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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 11th December 2023 and might be subject to slight amendment

The minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room, Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 13th November 2023


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), J Cridland, F Cross, L Gould, J Levick, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance:

District Cllr’s C Adcock & R Gilmour and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

103/11/23. To receive apologies for absence.

No apologies.

104/11/23. Declarations of Interest.


105/11/23. Public Forum.

A member of the public who was attending the meeting with his wife told councillors he had come to the meeting to speak about planning application 23/00864/Full. He had submitted an objection earlier that day. He gave councillors a detailed written report on the grounds for their objections which are summarised as:

  • Loss of privacy, noise levels and loss of amenity
  • Intensification of use of the access road
  • Precedent and the possibility of another building on the site.
  • Foul drainage concerns
  • Lack of business case.

He noted the Lodge had been used for 4 years without permission. A Certificate of Lawfulness has now been applied for.

The other member of the public introduced himself and said he and his wife and dog had recently moved to a house beyond the Red Lion and he was interested to know what was likely to happen to it because it is on the market.

106/11/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2023 as an accurate

record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed by the Chair.

107/11/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

No matters arising.

108/11/23. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

23/00864/Full Change of use and conversion of building to holiday let. Land and Buildings at NGR 290678 121480 (The Coach House), Oakford.The Planning Officer had agreed to an extension to the time frame for the Parish council to submit a comment on this application, which had arrived since the last meeting.

Councillors noted the comments from MDDC Public Health, one of the consultees, about the existing foul drainage system, an old septic tank which discharges to a drainage field, likely to become overwhelmed by the addition of another dwelling leading to the outfall water not being of suitable quality for discharging to the land. Public Health would like to see the applicant taking the opportunity to upgrade their waste water treatment system in order that it meets current standards. The applicant has agreed with the planning officer to an extension of time until 16th December for them to submit information about a new foul drainage system and a business plan and for it to be reviewed. Councillors felt they needed to see the details about the new foul drainage system and the business plan. The Clerk will ask the Planning Officer for a copy of both and will circulate to councillors and ask them to share their comments by email by Friday 17th November, The Clerk will them formulate a response from councillors comments and submit to MDDC.

Actions: The Clerk to ask the planning officer for details of the new foul drainage system and the business plan and circulate to councillors when received. Councillors to share their thoughts by email.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/01301/Full Retention of stable block for private use. Location: Land at NGR 285896 122544 Beeches, Lower Swineham Farm, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

23/01302/Full Retention of pole barn and agricultural storage building. Location: Land at NGR 285884 122507 and NGR 285909 122566 Beeches, Lower Swineham Farm, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

23/01324/Full Retention of two holiday lodges. Location: Land at NGR 285885 122550 Beeches, Oakford. Decision: conditional approval granted.

c) Update on alleged planning breaches.

Spurway Mill: John Millar, MDDC Area Team Leader, Development Management at MDDC) has given an update to Cllr Gilmour. They are working with the agent with regard to use of the buildings and submission of an updated planning application. There is still the possibility of enforcement action.

Woodland Development: Cllr Cridland and Cllr Gould are working on a list of alleged planning breaches in Great Wood and will provide as much evidence as soon as possible. The MDDC Enforcement Officer will be carrying out a site visit. Cllr Adcock is planning to join him. Cllr Levick also volunteered to join them. Rainbow Woods is being advertised online as somewhere for holistic retreats and a photograph shows a yurt. The Parish Council has not seen a planning application.

Cllr Gilmour explained that MDDC only has one enforcement officer but there are now key performance indicators for enforcement as well as planning.

Actions: Cllr Cridland and Cllr Gould to provide as much information as possible on alleged planning breaches in Great Wood to Cllr Adcock as soon as possible

d) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

109/11/23. Update on nominating The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value for a further 5 year period from 19.10.23.

A nomination form has been submitted but no decision has been made.


a) Any matters to note or report.

Three drains were reported as being blocked and causing flooding. Flood warning signs have been put in place by Highways. Cllr Stevens has spoken to the landowner where the road is flooding at the top of Rookery Hill and he wanted to do something himself to sort out the problem. Cllr Stevens will speak to him again. Flood water on the road near Parsonage Farm is hiding a pothole. Cllr Stevens and Cllr Mayer have both looked for the drain, which is obviously blocked, but have been unable to find it.

Action: Cllr Stevens to speak to the owner of the land where the road is flooding at the top of Rookery Hill.

b) Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill.

Still waiting for Highways to come and do the work.

111/11/23. Reports:

a) County Cllr Report.

No report. The Clerk was asked to chase Cllr Chesterton about the road at Spurway Barton as an update was needed.

Action: the Clerk to chase Cllr Chesterton for an update about the road at Spurway Barton.

b) District Cllr Report.

Cllr Adcock and Cllr Gilmour are now producing a monthly report for the parishes at the start of each month so that it can be circulated and questions asked.

Emergency Planning & Flood Plan: MDDC Councillors received a briefing on Emergency Planning from Simon Newcombe (Corporate Manager) and the new Emergency Response Officer Lewis Dyson. Lewis Dyson plans to work with Parish Councils to help ensure their emergency plans are up to date and can be implemented promptly when needed. We are aware of concerns about the weedy leats in Bampton and the risk of flooding, the level of concern is raised due to recent wet stormy weather.

State of the District Debate: This is likely to take place around March. Rather than a presentation/Q&A format, the aim is to involve Town and Parish councils to work closely with MDDC councillors and officers. More information to follow.

MDDC Governance: This was discussed at length at Full Council on 1st November, following a resolution in February to look at changing to a ‘modernised committee’ system next year. Since the current system (enshrined in the Constitution) is working well with a high degree of openness under the new administration and change would be a costly distraction, Council decided to retain the current Cabinet/strong leader system.

Overdevelopment in woodland: This is a concern in several parishes surrounding Bampton as woodland is being cleared, built on and used for accommodation, we are looking into it. We went on a site visit today to Stoodleigh and Oakford.

Oakford sewage works: This has been raised at the Environment PDG and officers are following up with SWW and the EA. Cllr Gilmour also raised it at Full Council and advised the Director of Place that both these organisations are impossible to contact and he needs to impress upon them how this impacts badly on their reputations and ability to provide a good service to residents.

EV Chargers: DCC has some government funding (£7M) and is consulting Town Parish Councils on regarding sites models for siting EV chargers on their land including car parks. They need to apply to the Government by the end of November. Hopefully, BTC has been invited to take part and is able to respond.

Decisions made regarding 3 Rivers Developments Ltd: The Scrutiny Committee has set up a sub-group to study the history of 3RDL and produce a report on ‘Lessons Learnt’ from the experience. Rachel is Chair and is determined that this report will come to the Committee by Christmas, before going to Cabinet very early in the New Year.

Full Council Motion on Roads: At the full Council meeting on 6th September, Motion 596 from Cllr Gilmour was passed:

1) Mid Devon District Council call on Devon County Council to fulfil their statutory obligations under Section 41 of the 1980 Highways Act, that requires them to maintain Devon’s roads and to keep them safe. Further, to explain the financial position regarding the funds promised by HMG, and received to date, the proposed remedial actions for the roads in Mid Devon District Council to be undertaken before this winter and the spending/budget allocations between 2022/3 - 2025/6.

2) Mid Devon District Council agrees to establish an on-line petition to include the following: Our roads in Mid Devon have become dangerous and a liability to drivers, passengers, other road users and pedestrians. Now, we the electorate of Mid Devon District Council are calling on Devon County Council to fix our dangerous roads and if they do not have sufficient funding to demand this from Central Government.

The communication to DCC has been made and the Petition is now live.

At the meeting Cllr Gilmour said the losses made by 3 Rivers will hold a cloud over MDDC’s finances for a number of years. MDDC were following Government Policy.

Cllr Gilmour asked for a reply to her Christmas drinks invitation.

Action: all to reply to Cllr Gilmour’s Christmas drink invitation.

112/11/23. Update on issues about the sewerage treatment works raised at the previous meetings.

It was agreed to bring this item forward on the agenda.

A resident who lives close to the sewerage Treatment Works has told Cllr Gould that someone went on site on 10th October to check the equipment. They have also given her a list of dates in October and early November when tankers removed effluent from the site. There is no evidence of any reed bed in the works. Cllr Gilmour will escalate to Richard Marsh, MDDC Director of Place. Cllr Mayer noted the health risks from effluent overflow.

Cllr Adcock and Cllr Gilmour left the meeting (8.30pm).

113/11/23. Community Area:

Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick gave the Clerk a copy of his inspection report for October and November. He has updated the checklist and included photos in the report. He reported that grass is growing on the timbers of the bridge and needs removing. There was discussion on how to make the bridge less slippery and it was decided to try pressure washing it and then deciding what needed to be done.

The grass is due to be cut once more and strimming is needed as per the grass cutting specification.

The presence of moles is evident on the field.

To discuss the grass cutting specification for 2024.

The first cut is needed in April and 14 cuts will be included in the specification. Cllr Levick will find out the details of contractors who can be asked to quote. Cllr Cross shared details of a contractor she suggested.

It was felt that there was a problem when long grass was cut and left on the field and it was decided an area will be created, in a suitable place on the field, where grass can be composted. It was suggested the composted grass could be enclosed by pallets.

Another working party will be organised in the spring to cut back the brambles.

Cllr Levick said some of the trees still needed stakes.

The community area hedge needs to be cut back by a flail hedge trimmer at the end of summer.

Actions: Cllr Levick to find out the details of contractors who could be asked to quote for the 2024 grass cutting contract. Working party to be organised in the spring to cut back the brambles. Area to be created to compost grass.

Update on repairs to the front of the pavilion where a post has come out.

The pole has been put back in. Cllr Baylis to check the repair is satisfactory.

Action: Cllr Baylis to check that the repair is satisfactory.

Update on replacement of gate at the top of the play area.

Cllr Stevens will purchase a half-meshed metal gate for the top corner of the filed.

Update on a second key for the notice board at Oakfordbridge.

Cllr Baylis has got 2 more keys for the notice board and one has been given to Mr Goodwin. Cllr Baylis will continue to put the minutes on the notice board and a note will be added to say the agenda will be on the Parish Council pages of the parish website and village notice board.

Action: Cllr Baylis to add a note to the Oakfordbridge notice board to say the agenda will be published on the Parish Council pages of the parish website and village notice board.

Any matters to note.


114/11/23. Finance

a) To approve the pay award for the Clerk as agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.

This was agreed.

b) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

 Mrs J Larcombe - £212.85 salary for October plus backpay. Postage.

c) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balances.

There have been no receipts since the last meeting.

NatWest Current Account balance is nil. Unity Trust Bank Current Account balance is £1172.15 (£233.75 of payments waiting to clear) and Unity Trust Bank Instant Access Account is £12,000.00.

d) Report on the transfer of the balance from the NatWest account and

closure of that account.

The entire balance from the NatWest account has now been transferred to Unity Trust Bank. Cllr Baylis and Cllr Mayer have signed a letter to NatWest Bank asking them to close the account.

e) To make arrangements for a working party meeting to discuss the budget for 2024-25.

It was decided to hold a working party meeting to discuss the budget for 2024-25 and the precept request at 6.30pm on 11th December, before the Parish Council meeting.

115/11/23. Update on plans for P3 work using ring fenced reserves held by the Parish Council.

Ros Davies, DCC Public Rights of Way Parish Paths Liaison Officer, has moved to another job within the team and is no longer the Parish Council’s contact for the P3 scheme. Another person is being recruited for the liaison role. Work was supposed to have started on Footpath 5a this summer but it didn’t happen. didn’t happen. It is now too wet so the work will be delayed. Footpath 8, the 100 steps, also needs some work, but this will have to wait for the spring. Cllr Gould is doing some voluntary work on the footpaths.

116/11/23. Update on framing and display of the Saving Devon’s Treescapes certificate

and promotion about what the Parish Council is doing.

Cllr Baylis was thanked for framing the certificate. The Village Hall Committee to be asked if the framed certificate could be hung on the wall of the lobby.

Action: ask the Village Hall Committee if the framed certificate could be hung on the wall in the lobby.

117/11/23. Update on the removal of the old BT Logo within the old BT Phone Box.

This is still ongoing as Cllr Baylis and Cllr Cross still have to find a date when they can meet.

Action: Cllr Baylis and Cllr Cross to arrange a date to meet and look at the possible removal of the old BT logo.

118/11/23. To discuss the production of a newsletter.

The newsletter will be produced in February or March and will be a roundup of the year. The groups in the parish will be asked to contribute. Cllr Cross will produce the newsletter using Mailchimp and there will be a printed version as well as an email one. Cllr Mayer will help Cllr Cross. Cllr Baylis will find a copy of the previous newsletter.

Action: Cllr Cross to produce a newsletter for February/March with the assistance of Cllr Mayer.

119/11/23. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

  DALC Newsletters

  MDDC press releases

  Citizens Advice Fuel Voucher Scheme

  Concern was raised that the Batsworthy Wind Farm Community Grant Fund has still not opened for applications despite previous advice that it would reopen in the autumn. The Clerk will send a strongly worded letter on behalf of the Parish Council and groups in the parish.

120/11/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

Monday 11th December 2023 at 7.30pm.

The meeting to be preceded by a working party meeting at 6.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm