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Minutes of the Meeting of Oakford Parish Council, held Monday 10th September 2018 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Members present

Chairman Cllr J Phillips Vice Chair Cllr J Mayer Cllr M Baylis  Cllr I Fairchild Cllr P Jobson Cllr T Rich Cllr R Stevens


Cllr D Mason

Declarations of Interest

none declared

The Public

there were 8 members of the public in attendance, including juveniles. Diane Murphy put forward a case for purchasing some additional pieces of equipment for the playing field. Her suggestions included a zip wire and ground level trampoline both specially designed as suitable for unsupervised play.  A unanimous vote resulted in approval after more research into cost. The Batsworthy fund was one possible source for funding, or the Locality Budget maximum £1000 for another. Any such purchase would be likely to come with maintenance costs and increase insurance.

Minutes of the Meetings held July 9th and August 22nd

these were approved and signed as a correct record. Cllr Rich did raise an issue with the wording at item 6 on the July 9t,h the minutes as not being totally clear as to any funding required would not come from existing funds.


County Council

the roadwork on the A361 has started but the contractor is prepared to take on board any issues which might arise and will be issuing regular updates. A Task Group at County Hall is considering the introduction and possible enforcement of 20mph speed limits on some roads. The Greater Exeter Strategic Plan is going forward to Mid Devon for comment and individuals and the parish councils are encouraged to respond. Stover Country Park and the Grand Western Canal Country Park have both been recognised as being in the Green Flag top 10 category. A vote for the overall winner can be made on line via #tag peoples choice. The Jamie Oliver “Sugar Smart” improvement to health campaign has been taken on board by DCC.

District Council

District Cllr Moore suggested that with the recent change to S106 funding, possible  application for projects  for  should be a regular feature on the agenda. The subject of The State of the District Debate this year will be “The Impact of Brexit” . The partial demolition of the Phoenix Lane car park is due to start next week. Landscaping for the pannier market has been agreed.  The 1st phase of the Tiverton Eastern Extension is beginning. The 3 Rivers Development began with an official launch. The Local Plan will be available for public view at the Tiverton Hotel 20/21st September.

Parish Councillors

Cllr Rich is still concerned with winter approaching about the dam at Appletree Cottage potentially affecting properties downstream.  As the owner is away long term but relatives occasionally visit to collect post it was suggested that either an independent approach was made to them requesting alteration to the dam or at least permitted access to the property. Alternatively the Chairman should be advised when relatives are in the vicinity so as to visit and liaise.

Cllr Rich was of the opinion that some thought the Parish Council had been spending too much time on planning issues at the expense of others.  She would like to see more PCSO presence in the area dealing with general security issues.  It was decided to try and request a PCSO attendance in November to discuss Rural Watch. Also the Rural Watch signs need replacing. Cllr Baylis suggested that a Whats App cascade adoption system for information might be useful.

Code of Conduct

As this was as sensitive matter following 2 written complaints it was decided to move this Item to Part 2 and exclude the public. The Chairman reminded the councillors of the principles to be adhered to when accepting the office of parish councillor.   

Elections 2019

The last parish council election was in 2003 and Cllr Stevens is the only elected parish councillor still serving. Cllr Baylis would like to ensure that the 2019 election is more democratic and wished to encourage residents from all over the parish to consider standing. The proposal to put an article in the parish magazine with this in mind was unanimously agreed Proposed Cllr Baylis, seconded Cllr Mayer.  Probably each prospective candidate should provide a written submission of their background and reason  for wishing to be considered.

The Red Lion 

The Chairman was amazed at the number of people who attended the Planning Meeting last month. The proposal for the parish council to fund an independent specialist valuation for the property as a public house is not required. Should MDDC wish to take this additional advice they will pay. The last leaseholder has submitted copies of the trading accounts and VAT returns to assist MDDC making a decision. 


Amazingly there seemed to be no serious issues to report. The best way to gain a quick response to serious pot holes repair is to use the DCC website –road- potholes- and then indicate the problem site on the map. 

The Playing Field

Following the annual RoSPA report some issues still need rectifying. David Murphy volunteered to remove the graffiti from the slide. Cllr Fairchild offered to clean and repaint the swings within a budget for materials of £50 from the council. Molehills have started to appear once again. The varnish donated for the Bench was unfortunately of the indoor variety. Cllr Mayer wanted to commend the Chairman on the success of the Pavillion Opening Day held in July.

The Telephone Kiosk

The BT apparatus has finally been removed. The idea to acquire a Victorian Box to replace the current structure is still a popular one.  Much discussion ensued as to the best site for a new notice board. Eventually it was decided to have a 12’ plywood template and try various sites to see where a new structure could be put, easily accessible to all without interfering with residential properties.


Reserve and Current account monies available 10/9/18   £7185.24

Cllr Rich drew attention to the small amount of interest generated by the Reserve Account was minimal and perhaps alternative arrangements should be sought. The Clerk agreed to look into the matter but the time and effort might involved might outweigh any significant difference. 

Payments were approved of £200 J Phillips for retrospective purchase of road signs, £720 Clerk half year salary, HMRC £180 and admin expenses to date £77.71

Planning Outcomes

18/00853/HOUSE Extension at Woodburn Water – permission granted

18/00856/CAT Application to fell 1 false cypress tree, St Peter’s Church – closed

18/00973/CAT Application to fell a wych elm, Longworth Holme Place – no objection

18/00822/FULL Variation of planning permission for repositioning a garage, Four Seasons Bungalow – grant permission

18/01253/PNAG Erection of a forestry shed, Castleland House – development accepted