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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 13th November 2023 and might be subject to slight amendment

The minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room, Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 9th October 2023


Cllr’s J Cridland (Chair), L Gould, J Levick, J Mayer and V Stevens.

In attendance:

District Cllr’s C Adcock & R Gilmour and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

85/10/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr’s G Baylis, F Cross and P Potter. In the absence of Cllr Baylis, Chair of the Parish Council. the meeting was chaired by Cllr Cridland, Vice-chair.

86/10/23. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.

It was agreed to bring the following item forward on the agenda.

87/10/23. Reports:

County Cllr Report.

No report.

District Cllr Report.

Cllr Gilmour reported that she had tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with the Environment Agency regarding the problems with the sewage treatment works. She has also emailed South West Water (SWW) using an email address suggested by Mr Marsh, MDDC Director of Place, but has not received a reply. 

She reported on the email update she had received from John Millar, MDDC Area Team Manager (Development Control) regarding alleged planning breaches at Spurway Mill. He and Matthew Barks, the Enforcement Officer, have carried out a site visit and identified the occupation of the building subject to the live application and further potential breaches, not previously reported or known about, such as the restoration of one of the other barns and works to another. The main house has also been restored and refurbished, although he does not believe that is a breach of planning as things stand.

In respect to the concerns about the occupation on site, he has had the necessary reassurances regarding timeframes and is not currently concerned that MDDC will reach a time where they are unable to enforce against this occupation. As discussed, he is less concerned about the actual building works, although on the proviso that those are ancillary to the main house and do not provide a further dwelling. He appreciates that this is currently his informal view and the works do still need to be regularised by a formal application, which will need full public scrutiny, in which case the final decision may potentially be different to his initial considerations. Crucially, he has been in discussions with the agent in respect to the withdrawal of the current application and resubmission for use for purposes ancillary to the main house i.e. as storage and associated accommodation. He does however remain mindful of the dates and would look to pursue an enforcement notice if necessary but at this immediate moment it is not strictly necessary. Once he has further updates he will let Cllr Gilmour know.

Cllr Chesterton will be asked for an update regarding reports that the owners of Spurway Barton are planning to upgrade of the surface of Spurway Hill. The latest information from Melanie Mckenna on 14th September was “I’ve checked enquiry ENQ231656187 and it has not been closed. When it gets closed, the response will be emailed to Cllr Levick.

Action: Clerk to ask Cllr Chesterton for an update regarding plans by the owners of Spurway Barton to upgrade the surface of Spurway Hill.

Many planning authorities have vacancies for planning enforcement officers which is leading to reports of alleged planning breaches not being followed up very quickly.Cllr Gilmour and Cllr Adcock will be inviting town/parish councillors and clerks in their ward to a Christmas drinks party on Friday December 15th.

Cllr Mayer reported that a bungalow at Townmead, Oakford, one of three owned and managed by Mid Devon Housing was left empty for 10 months. The bungalow had been converted for someone with disability needs and was finally let to a tenant from outside of the mid Devon area who Cllr Mayer felt the accommodation was totally inappropriate for.

Asking for an update Cllr Mayer was told that a unit of social housing at Morebath that hadn’t been let was being sold and the money received would be used towards building social housing for which a housing need had been established.Cllr Adcock reported there was no further news on an amendment to the PSPO for the Community Area.

The issue of rapidly spreading Himalayan Balsam is on the agenda for the MDDC Environment Policy Development Group meeting tomorrow 10th October.

He thanked Cllr Cridland for sending further information on development at local woodland sites that are cause for concern. Concerns have also been raised at Stoodleigh and Washfield Parish Council meetings. Cllr Adcock and Cllr Gilmour will need help to collate a list of sites with exact locations and concerns raised to take to Planning. Cllr Cridland has been contacted by people by people who have repeated concerns about what is happening in Great Wood and Little Wood. There is concern that some of the unapproved development took place in 2014 and the owners might soon make Certificate of Lawfulness applications.

Due to recent heavy rain the risk of flash flooding has been raised by Oakford Parish Council and in Bampton. The District Councillors will be looking to help ensure that plans are in place for a quick and appropriate response. MDDC has recruited a new emergency response officer Lewis Dyson, who will be briefing councillors on 26th October. It’s clear that all Parishes need to be able to respond rapidly in the event of an emergency including flooding, so this should be developed within towns and parishes and supported by MDDC. A notice has been put in the Oakfordbridge noticeboard showing where residents can go online to sign up for flood alerts.

The Homes Policy Development Group meeting 26th September discussed the medium term Financial Plan (looking for savings), Mid Devon Homes (MDH) Damp and Mould Policy (zero tolerance), MDH Recharges Policy, Tenant Involvement and Engagement Action Plan, Regulator of Social Housing consultation on fees (wholly disputed) and received a presentation on Neighbourhood Management.

Cllr Gilmour left the meeting.

88/10/23. Public Forum.

No members of the public present.

89/10/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2023 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record were duly signed by Cllr Cridland, the Chair of the meeting.

90/10/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


91/10/23. Planning

To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

No applications received.

To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/01353/PNAG Prior notification for the erection of a covered silage pit. Location: Land at NGR 289837 123310 (East Tapp Farm) Oakford. Decision: No objection. Prior approval not required.

23/01367/PNAG Prior Notification for the erection of roof to provide covered yard Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 285872 122321, Swineham Farm, Oakford.Decision: No objection. Prior approval not required.

Update on alleged planning breaches.

This was covered under item 91/10/23 District Cllr’s Report.

Reminder of MDDC’s online training session on Class Q applications (19th  October at 6pm).


Any other planning matters.


92/10/23. Update on nominating The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value for a further 5 year period from 19.10.23.

The application has been submitted. Cllr Baylis has spoken to the owner to make them aware of the nomination and they are okay with this. They haven’t had much interest so far from any prospective buyers.

93/10/23. Highways:

Any matters to note or report.


Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill.

Melanie McKenna, DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer, has confirmed that this is still on the outstanding list.

Update on sign being turned around at the top of Hangmans Hill.

The sign has been put back in the right position.

Update on replacement of white lines at Pinkworthy Cross.

This work has been completed.

To note the resurfacing of the road at Black Cat.

The resurfacing has been completed.

To review the stock of salt in grit bins and decide which need to be refilled.

94/10/23. Community Area:

Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick gave the reports for the previous 2 months to the Clerk. He reported that cut grass is being carried onto the bridge at the entrance to the field and is making it slippery. A post has come out of the front of the pavilion. Cllr Levick will report this to Cllr Baylis so that appropriate action can be taken. The five bar gate at the top of the field is broken. Although it should be the responsibility of the owner of the neighbouring field to replace the gate the Parish Council were concerned that the broken gate could be a danger and it was agreed that Cllr Stevens would purchase a metal gate on the Council’s behalf and hang it in position. An expense claim to be submitted.

Action: Cllr Levick to inform Cllr Baylis that a post has come out of the front of the pavilion and appropriate action to be taken.

Cllr Stevens to purchase a metal gate and hang it in place at the top of the field. An expense claim to be submitted.

Update on repairs to the Gilbert Summers bench.

The restoration has been completed and the bench is looking good. It is now back in place. It was agreed to minute thanks to Cllr Potter and David Murphy.

Any matters to note.

People at Oakfordbridge would like to be able to put notices on the notice board that was recently erected there and a resident has volunteered to hold a key. At present there is only one key. Cllr Baylis will be asked if another key can be cut.

Action: Ask Cllr Baylis if another key for the noticeboard at Oakfordbridge can be cut.

95/10/23. Finance

To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payment: Mrs J Larcombe - £139.85 Clerk’s salary for September (Payment ref: 2324/19)

To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

Since the last meeting there have been no receipts. NatWest Current Account balance is £12,855.90. Unity Trust Bank Current Account balance is £354.15.  

To report on actual v budget April to September 2023.

Councillors considered the report. Councillors noted that £1023.68 is ringfenced for P3 but nothing has been spent in the first half of 2023-24 even though a lot of work needs doing. Cllr Gould will contact Tony Northcott to find out what is happening. There are still further payments to be made for cutting the grass at the community area and the triangle at the entrance to the village. Councillors felt a more detailed specification for grass cutting was needed for 2024 and this will be added to the agenda for the next meeting. The grass needs cutting again in October and Cllr Stevens will speak to David Murphy.

The budget for 2024-25 will be discussed in January so that the precept request can be agreed at the January meeting.

Action: Cllr Gould to speak to Tony Northcott about P3 work requirements. Cllr Stevens to ask David Murphy to cut the grass again. The Clerk to add the grass cutting specification for 2024 to the November 2023 agenda.

Report on first payment from the Unity Trust Bank accounts, transfer of the balance from the NatWest account and closure of that account.

The first payment has been made without any problems. It was agreed that Cllr Baylis should set up a transfer of the balance of the money in the NatWest account to the Unity Trust current account. Cllr Mayer to authorise it. Once the balance has been transferred the NatWest account will be closed. A transfer will be made from the Unity Trust Bank current account to the Instant Access account leaving £500 in the current account once October payments have been made.

Action: Cllr Baylis to set up a transfer of the balance in the NatWest account to the Unity Trust Bank current account and Cllr Mayer to authorise it. A letter signed by Cllr Baylis and Cllr Mayer to be sent to NatWest to close the account.

The Clerk to set up a transfer from the Unity Trust Bank current account to the Instant Access account to leave a balance of £500 once payments for October have been made. Cllr Baylis or Cllr Mayer to authorise.

To discuss a request for a donation from Citizens Advice Torridge, North, Mid & West Devon.

Councillors considered the request and agreed to make a donation of £50 (Payment ref: 2324/20).

96/10/23. Update on whose responsibility it is to clear debris from the Iron Mill stream.

The trunk of the tree has been removed but some bits have been left. It was suggested that the situation could be monitored by Cllr Cross.

Action: Cllr Cross, if agreeable, to monitor that the Iron Mill stream is free of debris.

97/10/23.  Update on framing and display of the Saving Devon’s Treescapes certificate and promotion about what the Parish Council is doing.

Cllr Baylis has received the pdf file from Cllr Cridland but has not yet framed it. Once it’s been put up he will put it on the Facebook group.

Action: Cllr Baylis to frame the certificate, hang it in the community hut and put information on Facebook.

98/10/23.  Update on the removal of the old BT Logo within the old BT Phone Box.

Cllr Baylis and Cllr Cross have tried getting together a couple of times but have been thwarted. This will be carried forward.

Action: Cllr Baylis and Cllr Cross to arrange to meet at the phone box to look at removing the logo.

99/10/23.  Update on issues about the sewerage treatment works raised at the previous meetings.

Cllr Gilmour has reported the issues to SWW but has not received a response. Cllr Gould has looked at the plant and it is not working as it should be. She will send photos that she took to Cllr Gilmour.

Action: Cllr Gould to send the photos she has taken of the sewage treatment plant to Cllr Gilmour.

100/10/23. To discuss the production of a newsletter.

This was deferred to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to leave this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

101/10/23. Correspondence:

the following correspondence was noted.

DALC Newsletters

MDDC press releases

MDDC – appointment of a Town & Parish Liaison Officer

MDDC – Polling Review

102/10/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 13th November 2023.