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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting to be held on 15th May and may be subject to slight amendment

The Minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall on Tuesday 11th April 2023 at 7.30 pm.


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), R Brain, J Cousins, J Cridland, L Gould and J Mayer.

In attendance:

Mr D Bannister, Wildlife Warden for Oakford, and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

163/04/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr V Stevens.

164/04/23. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.

165/04/23. Public Forum.

Mr Bannister explained to the Parish Council how he had applied to the Mid Devon Wildlife Scheme and had become accepted as a Wildlife Warden for Oakford. The Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme exists to support parishes in Mid Devon with environmental projects focussing on nature, gardens, public spaces and farming and they would like to have at least 2 volunteers in each parish. He would like to find out what wildlife projects Oakford parishioners would like to see through a feasibility study. He asked for any support the Parish Council could give him in his volunteer role and asked if details could be put on the website. He would like to find out what people are concerned about and what are their major worries. Once a project is identified he will be able to speak to his co-ordinator to try and access funding. As an example, New Prosperity Devon did a pilot project in the Crediton area where they managed to get a group together to improve verges. From that success they are trying to roll out schemes across Devon. New Prosperity Devon is funded by the UK Community Renewal Fund.Mr Bannister was asked if there was a focus on what types of wildlife they are looking at. Different areas have different things. Oakford has dormice. Through the scheme he does have access to wildlife experts for support and he would like to make contact with any professional conservation people in the parish. Cllr Mayer suggested a working relationship with the P3 Co-ordinator. Cllr Baylis suggested putting together information to go on the notice board and offered IT support. There will probably be advice available on how to put together the information.

166/04/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2023 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chair.

167/04/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

The Hedgehog Highway Scheme was noted as an item of correspondence at the last meeting but not discussed. It was felt that this was more directed to an urban landscape. Hedgehogs don’t have too much trouble getting around in Oakford.

Cllr Mayer reported that Cllr Stanley had spoken to a planning officer to find out whether Oakford Village Hall Committee would need planning permission to put cladding on the outside of the village hall and he has advised that only a minor application would be necessary. By that point the committee had already contracted professional support to submit the application.

Cllr Gould gave a summary of actions taken to revolve the way marker issue raised  by a parishioner at the last Parish Council Meeting. Tony Northcott, Oakford’s P3 warden, walked the PROW that passes through the parishioner’s property and they were able to take him to the way marker nailed to the tree. Tony Northcott and Cllr Gould, met to review the way markers and the way marker on the tree was removed. A new way marker was placed to give a clearer indication of the path and prevent walkers straying into the parishioner’s woodland. A post wasn’t felt to be needed. Other way markers were straightened and tidied up to ensure a clear route is adhered to. The parishioner was reported to be happy with what had been done. Cllr Gould said it is not ideal to nail signs to trees, and she didn’t like it, but having spoken to 3 arborists, and researching online, it is not something that will kill an established tree.

Cllr Gould has been through the file for leaflets on walks in the parish and has put in new plastic folders and the Countryside Code. Walks can be downloaded from the parish website and printed.

168/04/23. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

No applications received.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/00179/TPO Application to reduce 1 Rowan tree and 1 Birch tree protected by Tree Preservation Order 21/00009/TPO by 2m. Location: Bakery Cottage, Oakford. Decision: consent granted.

c) Update on response to letter sent to MDDC regarding criteria for decisions on PNAG applications.

The Clerk reported that there was no update. She had emailed Angharad Williams to ask whether there would be a response in time for this meeting but received an automatic reply saying that Ms Williams was on leave until 24th Councillors recognised that it made sense for her to take annual leave during a period of little political activity due to the upcoming District Council elections. The Clerk will send a regular reminder until a response to the letter is received. Stoodleigh Parish Council has also written to Ms Williams to support the points made by Oakford Parish Council.

d) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

169/04/23. Highways:

a) Any matters to note or report.

It was noted that warning signs had been placed on roads around the poor road surface at Black Cat.

It was reported that a piece of road had washed away between Chapels Farm and Ford Moor Cross and there is a pothole opposite.

b) Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill.

Cllr Baylis has spoken to the Neighbourhood Highways Officer and Cllr Chesterton and asked for them to look at this to see what can be done. Cllr Cridland said she had reported the flooding at Stuckeridge online and had received a response that it had been inspected on 23rd March. She has added photos and a report and will keep reporting the flooding until it is resolved.

c) Updated signage for Hangmans Hill.

Cllr Baylis has spoken to the Neighbourhood Highways Officer and Cllr Chesterton and a site meeting will be arranged and members of Stoodleigh Parish Council invited.

170/04/23. Reports - County Cllr Report.

No report.

171/04/23. Community Area:

Any points to note from inspections of community area.

a) Cllr Brain reported that he had carried out one of his regular inspections and had given the report to the Clerk. He reported that the moles had been very busy and he had found dog mess on the field during his inspection. He will carry out one more inspection before his term of office as a councillor comes to an end. Someone else will then need to be found to carry out the regular inspections.

b) To discuss the report from the Rospa inspection of the Community Area.

