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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 9th October 2023 and might be subject to slight amendment

The minutes of a meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room, Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 11th September 2023


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), J Cridland, F Cross and J Mayer.

In attendance:

District Cllr C Adcock and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

67/09/23. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were accepted from Cllr’s L Gould, J Levick and P Potter. Apologies were received from County Cllr R Chesterton and District Cllr R Gilmour.

68/09/23. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations.

69/09/23. Public Forum.

No members of the public.

70/09/23. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14th August 2023 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.

71/09/23. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

No matters arising.

72/09/23. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

23/01301/Full Retention of stable block for private use. Location: Land at NGR 285896 122544 Beeches, Lower Swineham Farm. Comment: no objections.

23/01302/Full Retention of pole barn and agricultural storage building. Location: Land at NGR 285884 122507 and NGR 285909 122566, Beeches, Lower Swineham Farm, Oakford. Comment: no objections.

23/01324/Full Retention of two holiday lodges. Location: Land at NGR 285885 122550 Beeches, Oakford. Comment: no objections.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/00988/TPO Location: Red Deer House, Oakford – split decision

Application to fell 1 Scots Pine and 1 Ash tree; raise the crown of 1 Sycamore tree to provide 2.5m clearance and remove the 2 lower limbs, protected by Tree Preservation Order 16/00001/TPO. Decision: consent granted.

Application to reduce the crown of 1 Oak tree by 5m and prune side branches by 2-3m, protected by Tree Preservation Order 16/00001/TPO. Decision: consent refused.

23/01261/PNAG Prior notification for the proposed formation of roads. Location: Land at NGR 288418 123492 and Land at NGR 287763 123492 Western Farm, Oakford. Decision: No objection. Prior approval not required.

23/01245/PNAG Prior notification for a proposed formation of an agricultural access Road. Location: Land at NGR 288601 122792 East Mildon Farm, Oakford. Decision:  No objection. Prior approval not required.

c) Update on alleged planning breaches.

Cllr Gilmour has contacted members of the planning team at MDDC including Angharad Williams, Development Management Manager, about the alleged planning breaches at Spurway Barton, which were discussed at the last meeting. She received the following information:as noted, there is the current enforcement case, which relates to works to a former agricultural building to provide a dwelling. This matter is the subject of planning application 19/01841/FULL, which is currently undetermined. John Millar (Planning Officer) and Matthew Barks (Enforcement Officer) have now visited the site. As well as the known breach, there do appear to have been subsequent additional breaches since, which were not known to the Council. These amount to conversion/building works to former agricultural buildings. Works to these buildings are at various stages of completion, although none of these other buildings show any evidence of either being residentially occupied or indeed are currently able to be occupied as a dwellinghouse at this stage. John and Matthew were unable to speak to the site owner and they left their contact details. Additionally, they will follow up with the original architect who is still in contact with the owners and is currently gathering information as to the progression of the works on site.

In reference to the original matter, MDDC are conscious of the timescales and have no intention of allowing this to reach a point where any breach is no longer enforceable.  Investigations are continuing to establish the precise nature of any residential occupation and the length of time it has been occurring. Cllr Levick has expressed concern about the possibility of an application for a Certificate of Lawfulness.  

In addition to the above, it was noted that work has been carried out in respect to the restoration and refurbishment of the original farmhouse on the site. They will look into this further but, at present, it is not considered likely that this represents any breach of planning. Cllr Gilmour will be updated.

A councillor told the meeting that they had been told the buildings would be converted into 4 properties but at the moment they are not finished.

Melanie McKenna, DCC Neighbourhood Highway Officer (North) has been informed about the planned upgrade of the surface of Spurway Hill by the owners of Spurway Barton. There was a misunderstanding about the actual piece of road and Cllr Levick has corrected that. Cllr Baylis will chase Cllr Chesterton to see what action is being taken.

Action: Cllr Baylis to contact Cllr Chesterton to see what action is being taken.

