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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 13th May and might be subject to slight amendment.

The Minutes of a Meeting of Oakford Parish Council held in the Committee Room at Oakford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 8th April 2024


Cllr’s G Baylis (Chair), J Cridland, F Cross, L Gould, J Levick, J Mayer, P Potter and V Stevens.

In attendance:

County Cllr R Chesterton, District Cllr C Adcock, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

186/04/24. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from District Cllr R

Gilmour and County Cllr R Chesterton. Cllr Chesterton later joined the meeting.

187/04/24. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations.

188/04/24. Public Forum.

A member of the public explained that she was trying to organise a fund raising soap box derby in Oakford but was struggling to obtain public liability insurance. The cheapest quote she had received was £3,500. She had organised a similar event and arranged public liability insurance at a much cheaper price before lockdown but some insurance companies are no longer in operation. One option is for an organisation that already has insurance to obtain insurance for the event. The Clerk explained that the event would have to organised by the Parish Council in order for it to be added to the Council’s insurance. The member of the public was asked to email the full details to the Clerk so that she could talk to the Council’s insurers.

The member of the public left the meeting.

189/04/24. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2024 as an accurate record of the meeting.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed by the Chair.

190/04/24. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

Cllr Levick reported that the grass in the community area would be cut for the first time later this week, weather permitting.

191/04/24. Planning

a) To comment on any planning applications received before the meeting.

No applications received.

b) To note any planning decisions made by MDDC.

23/00864/Full Change of use and conversion of building to holiday let. Location: Land and Buildings at NGR 290678 121480, (The Coach House), Oakford.  Decision: conditional approval granted.

24/00238/LBC Listed Building Consent for replacement of bitumen coated slate roof finish and associated works. Location: The Mill, Bampton. Decision: conditional listed building consent.

c) To note the appeal decision APP/Y1138/W/23/3325463 (23/00633/FULL) Exeridge Farm, Bampton (Planning application 23/00633/Full).

Decision: planning appeal allowed. The decision was noted.

d) Update on alleged planning breaches.

No update. It was noted that a 3 acre piece of woodland near to the fishery, named as Little Wood, has been put up for sale. While there are 2 caravans on the site and a pitch for a third there is no planning permission. Cllr Adcock will report to MDDC Planning enforcement. Stoodleigh Parish Council to be made aware and asked to report.

Action: Cllr Adcock to report this matter to MDDC Planning Enforcement.

The Clerk to inform Stoodleigh Parish Council and ask them to also report.

Cllr Chesterton joined the meeting.

e) Any other planning matters.

No other planning matters.

192/04/24. Highways:

a)Any matters to note or report.

The resurfacing of Aldridge Hill has been delayed by a month. Cllr Chesterton had been told that 2 sections of road were to be resurfaced at the same time but the road closure notice is only showing 1. They would be 2 different job orders.

After 13 years as the Footpath Wardens for Oakford, Mr and Mrs Northcott want to stand down. Mr Northcott is willing to do an extended handover. Something will be included in the parish newsletter, Church newsletter and on the website to try and recruit someone to take over. A small walking group has started and perhaps someone from that group might be interested.

Action: Cllr Baylis will write something to be included in the newsletter, Church magazine and on the website.

b) Update on flooding issues/blocked drains.

Standing water on the road from Fordmoor Cross to Stuckeridge Cross has been reported. Highways are working with the landowner who has cleaned the buddle hole and cleared the ditches. It back fills quite quickly and the field is at approximately the same level as the road. Highways will endeavour to find a solution. Cllr Stevens has spoken to the landowner and he wants to sort it out himself.

193/04/24. Reports:

a) County Cllr Report.

Cllr Chesterton reported that applications for funding from his Locality Budget can be made from next week. DCC has been looking at the Devolution Bill and is waiting for information from the recent consultation.

b) District Cllr Report.