The report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Councillors were disappointed that Rospa had repeated the comments made last year about the installation of the basket swing despite assurances being obtained from the suppliers that the swing had been installed correctly. The comments about the bridge were noted and the replacement of decayed boards will be looked into. Cllr Stevens will fill in the gap between the hedge and the new entrance gates.

Actions: The Council to look into replacing decayed boards on the bridge.

Cllr Stevens to fill the gap between the hedge and the entrance gates.

c) Quote document for grass cutting for 2023.

Cllr Brain and the Clerk have put together a specification which includes the amount of public liability insurance that needs to be provided. Cllr Baylis will add a map to identify the areas that need to be cut and the opportunity to quote will be advertised.

Action: Cllr Baylis to add location maps to the grass cutting specification.

d) To minute the awarding of the S106 grant funding application for fencing materials.

The funding for the cost of the fencing has now been received from MDDC.

e) To consider the installation of a path.

The possibility of installing a path from the community area entrance to the gateway in the new fencing around the play equipment will be for the new Parish Council to consider.

f) Any matters to note.

No matters to note.

172/04/23. Update on the purchasing and siting of the second waste bins.

Cllr Mayer will try once more to obtain the bin from the pest controller that she has been speaking to. If this is not successful other options will be looked at.

Action: Cllr Mayer to contact the pest controller once more about purchasing a bin.

173/04/23. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

Devon Association of Local Councils - £ .40 Annual membership charge (Payment reference: 2324/01)  

Oakford Village Hall - £218.75 Hire of committee room for 2022-23 meetings (Payment ref: 2324/02)

Playsafety Ltd - £102.60 Annual inspection of play equipment (Payment ref: 2324/03)

Mrs J Larcombe - £140.05 Clerk’s salary (Payment ref: 2324/04)

The Clerk reported that she hadn’t received her payment agreed at the March meeting. Cllr Baylis had set the payment up for approval. The Clerk questioned whether the bank account was fit for purpose as she, despite being the RFO, is still not able to set up payments as she is not a signatory.

b) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

S106 funding of £1,537.18 to cover the cost of the fencing materials for the Community Area was received on 5th April.

The Current Account balance is £9947.45. A payment of £199.85 to the Clerk is still outstanding from the last meeting.

c) To note the preparation for the completing of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

The Clerk has received the form and is preparing the paperwork for the Internal Auditor.

174/04/23. Update on CHT moving the defibrillator to the phone box.

An appointment has been made for 3pm on 26th April.

175/04/23. To report on the nominations for election to the Parish Council.

MDDC received nominations from Geoff Baylis, Julie Cridland, Lucy Gould, Francesca Cross and James Levick and they have been elected uncontested. This leaves 3 vacancies and the Parish Council can co-opt to fill them. The co-option process will start very soon and will be advertised on the notice board and website.

Action: Clerk to produce a notice advertising the opportunity to be co-opted onto the Parish Council.

176/04/23. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

No issues reported.

177/04/23. Correspondence:

The following correspondence was noted:

 DALC Newsletters

 MDDC press releases

 The Clerk has received a letter from the Chair of the Oakford Fete Committee asking for permission to use the community field for a village fete and dog show on Saturday July 1st. The Fete Committee does not have public liability insurance cover and requested to use the Council’s insurance to operate as far as the Council’s responsibilities for users apply. The Parish Council agreed to give permission for the village fete to be held subject to the fete committee carrying out a risk assessment and having public liability insurance. Unless the PSPO is amended before the 1st July dogs will not be allowed on the field and the dog show will not be able to be held. MDDC would be able to give advice. The Parish Council’s insurance will not cover the event as the Parish Council is not organising it. Should the cost of purchasing the insurance be a reason for the fete not being  held the committee should make the Parish Council aware so that options can be considered.

Action: The Clerk to reply to the letter.

178/04/23. To discuss arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on 22nd April.

Arrangements have been made for a defibrillator training session to be held at 10am before the Annual Parish Meeting at 12pm on Saturday 22nd April. The Chair made the council aware of one of the regulations for holding an Annual Parish Meeting is that it must not start before 6pm. It was felt that more people were likely to attend the APM if it was held after the defibrillator training session than if it was rearranged for a weekday evening. It was agreed to go ahead and hold the APM as planned. The Moorland Ladies, Oakford Players, Bellringers, Tony Northcott P3 Footpath Warden and David Bannister, Oakford Wildlife Warden, will all be invited to give a presentation at the meeting. The Parish Council will pay for tea, coffee and cakes.

Action: Cllr Baylis to invite groups as above.

179/04/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 15th May 2023. This will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

The Chair thanked Cllr Brain and Cllr Cousins, who have decided not to stand again, for their hard work while serving on the Parish Council.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm