified in trees at Bickleigh Bridge which hace since been felled. There are around 10,000 trees on DCC sites and only 1% believed to be resistant. There is some replacement with young trees where felling takes place.   

District Council

the budget continues to dominate discussion with another £650K needed to be saved in the next financial year. The Junction 27 development proposals have been approved in the Local Plan. There are 4 weeks left for comment on the subject of how best to deal with the problem  of illegal traveller sites. The rules to qualify for S106 monies will be changing shortly and will need to be for very specific targets.


these reports are covered under other headings. 

The Police

no response despite 2 emails to the PCSO from the Clerk

Community Safeguards

Cllr Mayer had read an article in the local paper on a community alert system with regular information coming through from the Devon police site. She would research this further. Cllr Baylis proposed adopting a “Whats App” in place of Neighbourhood Watch. This method of disseminating information might be better run by one individual to ensure compliance with GDPR.  She understood that Geoffey Baylis might be prepared to do this. Both these ideas were agreed in principle and a firm plan was needed for the next council meeting.

The Chairman reported that recent rumours on security had caused unnecessary concern amongst residents and it was important to establish actual facts before making public statements.    

The Red Lion Hotel

the sale seems to be progressing and contracts should soon be exchanged.


as Cllr Fairchild was absent from the meeting the delayed road warden training was not discussed.  The warning road signs advising 7.5 t vehicles are only permitted for access have yet to be erected. Cllr Jobson is to check that satellite navigation systems are updated accordingly.

Flood Prevention

Appletree Dam. The owner of the property has only recently died and so any resolution has been put on hold.

The culvert and under road drainage system is blocked once more. Both County Cllr Colthorpe & District Cllr Stanley will try and establish whether responsibility falls to SW Water or Highways.  

The Telephone Kiosk/Notice Board

progress is slow as to determine the best site for the notice board, to provide easy access without upsetting occupants of nearby properties. Discussion at the Parish AGM seems an appropriate time to debate and finalize arrangements. Cllr Baylis has offered use of a wall.  

The Playing Field

General maintenance is still outstanding.  Ownership of the fence needing attention is still to be determined. The idea of installing a Zip Wire to interest the older youngsters might possibly qualify for S106 funding. A rapid submission request might fulfil the current requirements. The total cost could be in the region of £7000. In order to satisfy the auditor’s concerns additional quotes for grass cutting will be sought. 


Tony Northcott had given a summary of the situation with work needed and possible funding for the “100 steps” under Item 3.

The Definitive Map Review

this request to update and check the accuracy of information held at DCC  led to the clerk being tasked to find a date for a suitable presentation for the majority. Attendance by Tony & Maggie Northcott is essential for any meaningful discussion.

Parish Council Elections 2019

Cllr Baylis put forward a very convincing proposal on the best way to encourage and include residents of Oakford Parish to stand for election to the parish council. She expressed concern that not all sections seem to be represented at present, Oakford Bridge for example.  The actual wording of the flier is still under debate. Clerk to draft an alternative letter.

Community Carols & Tree Lighting

the tree should be in situ by 25th November, Cllr Stevens could provide a tree if those already tasked fail. The Carol Service is planned for December 15th.


Nat West money available as at 31/11/2018 is £6207.80 A draft budget was circulated in advance of submitting a request for the annual precept. It was generally acknowledged that compared with other parishes with similar electorate numbers Oakford was falling short. With the possible event of a contested election and associated costs it was agreed that this precept figure should be substantially increased. The initial proposed budget for 2019/20 was £4250 – this will now be increased to £5250.

Planning  Applications/Outcomes

18/01175/PNCOU Use of agricultural building to residential, Western Farm – withdrawn

18/01253/PNAG Erection of a forestry shed, Castleland House – development acceptance

18/01676/FULL Removal of planning permission for a garage, Hamslade Farm

18/01493/CAT Tree works, Rowan House - no objection

18/01595/FULL The Artist Studio, extension to temporary occupation – awaiting decision

18/01711/MFULL Formation open silage clamp, Gibbet Moor Farm