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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting to be held on 10th July and may be subject to slight amendment

The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 12th June 2023.


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), J Cridland, F Cross, L Gould, J Levick, J Mayer and P Potter.

In attendance:

County Cllr R Chesterton, District Cllr C Adcock and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

The Chair welcomed Cllr Potter to his first meeting.

21/06/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr V Stevens.

Apologies were received from District Cllr R Gilmour.

22/06/23. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.

23/06/23. Public Forum.

No members of the public present.

24/06/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2023 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.

25/06/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

The Chair reported that he was still waiting for the defibrillator signage for the phone box. The payment had been made on 30/05/23 and the Community Heartbeat Trust had advised him that it would be dispatched as soon as the invoice was paid.

Cllr Mayer joined the meeting at this point.

26/06/23. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

23/00708/FULL Erection of extension to tractor/garage shed. Location: Land at NGR285946 124134 (Four Seasons Bungalow), Oakford. Comment: Oakford Parish  Council has no objections.

23/00764/FULL Change of use of agricultural land to paddock and erection of a Stable. Location: Land and Building at NGR 290150 122214 (1 High Bolham), Oakford. Comment: Oakford Parish Council has no objections.

23/00839/FULL Installation of cladding and insulation to village hall. Location: Village Hall, Oakford. Comment: Oakford Parish Council supports this application.Cllr Mayer declared a personal and prejudicial interest as a Village Hall Trustee and took no part in deciding the Council’s comment.

23/00863/CLU Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of land and building as a single dwelling for a period in excess of 4 years. Location: Land at NGR 290718 121508 (The Coach House). Oakford. No comment.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/00430/CLP Siting of a mobile home to be used as ancillary accommodation to the main dwelling in accordance with submitted plans/drawings. Castleland House, Bampton. Decision: Certificate of Lawful Use granted.

23/00633/Full Removal of condition (e) of planning permission 80/01078/FULL relating to an agricultural tie. Location: Exeridge Farm, Bampton. Decision: refused.

c) Any other planning matters.


27/06/23. Highways:

a) Any matters to note or report.

Cllr Mayer has put in a report (Reference no 5128) about the smashed-up grit box and she received a reply that it has been resolved. Cllr Chesterton will follow this up and find out whether this has been done.

b) Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill.

After the last meeting Cllr Baylis reported online that the large storm drain/gully into the field is blocked. The farmer doesn’t want to unblock it and let the water drain into the field. He received a response that this has been inspected. Highways will be in contact with the farmer as they will need to take a digger onto his land to clear this. It is no longer marked as an issue as it has been passed to contractors to do the work. An eye will be kept on this to ensure the work is done.

c) Update on request for improved signage for Hangmans Hill.

The signs have been ordered but they haven’t been put up yet. Cllr Chesterton said that once the signs were in place councillors could take a view and can campaign for additional signage if necessary.

The very poor road surface at Black Cat has still not been repaired because of other work and diversion routes in the area. It is still scheduled to be done this summer. Cllr Potter said a significant number of potholes had been filled in on Spurway Lane but he is concerned that it will just be washed out. More potholes have been reported on Spurway Lane but they haven’t been repaired yet. Cllr Chesterton will keep chasing.

Cllr Baylis noted that every minor fault on the road between Black Cat and Bampton has been marked and highlighted. He wasn’t sure whether this had been done by highways or someone trying to make a point.

Action: Cllr Chesterton to find out whether the grit bin has been replaced and keep chasing repairs to potholes in Spurway Lane and the road surface at Black Cat.

28/06/23. Reports:

a) County Cllr Report.

Cllr Chesterton reported that Donna Manson, DCC’s new Chief Executive, has organised a full review of how DCC does things. He will be reporting   over the next few months on any changes. DCC has recently spent more on the people based side of the Council than place based side. Cllr Chesterton said the new Chief Executive was a breath of fresh air and he has heard good reports from everyone who has met her.

b) District Cllr Report.

On the 24th May MDDC held its Annual Meeting and elected its Leader and Chair and the appointment of councillors to committees. Cllr Gilmour has been elected as the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee and is also a member of the Planning Committee. Cllr Adcock is a member of the Environment Policy Development Group, the Homes Policy Development Group, the Licencing Committee and the Regulatory Committee. Councillors have been receiving lots of training and regular meetings are now starting to take place.

29/06/23. Community Area.

a) Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick has carried out 2 inspections. He will be updating the inspection sheet to accurately show what is on the field. The barbed wire on the fence that was erected by the person farming the neighbouring field is still a danger. When the new fencing is erected around the play equipment that danger should be removed.

Action: Cllr Levick to update the inspection sheet.

The field has been cut twice but because the contractor had to cut very long grass the first time it was cut it has been difficult to get it tidy. It was suggested that it might be useful for someone to meet with Mr Murphy to check that he knows what wants cutting and how. The Clerk will email a copy of the grass cutting specification to Cllr Levick. The grass will need cutting by 29th June at the latest, before the village fete on the 1st July. The Clerk will remind Mr Murphy.

Action: The Clerk to email a copy of the grass cutting specification to Cllr Levick and to email Mr Murphy to remind him to cut the grass by June 29th at the latest.

b) Update on the ordering of a brass plaque.

