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The Minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall on Monday 10th October2022 at 7.30 pm


Cllr G Baylis (Chair), R Brain, J Cridland, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance:

County Cllr R Chesterton, District Cllr R Stanley, Mr J Phillips, four members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

64/10/22. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr J Cousins and Cllr L Gould.

65/10/22. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

Cllr Stanley joined the meeting during the next item.

66/10/22. Public Forum.

A former chair of the Parish Council said he was aware the Local Government Association recommends that councils should carry out surveys before making decisions that affect the community and asked for the results of the survey that was carried out before the Parish Council agreed the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to be published. Equality legislation should also have been taken into consideration but in his opinion the PSPO discriminated against some people. While he has a large garden he was aware some people have a small garden or no garden at all. He asked who owned the community area and had they been consulted about the PSPO. Cllr Baylis explained it was owned by the Parish Council.

The original deeds had been lost during the great flood but the PC has a possessory title from the Land Registry and will have full title in 2024. MDDC introduced a PSPO across public spaces in mid Devon, including the Oakford community area. The whole site is covered by the PSPO because the play equipment is not separated from the rest of the field.

Another member of the public complained about the PSPO. Due to his health issues he is unable to walk up hills and needs to walk his dog somewhere flat such as the community area. He complained that some people had brought their dogs to the Platinum Jubilee events on the community area despite the PSPO. He disagreed with fencing off a small area preventing children playing on other parts of the field. He claimed the field was rarely used and on the odd occasion there was any dog faeces left on the field he disposed of it. He also asked why the decision had been taken to knock down the kick wall. He told councillors they had the choice not to have a PSPO, claiming that erecting a fence was an unnecessary cost. Cllr Baylis explained the Parish Council was in the process of changing the PSPO and the former chair asked if it could be lifted in entirety. Cllr Stanley said it could be amended. Cllr Brain told the members of the public that the matter had been discussed at length over a number of months. The minutes showed there had been lengthy discussion. It is rare that members of the public attend Parish Council meetings and councillors are attentive to what members of the parish ask for when they do. Mr Phillips attended a meeting to ask about the PSPO and there was a lengthy discussion. Cllr Brain said he had seen dog faeces on the field on a number of occasions, including when he was carrying out inspections. There will be an area without dog faeces for children to play in and it will have a country style fence and gate. Dogs will be allowed on the majority of the field. Fencing off an area was discussed very thoroughly and councillors had decided this was the way forward. The former chair said the biggest offenders for not picking up after their dogs were visitors to Oakford who walk from the pub to the community area and the pub should give them information and ask them to pick up after their dogs. Cllr Stevens said the fence would also keep children safe from dogs that were off the lead in the other area.

Cllr Phillips asked about progress with quotes for the fencing. There was also a question about timescale. A quote has been obtained and the aim is to complete the fencing by the end of October.

The Parish Council were asked whether S106 funding could be used to purchase storage units to increase storage space for the Village Hall and the Oakford Players. These would be sited by the village hall. Details will be emailed to Cllr Stanley and he will speak to the S106 Officer to see if the funding can be used for this use.

Action: Cllr Mayer to email information to Cllr Stanley so he can speak to the S106 Officer to check whether the funding can be used for this.

The members of the public left the meeting.

67/10/22. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 8th August 2022 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed by the Chair.

68/10/22. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

No matters arising.

69/10/22. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

No applications received.

b) To note the comment submitted for 22/01678/CAT 

Notification of intention to fell 1 Sycamore, 2 Birch, 1 Cherry and 1 Field Maple within the Conservation Area. Location: The Old School House, Oakford. Comment: Oakford Parish Council consider the trees add to, and are part of, the amenity of that area, and unless there is disease in any of them, they should be kept. 

c) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

22/01064/Full Erection of mixed-use livestock and storage agricultural building.

Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 289190 123838, Westlake Farm, Oakford.

Decision: conditional approval granted.

22/01116/House Erection of single storey extension and porch. Location: Highfield

Gate, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

22/01678/CAT Notification of intention to fell 1 Sycamore, 2 Birch, 1 Cherry and 1 Field Maple within the Conservation Area. Location: The Old School House, Oakford. Decision: MDDC has no objection to the works described.

d) To note the Neighbourhood Plan for Tiverton parish will go to a local referendum on Thursday 17 November 2022.


e) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

70/10/22. Highways: any matters to note or report.

Hamslade Hill was closed for a period for utility work but after it was repaired and reopened it collapsed in one area. This has been looked at by Highways and it is marked for repair but it is not known when this will be done. The Parish Council will keep an eye on it and report it again if it gets worse.

The road from Pinkworthy Cross into Stoodleigh parish is due to have work carried out to the surface at some time in 2023.

Tiverton West does not have a Neighbourhood Highways Officer at present.

Cllr Chesterton had not found out whether permission had been given for the byeway at Spurway Mill to be resurfaced.

