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Book Group

Contact Sarah Benyon 01363 866231



The Playpark committee is actively raising funds to upgrade the equipment.

If you can help, please contact Sarah 01363 860151


Pyncombe Poughill Educational Foundation

The objects of the charity are to promote the education (including social and physical training) of persons resident in Poughill parish under the age of 25 years, and who are in need of financial assistance. 

Applications are dealt with sympathetically and in the strictest confidence. The charity is run by seven trustees who meet three times a year. The date of the next meeting is advertised on the village noticeboard and on the village website.  Grant applications are welcomed from anyone meeting the criteria of the charity.  The amount awarded is decided by the Trustees - so please supply as much information as possible.  It is possible to apply for more than one grant. 

If you have any queries please contact Helen Morton (secretary) 866038 and application forms are available at the back of the church.


St Michael & All Angels Church

Services are held on the first and third Sundays in each month at 9.45am

Anyone wishing to help with flower arranging, please contact Liz Rogers 01363 866493



Scrabble addicts and wordsmiths should contact Anne Wander

01363 866349 or


Village Hall

Village Hall website: 

People enjoying themselves at a cream tea event at Poughill Village Hall


Youth Club               

The Youth Club meets in the Village Hall, fortnightly on a Thursday evening.

The Junior section meets from 6 to 7.15pm

Seniors meet from 7.15 50 8.30pm

Contact Sarah 01363 860151