Cllr Mayer has ordered the plaque.

She will email a copy of the invoice to the Clerk.

Action: Cllr Mayer to send a copy of the invoice for the plaque to the Clerk.

c) To discuss the options for providing a path from the community area entrance to the play equipment.

The Clerk has received an email from Redlynch Leisure Installations, a company who supply play equipment and safety surfacing, to say they will be in the area shortly and offering to visit Councils to give advice. Cllr Mayer will arrange for someone from the company to meet her at the community area to give advice on installing a path. Cllr Cross will join her for the meeting. The gradient could be an issue.

Action: Cllr Mayer to arrange a meeting with a representative from Redlynch Leisure Installations. Cllr Cross to join her for the meeting.

d) Any matters to note.

Cllr Stevens is hoping to erect the fencing around the play equipment at the end of the week. Cllr Baylis will email everyone to let them know when he will be doing the work so that they can offer to help if they are available.

Action: Cllr Baylis to email councillors to let them know when Cllr Stevens is starting the fencing.

The legal team at MDDC are now saying the PSPO cannot be amended as advised previously and instead the whole consultation process will have to be gone through again. This would start in the autumn and probably take about 12 months. The Chair briefed Cllr Adcock on the matter and he will find out more information as to why it cannot be amended as first planned and push for the amendment to be made this summer. The reality is that there is little or no enforcement of the PSPO on the community area.

Action: Cllr Adcock to follow up on amendments to the PSPO.

The central post of the entrance gate to the community area is loose in the ground. A MD Housing tenant is now parking cars in the car park at Cross Park Hill, adjacent to the community area, in a way that prevents anyone else getting a car in. The surface markings have worn away and have still not been replaced. Cllr Adcock will find out what residents parking actually includes, is this just council tenants?

Action: Cllr Adcock to find out who is allowed to park on the car park.

30/06/23. Update on the purchasing and siting of the second waste bin.

Cllr Mayer has tried to order the same bin as the one on the triangle to the entrance to the village but it is out of stock. She will order one once they are in stock again.

Action: Cllr Mayer to order a bin once they are in stock again.

31/06/23. A report on the condition of the seat on the triangle at the entrance to the village.

The Summers bench is in need of some care and attention and Cllr Stevens has offered to do the work. Cllr Potter volunteered to help.

Action: Cllr Stevens and Cllr Potter to repair the seat.

32/06/23. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

D G Murphy - £230.00 grass cutting (Payment ref: 2324/10)

Mrs J Larcombe - £148.95 Clerk’s salary for May, printing & stationery (Payment ref: 2324/11)

Since the last meeting a payment of £336.86 has been made to Community First Trading Limited for the annual insurance (Payment ref: 2324/09)

b) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

Since the last meeting a P3 Grant of £310.00 has been received from DCC.

The Current Account balance is £14,668.44

c) To receive the Internal Audit Report.

The report was noted. No points to consider.

d) To agree the Annual Governance Statement for 2022-23.

It was agreed that all boxes could be ticked yes and the statement was duly signed by the Chair and Clerk.

e) To agree the Accounting Statement for 2022-23.

The Accounting Statement was agreed and having already been signed by the RFO it was duly signed by the Chair.

f) To agree that the Parish Council wishes to certify itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.

It was agreed that the Council would declare itself exempt and the form was duly signed by the Chair and RFO

g) To consider moving the bank account from NatWest to Unity Trust Bank.

It was agreed to move the Council’s banking to Unity Trust Bank and open a current account and savings account, both with online access. The Clerk/RFO will have the authority to view the accounts online and to set up payments and internal transfers. The signatories will be Cllr Baylis, Cllr Mayer and Cllr Levick and they will have the authority to view the accounts online and to authorise internal transfers and payments. All payments will be authorised by 2 signatories.

Action: the Clerk to set up the new bank accounts.

33/06/23. To report whether there have been any issues with smell from the sewerage treatment works.

No issues reported.

34/06/23. Correspondence:

the following correspondence was noted

DALC Newsletters

MDDC press releases

MDDC – details of another Household Support Fund

Devon Wildlife Trust - Saving Devon’s Treescapes Award 

Exmoor News – email of thanks for grant

Totnes Town Council - campaign to make 20mph the default speed limit where people and motor vehicles mix, with 30mph being an exception. Webinar training.Cllr Chesterton reported that a 20mph speed limit across the town had been trialled in Newton Abbot. The outcome was the public supported 20mph speed limits for specific areas rather than a blanket ban. In Tiverton a 20mph speed limit is planned for the town centre and around the schools. Some additional areas have been added. Councillors had no interest in being part of the Totnes campaign.

Cllr Cridland reported that she had attended the Saving Devon Treescapes Webinar. A new award has been introduced. She will research this and bring the details to the next meeting. It could be linked into the work that David Bannister is doing as part of the Mid Devon Wildlife Warden Scheme. It could also be linked into the Annual Parish Meeting.

Actions: Cllr Cridland to research the new award scheme and the Clerk to add this as an item to the next meeting.

35/06/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th July 2023. Cllr Baylis gave his apologies. Cllr Cridland as Vice-chair will chair the meeting.

The meeting closed at 21.05pm