Cllr Cridland reported that she had been made aware by parishioners of continued breaches in Great Wood. These parishioners had been emailing Andrew Moore when he was the ward councillor but things have now gone quiet. Two further large areas have now been cleared and laid with limestone chippings or similar, which were not on the prior notification. Access was already very good so it would be difficult to support as being necessary for forestry, especially on such a small plot with no evidence of any actual forestry taking place. As it wasn't on the original application it is a worrying trend that will inevitably be copied if not clamped down on. Cllr Cridland will update Cllr Adcock and Cllr Gilmour on the history of the planning breaches in Great Woods and Champles Wood and ask them to follow up. The Clerk will inform the Clerk to Stoodleigh Parish Council.

Actions: Cllr Cridland will update Cllr Adcock and Cllr Gilmour on the history of the planning breaches in Great Woods and Champles Wood and ask them to follow up.

The Clerk to inform the Clerk to Stoodleigh Parish Council.

d) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

73/09/23. Update on nominating The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value for a further 5 year period from 19.10.23.

The Clerk has completed the application form with support from Cllr Baylis and it is ready to submit. Copies of the Title Deed and Title Plan have been downloaded from the Land Registry website and will be submitted with the application form.

Action: The Clerk will submit the Asset of Community Value application form and accompanying documents.

74/09/23. Highways:

a) Any matters to note or report.


b) Update on actions regarding flooding on Rookery Hill.

Even though Cllr  Baylis has contacted Highways they have not carried out any work yet. Although there hasn’t been much rain recently, even when there is a small amount of rain it  can be seen that the water is not going into the soakaway. When there is heavier rain the force of the flow is damaging the road surface.

c) Update on problems with large vehicles using Hangmans Hill.

It was reported  that someone has turned the sign around at the top of Hangman’s Hill, on the Stoodleigh side, to face the opposite/wrong direction. Cllr Cross will report this online with photos.

Action: Cllr Cross to report online that the sign at the top of Hangmans Hill has been turned around.

d) Update on replacement of white lines at Pinkworthy Cross.

This is still  outstanding. Cllr Baylis will email Cllr Chesterton.

Action: Cllr Baylis to email Cllr Chesterton to let him know this is still outstanding.

e) Resurfacing of the road at Black Cat.

The road eastwards from the Black Cat is being resurfaced from 18th September for five days. Work will take place from 7pm  to 7am.

f) To note email regarding DCC Stakeholder Liaison Team.

An introductory email has been received from the Stakeholder Liaison Team, within Highways at Devon County Council. They deal with any scheduled works to be undertaken on behalf of Devon County Council, but this does not include Utility works such as SWW, Openreach etc. The Stakeholder Relations Officer for North Devon, East Devon, Exeter and Mid Devon is Caroline Anderson and the Stakeholder Relations Co-ordinator is Melanie. They can be contacted by emailing or by phoning 01392  385084 and choose option 2 (Community Queries).  The team have been set up to liaise between contractors and the public, concentrating on keeping Councillors and Parishes especially, up to date on what is happening in their areas. They can provide a more personal touch and are there to discuss any issues or concerns that Councils have, and to help resolve any problems, if at all possible. 

75/09/23. Reports:

County Cllr Report.

A written report from Cllr Chesterton was circulated prior to the meeting.

District Cllr Report.

Cllr Adcock has been in contact with Luke Howard, MDDC  Environment and Enforcement Manager, about the amendment to the PSPO for the community area. Unfortunately, changing a PSPO is a time-consuming process so   it may not be possible to get an interim amendment. Cllr Adcock has asked Luke   Howard to consider it given the effect on Oakford residents and utilisation of the community area.

Himalayan Balsam and sewage works: Cllr Gilmour has been on holiday but will chase up the sewage issue now she and Cllr Chesterton are back from holidays. The Himalayan balsam issue will be on the agenda of the next Environment Policy Development Group meeting on 10th October.