A written report was circulated prior to the meeting. The following information was included:

State of the District Debate on 20th March. This meeting was attended by many Town and Parish Councillors and clerks, MDDC councillors and Council Officers. There was an introduction from the Chairman (Cllr. Frank Letch) followed by presentations from the Leader (Luke Taylor), the Chief Executive (Stephen Walford), the Devon Association of Local Councils (Cara Stobart) and Devon Communities Together (Nora Corkery). Afterwards, there were 6 focus groups each led by one or two cabinet members and one or two senior council officers.  Each held six 15-minute sessions with attendees rotating between the groups. The primary aim was to hear views from the Towns and Parishes. Afterwards there was some feedback to the meeting from the discussion group chairs. The response was generally positive. Council officers are collating the large number of comments noted and full written feedback will be communicated to all soon. Two of the key concerns raised were the need to improve 2-way communication and aspects of Planning. The Parishes would appreciate more feedback on planning decisions especially in cases where they had raised concerns to help reassure them that their concerns had been noted and wanted to see effective enforcement (which is being addressed). Waste collection: In the week ending 22nd March there was 98.15% compliance with not leaving side waste (non-recyclable waste outside of black wheelie bins or seagull sacks). Sensitive engagement and enforcement with residents not complying has commenced. Although the recycling rate is good (58.4% in Oct-Dec 2023) there is still a significant percentage of recyclable waste and food waste in black bins, so plenty of scope for further improvement. All are encouraged to try to reduce waste and ensure recyclable waste including food waste goes in the respective boxes for collection.

Planning Enforcement: The District Councillors are engaging with the new Enforcement Officer, who is investigating various sites in the ward where there is a potential planning breach. The situation regarding enforcement at Spurway Barton is still ongoing and they are: Cllr Gilmour, as Chair of Scrutiny invited EA to the meeting in March. There was also a councillor attending from Lewes District Council where they review sewage increase as part of all planning applications. They would like MDDC to do the same. The EA representative left with a list of of questions from Councillors as well as some casework from Cllr Gilmour.  Cllr Gilmour met with with local fishermen about the very poor water quality of the Rivers Exe, Culm and Barle which has led to a disastrous depletion in fish stocks. Liberal Democrat HQ has put in a FOI Request about the water quality which SWW refuse to publicise on the basis of “commercial sensitivity”. She has also asked SWW for answers to 10 key questions.

Next month marks a year since they were elected as the MDDC councillors for Clare & Shuttern Ward and they will be carrying out a 360 degree performance review with their parishes at the beginning of May. Councils are asked to carry this out as a Part 2 agenda item..

c) MDDC State of the District Meeting.

Cllr Baylis represented Oakford Parish Council at the meeting and reported that it was a good concept. MDDC Councillors  and officers are willing to talk to Town and Parish Councils. He suggested holding longer sessions on the 6 subjects that were discussed. There is a need to improve 2 way communication and to give feedback on planning applications. MDDC will be emailing the presentations to the Clerk and they will be forwarded.

Action: the Clerk to forward the presentations to councillors.

194/04/24. Update on SWW work to the sewerage treatment works.

The verge has now been reinstated and a good job was made. Generally, the sewage treatment works is working. A tanker visited the works on 26th March. On 7th May someone came and put a camera down to locate a fault.

195/04/24. Community Area:

a) Any points to note from inspections of community area.

Cllr Levick gave a copy of his inspection reports since the last meeting to the Clerk.

b) To discuss the Rospa Play Safety Report received following the annual inspection of the play area.

The report was circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. The entrance gate needs to be adjusted to give a 12 mm gap to prevent pinching. Noting the comments about the chains on the basket swing it was confirmed this comment had been made before, following which they had been adjusted to the specification of the supplier. Some of the timber on the bridge is decaying and needs replacing. Options will be considered and quotes obtained. It was suggested that if funding was available a concrete bridge might be a more permanent solution.

c) To confirm arrangements for the Community Area working party.

The working party is planned for Saturday 13th April and volunteers will meet at the Village Hall. There is a lot of grass and weeds growing on the Petanque court and Cllr Levick suggested spraying with Roundup weedkiller. There was concern about using Roundup because it contains Glyphosate and there have been some concerns about its safety. Cllr Levick will investigate using a ‘friendlier’ weedkiller. It was also agreed that Cllr Levick could purchase some wood preservative, brushes and masking tape etc to paint the pavilion. It will still be too wet for Cllr Stevens to use his JCB telehandler.

Actions: Cllr Levick to purchase weedkiller after investigating alternatives to Roundup and materials to paint the pavilion with wood preservative.

d) To agree to request a variation of the Public Spaces Protection (Dog control) Order for the Community Area.

