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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting to be held on 11th September and may be subject to slight amendment

The minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 14th August 2023


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), J Cridland, F Cross, L Gould, J Levick, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance

County Cllr R Chesterton, District Cllr R Gilmour and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

52/08/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from District Cllr C  Adcock.

53/08/23. Declarations of Interest.

No declarations of interest at this point.

54/08/23. Public Forum.

Cllr Mayer, as a member of the Oakford Bell Ringers, gave a report on behalf of John Phillips on the progress with fund raising to refurbish the Oakford Church Bells because they are difficult to ring. This project is expected to cost about £90,000. There has been a lot of interest in the last 6 months in people wanting to learn to ring the bells. The last fund-raising event raised £1,000 bringing the amount raised so far to £32,000. A number of parishioners are making monthly direct debit payments. An application has been submitted to the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Grant Fund for £55,000. Cllr Stevens and the Clerk declared personal interests as members of the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Grant Fund Panel. The bell ringers are going to welcome pupils from Rackenford C of E Primary School to demonstrate what bell ringing entails. Cllr Baylis suggested inviting other village groups for a demonstration. Cllr Gould suggested promoting the direct debit scheme further as it demonstrates support from parishioners for the project.

55/08/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2023 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed by the Chair.

56/08/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Tiffany Primmer, MDDC Technical Support and Repairs Officer, has confirmed the parking area at Longmead is there to serve the council homes (1-3 Longmead), and is not for wider community use.Cllr Baylis reported that he had looked at the BT phone box and the BT logo appears to be baked into the glass. Cllr Mayer suggested adding another sign which protrudes from the phone box to make it more obvious that it contains a defibrillator. Replacing the glass was another suggestion.

57/08/23. Planning

To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

No applications received.

To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/00764/Full Change of use of agricultural land to paddock and erection of a  stable. Location: Land and Building at NGR 290150 122214, (1 High Bolham), Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

23/00839/Full Installation of cladding and insulation to village hall. Location: Village Hall, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

23/00863/CLU Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of land and building as a single dwelling for a period in excess of 4 years. Location: Land at NGR 290718 121508 (The Coach House). Oakford. Decision: Certificate of lawfulness granted.

Public consultation on the MDDC Meeting Housing Needs Supplementary Planning Document.

MDDC has prepared a new draft planning document about providing suitable and affordable housing through new development. A public  consultation will run from Monday 17 July to Friday 25 August 2023.Cllr Gilmour asked councillors to encourage Oakford residents and/or qualifying relations to register a need for housing in Oakford if they have one. It was suggested that the Parish Council could consider carrying out a Housing Needs Survey. Cllr Gilmour was concerned that a social housing property in Morebath could be sold because no-one in the parish of Morebath is registered as having a housing need.  

Any other planning matters.

Cllr Levick has been informed by residents at Spurway that they have been told that work is due to start soon on the upgrade of the surface of Spurway Hill and there is concern that this work might be carried out without consent from DCC and without drainage being taken into proper consideration. They were informed by the foreman of the contractors carrying out improvements to Spurway Barton. There is also concern that the improvements to Spurway Barton might not be the same as those approved by planning. It was explained that work can be carried out without approval and a retrospective application submitted. If that happens the application has to be considered without taking into account the work that has been done. Cllr Chesterton will speak to Melanie McKenna, Neighbourhood Highways Officer, about the surface upgrade aspect. Cllr Gilmour will speak to John Millar, Area Planning Officer, about the planning aspects. It is believed the process to divert a public footpath away from Spurway Barton was started in the past.

Actions: Cllr Chesterton to speak to Melanie McKenna, Neighbourhood Highways Officer, about the surface upgrade aspect. Cllr Gilmour to speak to John Millar, Area Planning Officer, about the planning aspects.

58/08/23. Update on nominating The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value for a further 5 year period from 19.10.23.

The Clerk is waiting for a copy of the new nomination form and this will be completed and submitted on 1st September, the earliest date that it can be submitted.

Action: The Clerk to complete the form and submit on 1st September.

59/08/23. Highways:

Any matters to note or report.

The missing white lines have still not been remarked at Pinkworthy Cross and there are no ‘No road markings’ warning signs. Cllr Chesterton will chase this up and he suggested reporting it online.

The damaged road surface at Black Cat will be repaired in September. Councillors asked for more warning signs to be added.

Actions: Cllr Chesterton to chase up the remarking of the white lines at Pinkmoor Post and ask for more signs to warn people about the poor road surface at Black Cat.

Cllr Levick to report the missing white lines at Pinkmoor Post online.

Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill. Work carried out by

the farmer involved has made the situation worse. DCC has said previously that they will be dealing with the flooding problem. Cllr Baylis will raise the problem online again.

Action: Cllr Baylis to raise the issue of flooding on Rookery Hill online again.

Update on request for improved signage for Hangmans Hill.

One ‘Not suitable for long vehicles’ sign has been replaced but it was reported that no notice is being taken of the new sign and vehicles continue to get stuck and have to be recovered.Since the last meeting a HGV owned by C & D Transport hit the bridge hard enough to dislodge one of the railings from its strut. This was reported with photographic evidence to Highways and logged. The Clerk has received an email to say the site has been visited and although it is appreciated the parapet doesn't look in condition the posts and rails are still solid and well held by the anchors to the outside face of the bridge. A repair to straighten the posts and rails will involve heating and would cause further issues with lots of on-site welding if this occurred, and further issues may cause the current fixing arrangement to the bridge to work loose and cause a complete replacement of the parapet. This will be monitored and put on a list for more major repairs in the near future if it is deemed feasible from a financial point of view. Councillors were disappointed that DCC were not following up on the evidence provided and felt they should be asking the haulier to pay for repairing the damage the HGV had caused.

60/08/23. Reports:

County Cllr Report.

Cllr Chesterton reported on the new Rural Give Way Marking Project to remark some 6,000 give-way markings on the county’s rural roads over the next 4 to 5 years. A more robust product will be used that will improve the life-expectancy and lead to a lower whole life cost and reduced carbon cost. Towns will have their own process. Pothole repairs are ongoing and DCC have managed to secure another vehicle, in addition to the 4 they already have, to repair potholes. The lorries will be working double shifts. The Grand Western Canal Rangers team are working with the Police to deal with anti-social behaviour in the Canal Park. Cllr Chesterton’s Locality Budget is open but the amount has been reduced this year. An additional member has been added to the DCC Cabinet as there has been a split of the Childrens Services role.

District Cllr Report.

Cllr Gilmour reported that the MDDC Cabinet would be meeting on 16th August to discuss the 3 Rivers Options Appraisal Report. MDDC has been pressed for this to be discussed in open session and not Part 2. Any recommendation made by Cabinet will have to go to Full Council for a final decision to be made.

61/08/23. Community Area:

Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick has carried out 2 inspections since the last meeting. Grass cuttings on the bridge have been cleared to prevent a slip hazard. The warning sign at the entrance needs replacing as it cannot be read. The ‘No Dogs’ sign on the yellow entrance gate has been moved to the gate of the area fenced off for the play equipment.

Action: Cllr Baylis to look at the replacement of the warning sign.

Update on amending the PSPO now the fencing has been installed around the play equipment.

No update and the PSPO is still in place.

Repairs to the Gilbert Summers bench.

Cllr Potter has removed the bench and is carrying out repairs.

Any matters to note.

The waste bin will be installed by the community area gate as soon as possible.

Action: Cllr Stevens to install the waste bin.

62/08/23. Finance

To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payment: Mrs J Larcombe - £139.85 Clerk’s salary (Payment ref: 2324/16).Since the last meeting a payment of £230.00 has been made to D G Murphy for grass cutting (Payment ref: 2324/15).A cheque for £500 has been sent to Unity Trust Bank to open the new bank account.

To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

Since the last meeting there have been no receipts. The Current Account balance is £13,715.74

Update on moving the bank account from NatWest to Unity Trust Bank.

The completed submission form, the other required information and a cheque for £500 have been sent to Unity Trust Bank to open the new accounts.

63/08/23. To discuss making an entry into the Wild About Devon Awards.

The awards are  to celebrate the communities which are giving Devon's wildlife a helping hand and one of the 4 nomination categories is Town or Parish Council. It was agreed that Cllr Cridland would submit an application on behalf of the Parish Council. She will include the work that Mr Bannister is doing as a wildlife warden as part of the Mid Devon Wildlife Scheme and will make the information wider than the Parish Council. The closing date is 31st August.

Action: Cllr Cridland to submit an entry into the Wild About Devon Awards.

64/08/23. Update on issues about the sewerage treatment works raised at the last  meeting.

The issues with the maintenance of the plant, Himalayan Balsam infestation, poor fencing and the lack of warning signs, apart from at the entrance, continue. Cllr Gould will supply photographic evidence and a joint email from Cllr Baylis, Cllr Chesterton and Cllr Gilmour will be sent to South West Water (SWW) to raise these issues with them. Councillors are concerned that children playing close by could get into the plant.The problems caused by Himalayan Balsam are to be an agenda item for the MDDC Environment Policy Development Group.

Actions: Cllr Gould to provide photos to be attached to an email to be sent jointly by Cllr Baylis, Cllr Chesterton and Cllr Gilmour to SWW.

65/08/23. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

DALC Newsletters

MDDC press releases

MDDC Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

Cllr Stevens reminded councillors that the noticeboard for Oakfordbridge still needs to be put in place.

Action: Cllr Baylis and Cllr Stevens to make arrangements to put the noticeboard in place at Oakfordbridge.

66/08/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

Monday 11th September 2023. Cllr Levick gave his apologies.