Spurway Mill enforcement: Cllr Gilmour raised the urgent nature of apparent  planning breaches on this site. Subsequently an Enforcement Officer (Matthew Barks) and a planning officer (John Millar) visited the site. Planning is aware of the urgency of the case and investigations are continuing. An update on this matter should be requested.

Decisions made regarding 3 Rivers Developments Ltd.: At the Full Council meeting on 6th September, the Cabinet recommendation to proceed with a soft closure of the company to maximise returns and minimise any potential financial exposure was adopted. Current projects will be completed and sold. It is expected that the majority of the £21million debt figure quoted will be recovered. Cabinet (29th August 2023) has approved the acquisition of St Georges Court, Tiverton by Mid Devon Homes (HRA) subject to an agreed valuation.Full Council Motion on Roads: At the full Council meeting on 6th September, Motion 596 from Cllr Gilmour was passed:

MDDC call on DCC to fulfil their statutory obligations under Section 41 of the 1980 Highways Act, that requires them to maintain Devon’s roads and to keep them safe. Further, to explain the financial position regarding the funds promised by HMG, and received to date, the proposed remedial actions for the roads in MDDC to be undertaken before this winter and the spending/budget allocations between 2022/3 – 2025/6.

MDDC agrees to establish an on-line petition to include the following: Our roads in Mid Devon have become dangerous and a liability to drivers, passengers, other road users and pedestrians. Now, we the electorate of MDDC are calling on DCC to fix our dangerous roads and if they do not have sufficient funding to demand this from Central Government.

Cllr Mayer asked about the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) situation at MDDC. Cllr Adcock said this had been brought up at Full Council. Survey work has not identified RAAC. Buildings built in a particular era will be investigated.

Cllr Mayer asked Cllr Adcock if he had an update regarding an empty social home at Morebath that Cllr Gilmour had said MDDC were proposing selling but he did not.

76/09/23. Community Area:

Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick had sent his apologies. Cllr Cross said someone had raised a concern with her about the Parish Council’s responsibility if the SWW treatment plant can be accessed through the hedge at the far end of the community area. Access to the plant would be through the broken fence which is the responsibility of SWW.

Update on amending the PSPO now the fencing has been installed around the play equipment.

If the Parish Council want the PSPO amended it will need to  go out to consultation and there are a number of people and organisations that need  to be consulted. This would require a lot of officer time and would not be cheap to  do. Previous PSPO amendments made in December 2021 were to correct errors in  the PSPO. The existing MDDC PSPO runs out in October 2024 and they will start  consulting on a new one next year. The Parish Council will need to be part of that  process and will be able to decide what they want to do about a PSPO for the future.  As the Parish Council own the community area the risk of a MDDC officer checking it  and fining anyone with a dog seems to to be very low.

Update on replacement of warning sign.

Cllr Stevens moved the ‘No Dogs’ sign to the gate of the fenced off area. Cllr Baylis has put a new ‘No Dogs’ sign on the bridge. It was suggested that the ‘Clean up after your dogs’ wording should be taped off but councillors decided to leave it as it is.

Update on installation of second waste bin.

The bin has been installed. Cllr Mayer will empty the bin and it was agreed that she could purchase bin bags when her current supply of bags is used up.

Repairs to the Gilbert Summers bench.

Cllr Potter has removed the bench and has started to repair it. He has reported that the work is going well and he hopes to have it back together in the next few weeks.

Any matters to note.

Adding more sand to the Pétanque area will be looked at in the spring.

77/09/23. Finance

To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payment:

Mrs J Larcombe - £139.85 Clerk’s salary for August and expenses (Payment ref: 2324/18)

Since the last meeting £500.00 has been paid into the new Unity Trust Bank Current

Account and a payment of £230.00 has been made to D G Murphy for grass cutting (Payment ref: 2324/17)

To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balance.

