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The Minutes of a Meeting of Oakford Parish Council held at Oakford Village Hall on Monday 14th March 2022 at 7.30 pm.


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), R Brain, J Cousins and J Mayer.

In attendance:

County Cllr R Chesterton, District Cllr R Stanley and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

165/03/22. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllrs L Gould and V Stevens.

166/03/22. Declarations of Interest.

It was noted that the applicant for planning application 22/00437/Full is Cllr Stevens, who was not present at the meeting.

167/03/22. Public Forum.

No members of the public present.

168/03/22. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14th February 2022 as an accurate record of the meetings.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed by the Chair.

169/03/22. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


170/03/22. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

22/00437/Full Erection of mixed use livestock and storage agricultural building

Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 289197 123865 (Westlake Farm), Oakford.

Comment: Oakford Parish Council has no objections.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

21/01468/House. Alterations to parking area. Location: Bakery Cottage, Oakford.

Decision: conditional approval granted.

It was noted that MDDC Tree Preservation Order No. 21/00009/TPO has been confirmed.

c) Any other planning matters.

Cllr Mayer asked whether any action had been taken regarding the unauthorised removal of some of the Devon bank at the end of Nethercott Lane. It is believed that this has been done to widen the road for lorries that are using the road to remove loads of wood from trees that have been felled. Cllr Chesterton was unaware of this and asked the Clerk to give him more information.

Action: the Clerk to email Cllr Chesterton with more details about the removal of the Devon bank at the end of Nethercott Lane.

171/03/22. Highways: any matters to note.

The road surface along Rookery Hill is due to be repaired in mid April. Cllr Baylis reported that a Townmead resident had a fall when they stepped into a pothole. Following the Clerk’s report to Highways in October that the ‘Slippery Road Surface’ warning signs on the B3227 near Black Aller Lane signs had been removed they have said that temporary signs will go up, followed by permanent when ready.  The road is down for repair in 22/23 and then signs will come down. Cllr Stevens has been trying to improve the access into soakways for rain water run off on some of the roads in the parish. There is still a lot of water on the roads as the recent heavy rain has been too much for the soakaways.

172/03/22. Reports

a) County Cllr.

A written report circulated by email prior to the meeting included the following information from Cllr Chesterton:

DCC passed their 2022/23 budget in February. The Government has announced that the Adult Social Care Precept is continuing for next year. This budget recommends to Council that a 1% Adult Social Care Precept is set to help fund valuable services. This increase along with a general council tax increase of 1.99% will mean an overall council tax increase of 2.99% next year which is an extra £45.18 for a Band D property. This budget was one of the most challenging the authority has ever faced. Investment of over £87 million is needed for DCC’s services next year and even with the increase in funding from Government that level of investment is not affordable without making significant savings and taking money from the Council’s reserves to support the young, the elderly and the most vulnerable in our communities.

Tiverton High School. DCC are in the process of putting a bid into government for the relocation and rebuilding of the school, this is being applied for as an ‘exceptional case’ due to flood risk. The first stage “Nomination” was submitted at the end of last month, which allows DCC to put in the “Bid”, which is the additional evidence needed, including evidence of the exceptional case. At this point design or masterplans are not requested and do not form part of the selection process.If successful, the delivering body (the Department for Education) would  engage/consult with school stakeholders on the delivery proposal.Broadband - Airband, who are contracted by CDS, are targeting how they can meet ‘hard to reach properties’ across Mid Devon with a fibre to the property roll out.They will be meeting with County and District councillors to discuss the problem areas on a ward-by-ward basis, to try to get local knowledge to help with creating as many solutions as possible. Cllr Chesterton asked people to email him to highlight problem areas in Tiverton West so as many as possible could be raised.Neighbourhood Highways Officer - following Steve Leigh’s retirement last year, there is now a new NHO to cover Tiverton West. Russell Hookway ( started in the middle of February.Recent Storms created a very busy few days in the Network Operations Control Centre. The majority of the call outs were to fallen or leaning trees, with some road closures for fallen tiles, or risk of falling tiles/ rooves/ other debris. Wind gusts at Taw Bridge Barnstaple reached 98.9mph (on the Friday morning) with the bridge being closed to all vehicles for a while and closed to high sided vehicles on and off over the weekend. Thousands of homes across the county saw power cuts for large parts of the weekend. The A396 in the Bampton/Cove area was blocked multiple times over the weekend by large trees falling across the road. Over 700 calls were taken and over 400 trees uprooted on our road network!20 mph Zones - DCC has a bid process open to allow local communities to request 20 mph zones in their area, these bids must be supported by town/parish councils and their local county councillor. Closing date is 31st March 2022.It was agreed to delegate power to Cllr Baylis, Cllr Brain and the Clerk to investigate whether Oakford Parish Council should request a 20 mph zone and make an application if appropriate.

Action: Cllr Baylis, Cllr Brain and the Clerk to investigate whether to request a 20 mph zone and make an application if appropriate.

Locality Budget – Cllr Chesterton still has money in the 2021/22 Locality budget Pot. The 22/23 pot is being reduced from £10,000 to £8,000 per division, any unused money from this year will be rolled over.

b) District Cllr.

Cllr Stanley reported that a balanced budget for 2022-23 had been presented to Cabinet and Full Council and had been approved. MDDC will look at Oakford’s request for a litter/dog waste bin again as the survey was done at the wrong time of year. The comment in the grass cutting quote from Mr Hill about the amount of dog waste on the area he cuts at the entrance to the village should also be used to support the request. Photos could also be taken.

173/03/22. Community Area

To consider the report from the annual inspection of the community area by Rospa.

The inspection was carried out on 4th March 2022 and the Council has received a full report. Cllr Brain reported on the following points that need addressing.

Pathways/Bridge (Risk level very low) - decaying timber. Recommendation to review routinely. It was suggested that a working party could replace any timber that needs replacing and they could look at putting something on the surface that is walked on to reduce how slippery it is.

Gates (Risk level low) - to be replaced. New gates have been ordered.

Fencing Risk level low) – field side fence posts timber is rotting, advised to replace the rotten timbers. The fencing is believed to belong to the adjacent landowner but they will be asked whether they would mind the Council putting in a small number of new posts.

Slide (Risk level low) - toggle entrapment at top of slide. May be possible to hammer metal to shape to remove risk.

Toddler swing (Risk level low) - rubber seat is degrading on one seat. Needs replacing when metal is exposed. It was agreed to replace both. Cllr Mayer suggested replacing one of the swing seats with something else but there were concerns about safety.

Junior swing (Risk level low) - remove shackle bolt and check bush and shackle pin wear, replacing if necessary. This will be checked.

Skateboard ramp – this is privately owned, but should be used away from play equipment.

Swing - Basket (Risk level medium) - both secondary safety chains are too long and not correctly connected. Repair to correct manufacturer's specification. One support leg has been installed twisted. Monitor for any movement and if found reinstall. The warranty for the equipment will be checked and if it is still active the manufacturer will be asked to remedy the defects.

Petanque Piste (Risk level low) – the surface has untended weeds. Remove grass and top-up loose fill.

Goal Posts (Risk level medium) - clean off algae. Supports to posts are exposed. Modify to cover exposed concrete, or remove. Agreed to remove the set of posts where the concrete is coming through and to ensure the other set is compliant.

Kick wall (Risk level medium) - clean up litter and moss and remove encroaching vegetation. It was suggested that an application could be made for funding to remove the wall. Cllr Stanley suggested using S106 funding and thought that there was still funding available to Oakford to do this.

Action: Cllr Stanley to find out whether S106 funding is available.

It was queried whether the report would have any affect on the Council’s public liability insurance. There are no high risks and the Council is showing due diligence in agreeing what actions need to be taken as a result of the report.

To agree the grass cutting contract for 2022.

It was agreed to accept the quote from Chris Hill (Community area - 10 cuts with strimming included at £900. Additional cuts by agreement at £90 per cut. Area at the entrance to the village near the sign and seat at £30 per cut). Councillors recognised that three quotes had not been obtained for this work because of the difficulties in finding contractors willing to take on the grass cutting and strimming. Mr Hill provides a reliable service and councillors are pleased with the quality of his work.

Update on the ordering of the plaque for the bench to commemorate Richard Stevens.

The plaque has been ordered and received and will be put on the bench.

Action: Cllr Baylis to arrange to fix the plaque to the bench.

It was reported that photos and a video have been taken of a person still taking their dog in to the community area despite the PSPO and these have been sent to the Community Officer. The Community Officer has said that despite the video and photos they cannot take any action unless they see it for themselves. This appears to be a contradiction to action that can be taken for dog fouling and Cllr Stanley will follow this up.

Action: Cllr Stanley to check whether the Community Officer can use photos and videos from members of the public to take action when there is a breach of the PSPO.

Cllr Chesterton left the meeting at this point.

174/03/22. Finance

a) To note the National Salary Award for 2021-22 and agree the new rate of pay for the Clerk (Backdated to 1st April 2021). The new rate of pay was agreed, backdated to 1st April 2021.

b) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment. It was resolved to make the following payments:

Mrs J Larcombe - £191.88 Clerk’s salary including backdated pay increase (Payment ref: 2122/27)

Playsafety - £100.00 annual play area and equipment inspection (Payment ref: 2122/28)

Cllr J Mayer - £23.95 repayment for plaque for bench (Payment ref: 2122/29).

The Clerk reported that the bank balance was £9,858.24.

There were no receipts since the last meeting.

c) Online banking update. Cllr Brain and the Clerk have now received their cards, card readers and details to login to the online account.

175/03/22. To agree a Data Protection Policy.

A draft policy was circulated prior to the meeting. This will be agreed at the April meeting when councillors have had time to consider it properly and suggest any amendments.

176/03/22. To discuss arrangements for the Co-option Meeting.

The closing date for applications has been extended to 21st March. Arrangements will be made after the closing date to meet with any applicants on 31st March.

Action: Cllr Baylis and the Clerk to make arrangements for councillors to meet applicants on 31st March, after the closing date.

177/03/22. Report from the meeting to arrange events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The Parish Council will organise the lighting of a beacon at a location close to the village centre on the Thursday evening (2nd June).

There are currently no events planned for Friday 3rd June.

On Saturday 4th June there will be a ‘Party in the Park’ and games in the community area.

On Sunday 5th June there will be a street party/afternoon tea and a village photograph.

Another meeting to make arrangements will be held on 28th March. There is no obligation to have public liability insurance for a small party.

There is £200 in the 2022-23 Parish Council budget to contribute towards the cost of the celebrations.

Cllr Baylis has created a new page on the website to publicise the events over the weekend and a timetable could be printed.

178/03/22. Update on the sewerage treatment works.

A member of the public has reported to SWW that they were experiencing sewerage smells after heavy rain or when an overflow of sewage from the tank has occurred. They forwarded the email they received in response to Cllr Baylis. In the email the Customer Manager said that they had spoken with the Area Manager who explained that he visited the site on 25 February 2022, and there were no odours. The sample he took was excellent so the treated effluent SWW is discharging is well within their permit and is not causing any environmental impact. The Customer Services Manager also wanted to make the parishioner aware, that the treatment works is more than sufficient size for the population of Oakford and does not need upgrading as it is working perfectly well. However, they have made a slight change to the process on site which will give the grass on the grass plots a chance to grow for the coming weeks. This is something that is done every year though and everything is working as it should.The site was last tanker’d in January so there is no need to do this again anytime soon but they will keep on top of this. If they experience these smells again they were advised to call their 24 hour Helpline on 0344 346 2020 so that arrangements can be made for a SWW Engineer to visit and investigate further when this is happening. The parishioner will also inform Cllr Baylis when this is happening again so that he can smell it for himself.

Action: Cllr Baylis to check on the smell from the sewerage treatment plant when alerted.

179/03/22. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

DALC Newsletters

MDDC Town & Parish Newsletter March 2022. This included the details of the next planning training session on 7th April at 2pm which will be about S106 agreements.

MDDC – State of the District Debate 5th April 2022

Cllr Baylis reported that he had been looking at the Plan Mid Devon Issues Consultation and found there were 58 questions to answer.

18003/22. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on 11th April 2022 at 7.30pm.

Cllr Cousins gave his apologies. Cllr Mayer said she might not be able to attend.

Action: the Clerk to email councillors to check whether they are planning to attend the meeting to ensure the meeting will be quorate.

The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.