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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on December 12th and might be subject to slight amendment.

The Minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall on Monday 14th November 2022 at 7.30 pm


Cllr G Baylis (Chair), R Brain, J Cousins, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance: the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

80/11/22. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr L Gould and Cllr J Cridland. Apologies were received from County Cllr R Chesterton and District Councillors A Moore and R Stanley who were attending a MDDC meeting.

81/11/22. Declarations of Interest.

The Clerk declared a pecuniary increase in item 90/11/22 and increases to the NALC pay scales.

82/11/22. Public Forum.

No members of the public present.

83/11/22. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 10th October 2022 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.

84/11/22. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

No matters arising.

85/11/22. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

22/01995/TPO Application to reduce 1 Rowan and 1 Birch tree by 4m protected by Tree Preservation Order 21/00009/TPO. Location: Bakery Cottage, Oakford.

Comment: If MDDC are of the view that these trees should be protected by a TPO the Parish Council are concerned that the trees will be killed if they are cut back by 4m.

22/02117/FULL Installation of external biomass boiler and shipping container for use as Kiln. Location: Land at NGR 286661 120656, Bickham Park, Rackenford.

Comment: no objections.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

22/00124/Full Erection of dwelling for use as holiday let following demolition of existing Barn. Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 287183 122509 North Esworthy, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

c) Public consultation on an Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document and Non Statutory Interim Planning Policy Statement: Climate Emergency.

The Parish Council will not complete the consultation, which runs from 24th October to 16th December. Cllr Baylis will make parishioners aware of the consultation.Action: Cllr Baylis to make parishioners aware of the consultation.

d) To report that the Village Hall Committee and Oakford Players cannot apply for S106 funding as it cannot be used for storage facilities.

MDDC’s S106 Officer has confirmed that this project is not eligible for S106 funding. It was suggested that an application could be made to the Batsworthy Wind Farm Community Grant Fund.

e) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

86/11/22. Highways: any matters to note or report.

The area on Hamslade Hill which had collapsed following utility works has had a temporary repair. The road surface at Black Cat is pitted and in a poor condition. Although this is not in Oakford parish, councillors were encouraged to report it online.

87/11/22. Reports

a) County Cllr.

No report.

b) District Cllr.

Cllr Moore reported the following by email: MDDC is in the first round of budget considerations which, as with the national picture, are challenging like never before. Councillors will have seen a request that local Parishes consider taking on non-statutory services in lieu of MDDC as part of that.  It is highly likely that the Council is going to have to raise charges where it can, at least in line with inflation, noting that many of them have not moved for up to 3 years. The painful alternative would be service cuts, which may be needed nonetheless. The budget will be finalised over coming months for final approval in February.

88/11/22. Community Area: update on ordering of fencing materials and applying for S106 funding.

The materials have been delivered and Cllr Stevens reported that he was pleased with the quality. The S106 application asks for 3 quotes. Cllr Stevens will try to obtain 2 more quotes. The fencing will be put up in the spring when the ground isn’t as wet. Cllr Stevens confirmed that he would check for drains when he is putting the posts in.

89/11/22. Update on request for a waste bin in Oakford.

MDDC are still resisting the request for a waste bin and want to do another survey. It was suggested that the Parish Council purchase its own bin and empty it. This will be added to the agenda for the next meeting so that Cllr Mayer can obtain prices and councillors can consider the best location. It was felt that a 30 litre bin would be a suitable size.

Actions: Cllr Mayer to obtain prices for a waste bin. Clerk to add to next agenda.

90/11/22. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

Since the last meeting the NALC Pay Scales for 2022-23 have been agreed and the recommendation is that the increase should be backdated to 1st April 2022.It was agreed to pay the Clerk the increase to her pay scale and back date it to 1st April 2022.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

Mrs J Larcombe - £244.60 Clerk’s salary for October, back pay and postage

(Payment ref: 2223/17)

Mr A Northcott - £40.50 mileage expenses to attend P3 event at Hawkchurch

(Payment ref: 2223/18)

The Clerk reported that a payment of £1,844.62 had been made to McVeigh Parker to pay for fencing materials for the community area. 

It was agreed that the Parish Council would pay the cost of the electricity used by the lights on the village Christmas tree.

b) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

No receipts since the last meeting. The bank balance is £8077.92.

A VAT refund of £1,364.91 has been applied for.

c) Bank reconciliation 30.09.22.

The Clerk has arranged for Cllr Cousin to check the bank reconciliations at the end of the meeting.

d) To consider budget v actual for April to September 2022.

The report was noted and there were no areas of concern.

The Parish Council will need to agree its 2023-24 budget and precept request at the January 2023 meeting. Following the meeting on December 14th a working party will discuss and cost capital projects for 2023-24.

91/11/22. Update on moving the defibrillator to the phone box.

Cllr Baylis has spoken to Jessica Courtney at SWAST and she has confirmed that the existing metal casing is part of our contract, so that would have to be kept for now, but it’s perfectly alright to have it installed in the phone box. By the time the defibrillator contract is due for renewal in 2025 the Rotaid container which Community Heartbeat (CHT) recommends (and which SWAST are issuing currently on new contracts) will have been replaced by a newer model, so the Council will get the latest solution then. It was agreed to go ahead and accept the quote of £350 + VAT from CHT.

Actions: Cllr Mayer to contact CHT.

92/11/22. Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations to ensure they are still fit for purpose.

The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were reviewed and it was agreed that they were fit for purpose with no change.

93/11/22. To discuss the letter from MDDC Deputy Chief Executive (S151) Andrew Jarrett.

The letter explained that the recent inflationary pressures facing councils at all levels of community representation have meant that councils are now charged with the most rigorous prioritisation of public expenditure seen since the austerity programme implemented in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. This current financial challenge is already adding circa £1m of unplanned costs to the Council’s 2022/23 financial position and is highly unlikely to return to anything like “normal” before they set their 2023/24 budget. Based on current and future projections of inflation, interest rates, levels of government funding, referendum limits, pay awards, service demand/usage levels, etc., MDDC are estimating a budget gap of £2.111m for 2023/24 growing to £5.219m by 2025/26. In order to retain the majority of the service provision that communities rely on MDDC are asking for help from town and parish councils. Councillors agreed there was nothing they could take on.

94/11/22. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

No issues reported.

95/11/22. Correspondence:

The following correspondence was noted:

DALC Newsletters

MDDC press releases

MDDC - New Policy Statement to Support Climate Emergency

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Newsletter - October 2022

Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme

Heart of the South West Trading Standards Service – Avian Influenza information

MDDC – Let’s Talk Mid Devon Residents Survey October 2022

Saving Devon’s Treescapes Project offer of a free Landmark Tree to every parish in Devon. The tree will be bare rooted and so will need to be planted before the end of March.  Species available are: oak, field maple, silver birch, crab apple, cherry, whitebeam, rowan, small leaved lime. They will try to meet any preference for a particular species but cannot guarantee it. It was agreed to ask for a cherry. The tree could be planted in the community area.

Action: the Clerk to reply to the email and ask for a cherry tree.

96/11/22. To agree the date of the next meeting:

The next meeting will be held on 12th December 2022.