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The amount of dog poo that has been left on the roads, grass verges and Community Area in Oakford is something which your Parish Council has been concerned about for some time. Now, due to widespread complaints about the amount of dog poo being left across Devon, Mid-Devon District Council has followed North Devon Council’s lead and introduced a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to make dog fouling a prosecutable offence. The “Mid Devon (Public Spaces Protection) (Dog Control) Order 2021” legislation covers three types of area: Public Parks, Enclosed Play Areas and Public Cemeteries & Churchyards.

The Community Area

The Oakford Community Area falls within the “Enclosed Play Area” category and since the play equipment is not fenced off from the rest of the field, this means that dogs are now prohibited from the whole of the Community Area (with the exception of Guide Dogs), regardless of whether they are on a lead or not. On the spot fines of £100, or up to £1,000 following prosecution for failing to pay, will be levied if you are caught with a dog in the Community Area.

Other Public Spaces

As part of the Order, anyone caught leaving their dog’s poo on any other public highway or path is also liable for the fine. Please note that the “Stick and Flick” practice which is promoted by the Forestry Commission (where you flick the poo into the undergrowth away from the road/path rather than bagging it) should only be used in wooded areas, not along Oakford’s roads and paths – our children are free to play on our verges so could still accidentally encounter the ‘flicked’ poo.


MDDC has provided a ‘No Dogs’ sign by the entrance to the Community Area and other signs will be placed around the village to remind everyone about the penalties for not ‘picking up’.

The full text of the PSPO order can be found here: MDDC  PSPO Document


The Parish Council respectfully asks you all to support this change and keep your dogs out of the Community Area – and also to be diligent about picking up their poo elsewhere. If you see anyone not complying with the new PSPO, please politely draw their attention to it. Infringements can be reported to MDDC here: Reporting to MDDC

Note that the MDDC Enforcement Officers can only take action if they witness the infringement themselves or if members of the public have photographic or video evidence AND are willing to make a Witness Statement to the Police and, potentially, appear in Court should the evidence be challenged.



Thank you all for helping to keep Oakford and Oakfordbridge a dog poo free Parish.

Geoff Baylis

Chairman, Oakford Parish Council

9th February 2022