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The Minutes of a Meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7.30 pm.


Cllr G Baylis (Chair), J Cousins, J Cridland, L Gould and J Mayer.

In attendance:

District Cllr A Moore, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

21/06/22. To receive apologies for absence. Apologies were accepted from Cllr Brain. Cllr Mayer had advised the Clerk that she would be late arriving.

22/06/22. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.

23/06/22. Public Forum.

Mr Phillips told councillors that it was his belief that anything that can be done to make the village a better place should be done. Some parishioners are upset that they are no longer allowed to take their dogs into the community area. About 50% have dogs and lots of dog owners did take their dogs into the community area. The PSPO is difficult to police and he has seen 6 dogs from outside of the parish using it. He asked the Parish Council to consider putting up a fence around the play equipment and offered to raise a substantial amount of money to pay for the fencing. The fence will have to be something suitable, that will last.The Parish Council will have to make sure that MDDC would be prepared to change the order and find out the charge. Cllr Moore offered to go away and find out what needed to be done. He didn’t think that it would be a major problem or a significant cost. Cllr Gould agreed with Mr Phillips and explained that she had been part of the discussion about issues with dogs in the village. Cllr Cousins noted that the member of the public who attended the last meeting had commented on the under use of the community area since the notice about the PSPO had been erected. He felt that if the 2 areas could be segregated safely it should be done. It would be a waste of space if it is underused. Dogs on or off their leads will be another discussion.

Action:   Cllr Moore to find out what needs to be done to change the PSPO and what the cost will be. The Clerk will add an item to the agenda for the next meeting to discuss this further. 

Mr Phillips left the meeting.

24/06/22. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2022 as an accurate record of the meetings.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chair.

25/06/22. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

County Cllr Chesterton had advised the Clerk that he had no update on the removal of part of the bank at Nethercott Lane, Oakford.

26/06/22. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

22/01064/Full Erection of mixed use livestock and storage agricultural building

Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 289190 123838 Westlake Farm, Oakford.

This is an extension to the building approved under 22/00437/Full.

Comment: Oakford Parish Council has no objections.

22/01128/CLU Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of land for siting of a mobile home (caravan) for residential purposes, associated external wooden decking area, garden/amenity area, car parking and vehicular access for a period in excess of 10 years.

Location: The Paddock, Spurway Mill, Oakford.

Councillors noted from the supporting documents that the mobile home has been used as a holiday let rather than residential and MDDC has been collecting business rates since April 2015. This application was received after the agenda had been circulated and councillors felt an extension was needed so the application could be discussed again at the next meeting.

Action: Cllr Moore to speak to the planning officer and ask for an extension.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

21/00277/Full Erection of dwelling following removal of agricultural barn

Location: Building at NGR 287477 124203, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

21/02549/LBC Listed Building Consent for the erection of a two storey extension following demolition of existing single storey structure, replacement of back staircase, existing cement render with lime render, stripping and re-slating existing roofs including adding roof insulation. Location: Lower Woodburn Farm. Oakford.

Decision: Listed Building consent granted.

22/00437/Full Erection of mixed use livestock and storage agricultural building.

Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 289197 123865 (Westlake Farm), Oakford.

Decision: conditional approval granted.

Cllr Mayer joined the meeting during the next item.

c) Any other planning matters.

It was reported that police had been called to an alleged domestic incident at the caravan that has been sited on the small area at Townwood. It was suggested that the siting of the caravan should be reported to planning enforcement.

27/06/22. Highways: any matters to note.

South West Water has applied for a road closure to complete utility works from outside Oakford Mill to Hamslade House, Road from Hamslade Cross to Oakford Bridge, Oakford. These works will take place between 04/07/22 and 23/07/22. 

Two temporary road closures applications have been received on behalf of Openreach The first is to close the road from Spurway Mill Cross to Wheatland Cross, near Old Police House from 23.03.22 to 13.07.22. The second is to close the road from Hamslade Cross to Oakfordbridge between 12.09.22 to 16.09.22, 8.00am to 6.00pm. Both are in order to install new fibre cabling. BT has authority to close the road to do this and DCC has no control.

28/06/22. Reports

a) County Cllr. Cllr Chesterton had emailed a report for May/June 2022 to the Clerk and this had been circulated to Councillors. The main points were:

Ukraine Refugee Situation - as of 18th May, subject to a successful visa application, currently some 1550 refugees are either due to arrive in Devon or are here as part of the scheme, around 900 adults and 650 children of school age – around 10% are over 60. They have been matched with some 600 sponsors/ properties.

In all, there have been 5,150 potential Devon sponsors in the DCC administrative area who have completed an expression of interest to host Ukrainian refugees. So far, over 150 applications for school places, with over 100 already allocated a school place. We are currently working through the huge list of properties to see whether they are suitable to house refugees and over 1800 enhanced DBS checks are in process on potential hosts over the age of 16.

Waste Management - Central Government are proposing to amend Controlled Waste Regulations 2012 (CWR2012) so that local residents cannot be charged for disposing of DIY created by their own work at local HWRCs and have proposed a list of materials that should be allowed and a suggested limit of 300 litres (their estimate of a car boot full) – this list include soil & rubble, plasterboard

and sanitary ware. The government have decided that this is not subject to New Burdens Doctrine (NBD) support and local authorities will be required to absorb associated costs, this is estimated to potentially cost DCC £2m.

Bus Service Improvement Plan - DCC been awarded £14.057 million for the next three years through the Government’s Bus Service Improvement Plan. It was one of 31 authorities to receive funding from the national programme to “level up” local bus services. The capital element of the funding for Devon is just over £8.8 million and represents most of the funding the County Council requested for infrastructure to improve bus priority and bus stops. However, the revenue allocation of £5.2 million, which goes towards service frequencies and fares for the next three years, falls significantly short of Devon's bid submission. Currently work is underway to look at what we can do with the £5.2m

North Devon Link Road - after an enforced slow down due to wating for the dormice to wake up or May 1st to come round, in line with the licence from Defra (whichever was the sooner) work is now progressing at pace again.

DCC Climate Emergency – the consultation on the report on the Citizens’ Assembly closed in the 2nd week of April, marking the end of the public input to the development of the Devon Carbon Plan. The final version of the Plan will be released for Devon Climate Emergency partners to endorse in August.

b) District Cllr. The report from a recent peer review challenge, where officers and members from another authority reviewed MDDC, said that MDDC was a ‘Good’ council and there was a sound financial steer.

The outturn for 2021-22 was £29,000 under budget. So far 2022-23 is looking okay but 2023-24 will be much harder.

MDDC’s Corporate Plan covers a period of 4 years and needs to be reviewed and updated. This work has started.

MDDC is looking at how it can communicate better.

The Government has given MDDC a grant of £2.8million for green improvements and this funding will be used to make lighting at the 3 leisure centres more energy efficient and air and ground sourced pumps will be installed.

MDDC is trying to get funding for a relief road for Cullompton. Cllr Moore reported that he had attended a presentation on the planned Cullompton Garden Village and the plans were very impressive. Railway stations for Cullompton and Wellington are 2 of the most advanced railway station projects in the country and this is part of the plans.

Cllr Moore noted the good job that Cllr Gould is doing to promote the problem of Himalayan Balsom and he asked for more information.

Action: Cllr Gould to provide more information about Himalayan Balsom to Cllr Moore.

29/06/22. Community Area

a) Cllr Brain to give a verbal report on the Community Area play equipment.

Cllr Brain had given his apologies for the meeting and had sent a report to the Clerk and Chair by email. The basket swing seat is now properly installed with the proper safety chains. The company that supplied the swing has updated their diagrams. The support leg is not twisted, it is just out of line (not straight) but is concreted in. An application of mastic is going to be applied to the gap/catch point on the slide to try and remedy that issue. Cllr Stevens has been told the owners of the adjoining field will be replacing the fence. He is getting a quote for the cost to take the wall down.

Action: Cllr Stevens to chase up the quote for removing the wall.

b) To report whether S106 funding can be used to remove the kick wall.

The S106 officer was on annual leave when the Clerk emailed her. The Clerk will contact her again and report at the next meeting.

Action: the Clerk to contact the S106 Officer again.

c) To minute that the plaque in memory of Richard Stevens has been fixed to the bench.

The plaque has now been fixed to the bench. Richard’s wife was shown it on the evening the beacon was lit and she was very pleased with the dedication. A photo was taken of family members with the bench and a framed copy will be given to them.

d) Clarification on the reporting of breaches of the PSPO. Originally the Parish Council was advised by an officer from Environmental Health that there could only be a prosecution if an offence was witnessed by an enforcement officer.

Cllr Stanley agreed to check this advice and emailed to say MDDC would prosecute if the person reporting the offence was prepared to give a witness statement. It is difficult in a small community to give your name when you are reporting someone you know and they will be made aware of who has reported them. Cllr Moore acknowledged the difficulties.

30/06/22. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payment: Mrs J Larcombe - £161.85 Clerk’s salary (Payment ref: 2223/08).

b) Renewal of insurance for 2022-23.

The Clerk presented another quote in addition to the invitation to renewal from Community First Insurance. Community First Insurance had been very late sending this out and it was unable to be discussed at the last meeting. It was agreed to renew the insurance with Community First Insurance on a three year long term agreement at a cost of £321.55 (Payment ref: 2223/09 Community First Trading Ltd))

c) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

An invoice from Stanbury Rural Services Ltd for £480.00 for P3 work has been paid (Payment ref: 2223/07). This is for a bridge repair on FP 5a and gatepost replacement on FP6.

The Current Account balance is £15,112.96 but a payment of £48.98 is still due to Cllr Mayer.

31/06/22. Final agreement of the Data Protection Policy.

The Data Protection Policy was agreed.

32/06/22. Feedback on the Platinum Jubilee events in Oakford.

It was reported that there had been a very good turnout for the lighting of the beacon on the Thursday night, 2nd June. The weather improved during the morning and there was a good social gathering on the Saturday of the Jubilee weekend. On the Sunday there was a good spread of food at the Red Lion.There was also a very good turnout for the parish photo. Councillors said well done to everyone who had been involved in organising the events for the long weekend, especially Kelvin.

33/06/22. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

There have not been any reports of smell.

34/06/22. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

DALC Newsletters.

MDDC – Details of Virtual Planning Training Session on July 20th on Biodiversity Net Gain.

DCC - Proposed changes to Countywide Parking Order reference IMR/B06948- 5868.

MDDC – notification of end to monthly Town and Parish Council Newsletters.

Cllr Mayer asked whether there was any update on MDDC providing a dog/general waste bin for Oakford. Cllr Moore will speak to Cllr Stanley.

Cllr Stevens will be reminded about the refurbishment of the seat in front of where the new notice board will be sited.

Actions: Cllr Moore to speak to Cllr Stanley to find out what he was told about the provision of a waste bin for Oakford.

Cllr Baylis to remind Cllr Stevens about the refurbishment of the seat in front of where the new notice board will sited.

35/06/22. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on 11th July 2022.

Cllr Cridland and Cllr Mayer gave their apologies.