The following response was agreed:Oakford Parish Council requests that the PSPO relating to the “Recreation Ground, Oakford” (aka “Community Area”) is amended to reflect the fact that the Children’s Play Area within the Recreation Ground has been fenced off (plan showing fenced off area in orange to be attached to response). We would like the PSPO’s ban on dogs to apply ONLY to the fenced off Children’s Play Area, and the rest of the Recreation Ground should be available for owners to allow their dogs to run free. An updated plan of the area and photographs of the fenced off Children’s Play Area to be attached to the response for clarity.

e) To note repairs carried out to the pavilion.

The lever latch on the door has been replaced by Cllr Baylis.

f) Update on replacement of gate at the top of the play area.

This will be replaced when the weather and ground conditions improve.

g) Any matters to note.

Details have been circulated about a source of funding to which an application to provide a path in the community area could possibly be made.

196/04/24. Finance

a) To approve any invoices or expense claims presented for payment.

It was resolved to make the following payments:

Playsafety Ltd - £108.00 Annual inspection of play equipment (Payment ref: 2425/01).

Mrs J Larcombe - £150.45 Clerk’s salary for March (Payment ref: 2425/03)

Cllr G Baylis - £22.00 Lever latch for pavilion (Payment ref: 2425/04)

Bank service charges of £18.00 were paid on 31.03.24.

The 2024-25 precept should be received later this week and an internal transfer will be made from the Current Account to the Instant Access Account to return the Current Account balance to £500.00 once the precept is received.

b) To agree to renew membership of Devon Association of Local Councils.

It was agreed to renew the membership at a cost of £158.81 (Payment ref: 2425/02)

c) To note any receipts since the last meeting and the bank balances.

Since the last meeting bank interest of £78.40 and a cheque for £27.92 from National Grid, a wayleave payment for the pole and stay in the community area, have been received.

The Current Account balance is £482.00 and the Instant Access Account balance is £11,157.38.

d) Bank reconciliation 31.03.24.

Cllr Levick reported that he had checked the bank reconciliations for 29.02.24 and 31.03.24 against the bank statements and they were accurate. He signed them at the end of the meeting.

197/04/24. Update on production of the Parish Newsletter.

Cllr Cross reported she had contacted the organisations in the parish to ask for content for the newsletter. She has given them a deadline to respond by. Some copies will be printed.The organisations have also been contacted about the APM. Cllr Mayer’s Poppycraft will be added. Cllr Baylis will find out how much table space each group needs. It was agreed to pay the £15 additional fee to use the screen in the hall to show photos. Anyone wishing to provide photos should send them to Cllr Baylis who will put this together.

Actions: Cllr Baylis to contact organisations to find out how much table space they need, arrange to use the screen and put together photo display.Any photos to be sent to Cllr Baylis.

Cllr Chesterton left the meeting.

198/04/24. To discuss the Devon Community Foundation Future Funding Opportunities Parish Survey.

The survey has been circulated to find out what projects are planned in the parishes that can apply to the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Fund. Panel members feel this information would be helpful for them when considering the amount of funding to be awarded to a successful application.

Cllr Mayer felt that each application should just be considered on its merit, particularly as there is plenty of money in the fund at present. Possible projects were discussed. The Village Hall Committee has received planning approval to clad the outside of the hall. An application could be made to cover the cost of replacing the bridge to the community area. The PC has already made an application for funding towards the cost of replacing the Church bells.

199/04/24. To agree the Parish Council’s response to the MDDC Town and Parish Council Charter consultation.

Councillors had no suggestions for changes to the draft Charter. The Clerk will inform MDDC.

Action: the Clerk to inform MDDC that the Parish Council has no suggestions for changes.

200/04/24. Update on arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting.

This was covered under item 197/04/24.

201/04/24. Parish Council succession planning: to discuss who would be willing to be nominated for the positions of Chair and Vice-chair at the Annual Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Baylis has been Chair of the Parish Council for 3 years and said he would like to stand down as Chair and continue as a councillor. Cllr Levick didn’t feel he had lived in the parish and been on the Parish Council long enough to become Chair. Cllr Cridland said she did not want to become Chair. Councillors felt that Cllr Baylis was been doing a good job as Chair and encouraged him to continue.

202/04/24. Correspondence:

the following correspondence was noted.

 DALC Newsletters

 MDDC Election Notice for Police & Crime Commissioner Election

 MDDC press releases

 Mid Devon Police Staff Update 

203/04/24. To confirm the date of the next meeting:

Annual Parish Council Meeting Monday 13th May 2024. Confirmed.