Since the last meeting there have been no receipts

NatWest Current Account balance is £12,845.90

Unity Trust Bank Current Account balance is £500.00

Confirmation of the opening of the Unity Trust Bank accounts and the closing of the NatWest Account.

The account has been opened and the Clerk has received cheque and deposit books. The Clerk and signatory councillors have received details for online banking. The Clerk will be paid from this account this month and if it all works the balance from the NatWest account will be transferred and the account will be closed. Some money will be left in the Unity Trust Bank current account and the rest will be transferred to the Instant Access account and  it will earn interest.

78/09/23. To consider the email from the Flood Resilience Team of the Environment Agency regarding raising awareness of flash flooding in Oakfordbridge.

The Clerk has been emailed by a member of the Flood Resilience team at the Environment Agency. They are contacting local communities to share materials on flash flooding. They also wanted to know whether Oakfordbridge has an emergency  flood plan and group and if so, whether this group is signed up to their flood warning service and the Met Office’s severe weather warnings? Councillors noted that residents can sign up to receive emails when there is a risk of flooding. The first house over the bridge has an issue with the wash from people driving through the floodwater when it floods. It was felt some of the flooding was caused by people not removing debris from the river when they have a responsibility to do so. Cllr Adcock will ask if there is anyone at MDDC who can advise whose responsibility it is to clear debris from the Iron Mill stream?

Action: Cllr Adcock to ask if there is anyone at MDDC who can advise whose responsibility it is to clear debris from the Iron Mill stream?

79/09/23. Confirmation of entry into the Wild About Devon Awards.

Cllr Cridland has submitted an entry. She reported that she has received a certificate from Saving Devon’s Treescapes. Cllr Cridland will laminate the certificate and Cllr Baylis will frame it and put it in the community hut. Cllr Cridland suggested putting something on Facebook to promote what the Parish Council is doing.

Action: Cllr Cridland to laminate the certificate and Cllr Baylis to frame it and put it in the community hut.  Cllr Baylis to put information on Facebook.

80/09/23. To discuss the possible removal of the old BT Logo within the old BT Phone Box.

Cllr Cross has received some advice on how the logo could possibly be removed. Cllr Cross and Cllr Baylis will meet at the phone box to try this.

Action: Cllr Baylis and Cllr Cross to arrange to meet at the phone box to look at removing the logo.

81/09/23. Update on issues about the sewerage treatment works raised at the last meeting.

Cllr Gilmour and Cllr Chesterton have been on holiday and SWW have not been contacted about the concerns raised at the last meeting - maintenance of the plant, Himalayan Balsam infestation, poor fencing and the lack of warning signs, apart from at the entrance. Of particular concern is the possibility of children getting into the plant through the hedge at the far end of the community area and the broken fencing around the plant. The Clerk recommended that if councillors believed there was a potential risk to children the Parish Council should inform SWW and send them a photo. A photo will be provided by Cllr Cridland and Cllr Baylis will contact SWW.

Action: Cllr Cridland to provide photos and Cllr Baylis to contact SWW.

82/09/23. Update on the erection of noticeboard at Oakfordbridge.

The noticeboard has been put up. Cllr Stevens put in the legs and Cllr Baylis and Mr Mayer attached the noticeboard. Cllr Baylis has the only key and he will put information and notices on the board.

83/09/23. Correspondence.

The following correspondence was noted:

DALC Newsletters and invitation to AGM

MDDC press releases

MDDC – Let’s Talk Mid Devon Content Pack

DCC – Free Tree Scheme

Exe Valley Market Bus – publication of search for new committee members

Cllr Cross has applied for some free trees.

Cllr Mayer reminded councillors that it was some time since the Parish Council had

produced a newsletter. This will be discussed at the October meeting.

Action: The Clerk to add an item to the agenda for the next meeting to discuss producing a newsletter.

84/09/23. To agree the date of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 9th October 2023.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm