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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting to be held on 13th February and might be subject to slight amendment

The Minutes of a Meeting of Oakford Parish Council, held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7.30 pm


Cllr’s R Brain, (Chair), J Cridland, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance:

County Cllr R Chesterton and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

113/01/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr’s G Baylis, J Cousins and L Gould.

114/01/23. Declarations of Interest.

No declarations of Interest.

115/01/23. Public Forum.

No members of the public present.

116/01/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 12th December 2022 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were duly signed by Cllr Brain, Chair of this meeting.

117/01/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

No matters arising.

118/01/23. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

No applications received.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

22/01995/TPO Application to reduce 1 Rowan and 1 Birch tree by 4m protected by

Tree Preservation Order 21/00009/TPO. Location: Bakery Cottage, Oakford.

Decision: permission refused.

22/02117/FULL Installation of external biomass boiler and shipping container for

use as Kiln. Location: Land at NGR 286661 120656 Bickham Park, Rackenford.

Decision: conditional approval granted.

22/02228/PNFG Prior notification for the erection of a forestry storage shed.

Location: Woodland at NGR 289040120439 Spurway Hill, Oakford.

Decision: no further approval required.

Cllr Cridland spoke of her concern that this is only a 2 acre site and the applicant wants to erect a massive shed and also of her wider concerns at the proliferation of applications for ‘forestry stores’ on these very small parcels of woodland. In her experience many of these applications are a cover for permanent buildings used for leisure stays and she would like them to come under closer scrutiny. Permitted development requires such forestry stores to be reasonably necessary for forestry. However, it is debatable whether any permanent buildings are required for the management of woodland that is just a few acres in size, when chainsaws and other hand tools can easily be transported by car and removed at the end of the day. She handed out copies of email correspondence from 2019 between a planning officer and an applicant who had submitted a PNAG for a proposed forestry shed. In that instance the planning officer said that on the basis of the information provided in the submission he wasn’t convinced that the building was reasonably necessary for the management of the woodland indicated in the applicant’s ownership. It was his opinion that planning permission was required for that proposed development and if the applicant proceeded with the development it might be open to potential enforcement action taken by the council. Cllr Cridland questioned the two different approaches from the planning officers for very similar applications. Cllr Chesterton said it was a loophole that allows this development under PNAG. Planning law was written for organised forestry operations, not for owners of small pieces of woodland.  Cllr Brain explained that the PNAG only gives the planning authority 28 days to respond. Failure to respond in that time is effectively saying planning is not required. There is no obligation for MDDC to consult town and parish councils or ward members about these applications. Even if applications are refused the applicant can have that use for 28 days a year without permission. Advice could have changed since 2019 and because of appeal decisions by the Planning Inspectorate. Councillors agreed to write to MDDC to ask what their criteria is for deciding PNAG applications. Cllr Cridland will draft a letter and circulate. When a response is received from MDDC it can be shared with interested neighbouring parishes.

Action: Cllr Cridland to draft a letter to MDDC asking about their criteria for deciding PNAG applications.

c) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

119/01/23. Highways: any matters to note or report.

The condition of the surface of the road at Black Cat is in a very poor condition. As many people as possible should report this online. As the road is in Bampton parish the Clerk will find out if Bampton Town Council are pursuing this with DCC Highways.

Action: The Clerk to find out if Bampton Town Council are pursuing repairs to the road surface at Black Cat with Highways.

120/01/23. Reports

County Cllr.

A written report from Cllr Chesterton for December 2022/January 2023 was circulated by email prior to the meeting. The report included information on:

  • The Government announcement that DCC has been successful in their bid for Tiverton High School to be rebuilt. Cllr Chesterton said this was great news. The school is on a flood plain and the new school will be built on the opposite side of Bolham Road. The plans include a new theatre.
  • The appointment of Donna Manson as Chief Executive for DCC. She was the Chief Executive for Scotland’s largest rural authority the Highland Council from 2018
  • The appointment of Julian Wooster as Interim Director of Children’s Services from January 2023. He was the Director of Children’s Services of Somerset County Council and guided them from an Inadequate Ofsted rating to good
  • DCC MP budget briefing
  • Woodland Creator Accelerator Fund
  • The Public Inquiry Finding on Stagecoach Devon
  • Tackling Loneliness with Transport Fund and 1 year pilot
  • Gritting
  • Cyclic highway maintenance update

District Cllr.

No reports.

121/01/23. Community Area.

a) Update on free landmark tree.

The Clerk is waiting to hear when the bare rooted tree will be available.

b) To discuss grass cutting contract for 2023.

The specification has now been advertised on social media to ensure awarding the contract is a fair and transparent process. The closing dates for quotes to be submitted is 10th February.

c) Any matters to note.

Cllr Brain reported that he would be starting the regular inspections of the community area again. A site meeting will be arranged to look at installing a path in the community area. Cllr Stevens was reminded about the quotes for the S106 grant funding application for the fencing around the play equipment. The Rospa inspection has been booked for March.

Actions: Cllr Brain to start regular inspections of the play area again

Cllr Stevens to obtain 2 more quotes for fencing around the play equipment.Site meeting to be arranged to look at installing a path in the community area.

Cllr Chesterton left the meeting at this point.

122/01/23. Update on the purchasing and siting of waste bins.

Cllr Mayer reported that she had spoken again to the local pest controller and he is willing to provide a waste bin for the councillors to look at. It will need to be fixed onto a concrete slab. Cllr Mayer has purchased a smaller bin for the triangle at the entrance to the village. Repayment agreed in item 123/01/23. Cllr Stevens volunteered to help with siting the bins.

Action: Cllr Mayer and Cllr Stevens to arrange siting of the bins.

123/01/23. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment. It was

resolved to agree the following payments:

Mrs J Larcombe - £174.85 Clerk’s salary for December (Payment ref: 2223/21)

Cllr J Mayer - £99.99 waste bin for siting on the triangle at the entrance to the village (Payment ref: 2223/22).

b) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

The Clerk reported that there had been no receipts since the last meeting

The Current Account balance is £8.859.86.

c) To agree the budget for 2023-24.

A working party had met on 5th January to discuss the figures in the draft budget and the impact on reserves. The amended budget for 2023-24 presented at the meeting was agreed.

d) To agree the precept for 2023-24.

It was agreed to request a precept of £6509.00. The Band D rate will increase from £30.77 to £34.05.

124/01/23. Update on CHT moving the defibrillator to the phone box.

Cllr Baylis has given the specification for the defibrillator to the Community Heartbeat Trust. Both parties are now talking to each other.

125/01/23. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

There have not been any issues reported.

126/01/23. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

DALC Newsletters

DCC Public Rights of Right – P3 Winter Newsletter and event presentations

MDDC press releases

127/01/23. Confirmation that the Annual Parish Meeting and defibrillator training session will be held on 22nd April 2023.

It was noted that everything had been booked for the 22nd April.

128/01/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on 13th February 2023.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.