Cllr Cridland said that after the HGV got stuck on Hangmans Hill she had reported the inadequate warning signage at one end of the road. The response she got back was that it was adequate. This was despite the other end having a sign warning that it was unsuitable for HGV’s.

71/10/22. Reports

a) County Cllr.

A written report from Cllr Chesterton will be circulated by email. Cllr Chesterton reported that DCC had been hit hard by inflation. The costs of some services have been hit harder than others. This is an ongoing situation and there will be work to do to set a balanced budget for 2023-24. Jan Shadbolt has returned to DCC to be the Interim Chief Executive. The closing date for applications for the Chief Executive vacancy is 20th

b) District Cllr.

Cllr Stanley reported on the thefts of equipment in Stoodleigh parish. A tractor has been stolen recently.

The three weekly non-recyclable waste collection system has now started.

Cllr Andrew Moore has left the Conservative group on the Council.

Action: The Clerk to circulate Cllr Chesterton’s report.

Cllr Chesterton left the meeting.

72/10/22. Community Area

Any points to note from inspections of the community area.

Cllr Brain reported that he had given the inspection reports for August and September to the Clerk. He told councillors he would not carry out an inspection every month during the winter.

The exposed concrete around the goal posts has been covered and the only outstanding item from the 2022 Rospa inspection report is the toggle entrapment at the top of the slide.

Cllr Stevens and Mr Leigh were thanked for removing the kick wall.

Cllr Mayer said there had been information in one of the DALC bulletins about funding for hedges. When the boundary fence has been replaced some trees or shrubs could be planted in front of it.

Update on the S106 application.

A quote for the fencing materials has been given to the Clerk and she will complete the application form.

Action: Clerk to complete the S106 application form for the play equipment fencing.

73/10/22. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

Mrs J Larcombe - £323.70 Clerk’s salary for August and September (Payment ref: 2223/14)

Cllr Stevens declared a personal and pecuniary interest in the next payment as he assisted with the work carried out. He took no part in the agreement of the payment.

Dave Leigh Plant Hire - £1,200.00 demolition of kick wall in the community area, removal of rubble and reinstatement of site (Payment ref: 2223/15).

A quote was received for this work and this was accepted between the August and October meetings as the September meeting had to be cancelled due to the death of the Queen.

b) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

Since the last meeting there has been a receipt of £100 towards the Community Area. This is the proceeds from a quiz night organised by Cllr Gould and Cllr Cridland (and their partners).

The Current Account balance is £11,446.24.

c) Bank reconciliation 30.09.22.

Carried forward.

d) To consider budget v actual for April to September 2022.

Deferred to the next meeting.

e) Option to opt out of the SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would not opt out.

74/10/22. To discuss moving the defibrillator to the phone box.

The defibrillator is temporarily being housed by Cllr Mayer as the property it was sited on was undergoing extensive renovations. In an email to all councillors Cllr Mayer had suggested installing the defibrillator in the ex-phone box, owned by the Parish Council, and there was broad agreement. Cllr Baylis reported that he had spoken to the Community Heartbeat Trust who would be able to arrange the retention of the electricity supply in the phone box with BT and the installation of the defibrillator in the phone box. BT will cover the cost of the electricity for a few years. CHT have quoted £350.00 plus VAT for this work. They are also able to supply a new case for it and have quoted for different options. Cllr Brain was concerned about changing the casing and asked for the contract with SWAST to be checked. It was agreed that subject to agreement from SWAST the quote from CHT would be accepted.Another defibrillator training session will be arranged in early 2023.

Action: Cllr Baylis to contact SWAST to check their agreement and contact CHT to arrange the installation of the defibrillator in the phone box if appropriate.

75/10/22. To consider a request from Oakford Village Hall Committee and the Oakford Players to apply for S106 funding for storage units.

This was discussed under item 66/10/22.

76/10/22. To note correspondence from LCWO stating that Footpath 10, Stoodleigh, is for pedestrian use only.

An email from Amanda Barrett on behalf of LCWO (Lower Champles Wood Owners) was noted. It was reported that some local people were upset that they could no longer ride on this path and were considering making a right of way claim that this path had been used as a bridleway for more than 20 years. It has now been agreed that local people can ride along the path but not a hunt. The Chair of Stoodleigh Parish Council has informed the hunt that they cannot use the path. Cllr Cridland reported that she and Cllr Gould have started a dialogue with the owners who are adopting more of a conservation approach.

77/10/22. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

Councillors were not aware of any issues.

78/10/22. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

     DALC Newsletters

     MDDC press releases

     Mid Devon Parish Review – second stage of consultation. There have not been any

     requests for any changes for Oakford parish.

     Devon Community Resilience Forum virtual event 14-16 November. Cllr Baylis has

     attended previous training. 

79/10/22. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on 14th November 2022.

Cllr Cridland gave her apologies. Cllr Gould has also given her apologies.