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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting to be held on 15th August and may be subject to slight amendment

The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 10th July 2023.


Cllr’s J Cridland (Chair), F Cross, L Gould, J Levick, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance

District Cllr R Gilmour, District Cllr C Adcock and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

36/07/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr G Baylis and Cllr P Potter.

In the absence of the Chair the meeting was chaired by Cllr Cridland, Vice-chair.

37/07/23. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr Stevens declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application 23/00931/FULL as he is the applicant. Cllr Mayer declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 48/07/23 a) as she had submitted an expenses claim.

38/07/23. Public Forum.

No members of the public present.

39/07/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2023 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed by Cllr Cridland, Chair of the meeting.

40/07/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

No matters arising.

41/07/23. Planning

To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

Cllr Stevens declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application 23/00931/Full and left the room while the application was discussed.

23/00931/Full Siting of a log cabin for holiday let following demolition of existing hut and formation of new vehicular access. Location: Land at NGR 289019 123795 Westlake Farm, Oakford. Comment: Oakford Parish Council has no objections.

23/00988/TPO Application to fell 1 Scots Pine and 1 Ash tree; reduce the crown of 1 Oak tree by 5m and prune side branches by 2-3m; raise the crown of 1 Sycamore tree to provide 2.5m clearance and remove the 2 lower limbs, protected by Tree Preservation Order 16/00001/TPO. Location: Red Deer House Oakford. No comment.

To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

No decisions received.

Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

42/07/23. To decide whether to apply to nominate The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value for a further 5 year period from 19.10.23.

The Red Lion Inn is on the market for sale as a going concern. It is listed by MDDC as an Asset of Community Value but this expires on 19.10.23. The owners do not have to inform MDDC if they are marketing it as a going concern. Councillors agreed that it remains an important community asset and a nomination to re-list should be made. This cannot be made more than seven weeks prior to the expiry date of the previous listing, which is about the 1st September. An item will be added to the agenda for the next meeting as a reminder to submit the nomination form.

Action: The Clerk to add Nomination to relist The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value to the agenda for the meeting on 14th August.

43/07/23. Highways

a) Any matters to note or report.

The damaged road surface at Black Cat will not be resurfaced until September at the earliest which is concerning as the peak holiday season is about to start and this section of road is on the diversion route if the A361 North Devon Link Road has to be shut due to an accident.

Cllr Gilmour is trying to get the following emergency motion added to the agenda of the next MDDC Full Council meeting on 19th July “Mid Devon District Council urgently calls on Devon County Council to use the money they have received from HM Government to mend the dangerous potholes in Mid Devon roads. MDDC calls on DCC to prioritise the worst examples to prevent further accidents and damage to vehicles, including tractors. The latter is a further expense that our hard-pressed farmers cannot afford”.

A short section of road that should have been surface dressed but wasn’t, has now been done. White lines at Pinkworthy Post which were covered over by the surface dressing have not been remarked. Road signs that were put up when work was taking place have been left in the hedge.

b) Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill.

No update.

c) Update on request for improved signage for Hangmans Hill.

No update.

It was confirmed that the damaged salt/grit bin between Fordmoor Cross and Coombe Water has been replaced.

44/07/23. Reports:

County Cllr Report.

No report.

District Cllr Report.

Cllr Gilmour reported that she had attended a briefing on the modular houses that are going to be built in Bampton to replace social housing that is suffering from concrete cancer. There have been comments that these homes are unattractive but there is a choice of about 13 different claddings that can be used on these homes which will improve their appearance. They are energy efficient and life expectancy is up to 130 years. The current residents have been offered other properties in mid Devon (decanted is the term for this) and only 3 properties still have tenants. Planning still has to be approved.

MDDC are putting together a policy on housing for Mid Devon Homes. Cllr Mayer felt tenants should not be allowed to stay in homes that are too big for them.Councillors are having to decide whether to put 3 Rivers Developments Ltd into liquidation and run the company down. She told councillors that the company borrowed £19million from MDDC and then came back for more. They want to write off £2million of debt. Only 6 affordable homes have been built. She felt the price that properties in St Georges Court, behind Tiverton Town Hall are being marketed for is excessive for the quality of the properties. There is a risk that MDDC could be put into special measures because of the financial implications. A hold has been put on the sale of houses. Some land was purchased in Cullompton but building hasn’t started.

Cllr Gilmour said she was really impressed with the fencing that Cllr Stevens and his son have erected and she has written to the Leader of MDDC to make him aware of this example of good practice.

Cllr Adcock reported that the amendment to the community area PSPO will need to go to consultation. He is trying to find the answer to the Parish Councils query about the parking at Longmead, as discussed at the last meeting.  

There has been a report made to the Scrutiny Committee about deprivation. There is often hidden rural deprivation.

New parliament constituencies have been announced. The Tiverton and Honiton constituency will go and will be replaced by Tiverton and Minehead and Honiton and East Devon. Richard Foord MP has decided to stand in the Honiton and East Devon constituency at the next election.

Saving Devon’s Treescapes – to agree on further actions.

Prior to the meeting Cllr Cridland circulated a report on the Zoom meeting she had attended with the Devon Wildlife Trust about Saving Devon's Treescapes. Her report detailed the ways that Oakford can get involved. She has received information on the new award scheme and Oakford has already completed some of the prescribed activities. A working party could help plant trees. Cllr Stevens told councillors that trees need to be planted properly and looked after. The success rate is often very low. The Ash Dieback Forum are acknowledging there is no cure. The planting of other varieties of trees will change the landscape. Cllr Stevens said some small Ash trees are living but will die as they mature, changing the landscape as they are removed and often taking out other trees as they go. An artistic response to Ash Dieback and the changing landscape could involve adults and children. This could be made part of the Annual Parish Meeting. Cllr Cridland will look into putting Oakford forward for an award.

Action: Cllr Cridland will look into putting Oakford forward for an award.

45/07/23. Community Area

a) Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick gave his inspection report to the Clerk. Cllr Stevens has sorted out the problems with the entrance gate.

b) To note the completion of the fencing around the play area and record appreciation to Cllr Stevens and his son.

Cllr Stevens and his son were thanked for erecting the fencing around the play equipment. They have made a very good job of it and people are very happy with what has been done. Cllr Stevens will sort out a replacement gate for the entrance into the adjacent field.

c) Update on amending the PSPO now the fencing has been installed around the play equipment.

Luke Howard, MDDC Environment and Enforcement Manager has said there will be a requirement for a public consultation on this as per the legislation, just agreement from the parish is not sufficient to meet the requirements. He has started the work on the consultation documents but these are yet to be ratified by the legal team.

d) Update on the issues involved in to install a path from the community area

entrance to the play equipment.

The cost of landscaping and getting the gradient of the path correct would be expensive even before the cost of the materials for the path. Cllr Mayer was quoted 37 sq metre for the materials. Taking into account the cost and the number of people it would benefit councillors felt it wouldn’t be worthwhile. It was agreed it was a non-starter.

e) Any matters to note.

No matters to note.

46/07/23. To note that the defibrillator signage has been put on the phone box.

The defibrillator signage has been put on the old phone box. Councillors wondered whether it was possible to remove the BT logos.

47/07/23. Update on the purchasing and siting of the second waste bin.

Cllr Mayer has purchased the second waste bin. Cllr Stevens will put in a post by the community area gate and attach the bin. Cllr Mayer will empty the bin.

Actions: Cllr Stevens to install the waste bin. Cllr Mayer to regularly empty the waste bin.

48/07/23. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

Cllr Mayer declared a personal and prejudicial interest in her expenses claim and was not involved in the resolution to pay.

Cllr J Mayer - £143.89 expenses claim for waste bin and brass plaque (Payment ref: 2324/12)

Mrs J Larcombe - £139.85 Clerk’s salary and expenses (Payment ref: 2324/13)

Karen Ward - £50.00 internal audit (Payment ref: 2324/14)

b) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

There have been no receipts since the last meeting.

The Current Account balance is £14,289.49.  

c) To receive the bank reconciliation for 1st April to 30th June 2023.

The bank reconciliation as noted.

d) To receive a financial report for the period 1st April to 30th June 2023.

Councillors received a report showing actual against budget for the first quarter of 2023-24. No matters of concern.

e) Update on moving the bank account from NatWest to Unity Trust Bank.

The Clerk is completing the application process with the information requested. Cllr Baylis, Cllr Mayer and Cllr Levick will need to provide signatures and a cheque will need to be sent to open the account. The process can be completed when Cllr Baylis returns from holiday.

Action: The Clerk to complete the application process when Cllr Baylis returns from holiday.

f) To note that the Public Rights Notice to inspect the accounts is being displayed.

The notice was published on the website and notice board on 26th June and the inspection period is from 27th June to 7th August.

49/07/23. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

Cllr Gould and Cllr Cridland have been navigating the tributaries in Oakford trying to clear Himalayan Balsam and Cllr Gould had a look at the sewerage treatment works. Although there are meant to be reed beds she couldn’t see a reed in there and there are a lot of Himalayan Balsam plants 7 to 8 foot high. She reported the plant is not being maintained properly, the smell is terrible and the nearby residents have to put up with it, there is no warning signage and it needs proper fencing. Children could climb over easily from the community area. Cllr Gilmour will ask Cllr Chesterton to chase this up with South West Water.

Action: Cllr Gilmour to ask Cllr Chesterton to follow up the concerns about the sewerage treatment plant with South West Water.

50/07/23. Correspondence

It was resolved to note the following correspondence:

DALC Newsletters

DALC – warning of temporary service disruption which might impact on the usual response times.

MDDC press releases

Devon Local Nature Partnership Wild About Devon Awards

South West Water – Save every drop campaign

Mid Devon Walking Festival – 14th to 29th September 2024

51/07/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

Monday 14th August 2023.