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Shobrooke Parish Council

Notice of Annual Meeting of Parish Council

Dear Councillors

I hereby give notice that the Annual meeting of the above-named Parish Council will be held in the Shobrooke Village Hall on Tuesday 14 May 2019 at 7.30pm.

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the Business to be transacted at the meeting set out hereunder. 

Dated this   8 May 2019

Signed        Jane Hole

Clerk to the Parish Council                  01392 851148 

Business to be Transacted

Formal Business

(Members of the public may not take part in the formal business of the Parish Council except under special circumstances) 

01/05/19     Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • To receive nominations for Chairman and to receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office form
  • To receive nominations for Vice Chairman 

Public Participation – standing orders suspended

Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions on issues on this agenda or to raise issues for future consideration by the Parish Council. Limited to 15 minutes.

Standing orders reinstated 

02/05/19     Apologies - To receive apologies 

03/05/19     Declaration of Interest

3.1              Register of Interests (ROI).  Councillors to update as required

3.2              Personal Interests (PI).  Councillors must declare any personal interest in items on the agenda and their nature.

3.3              Disclosable Pecuniary interest (DPI).  Councillors must declare any pecuniary interest in items on the agenda and their nature and they must leave the meeting for that agenda item. 

04/05/19     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2019 (previously circulated)

To be agreed and signed as a true record 

05/05/19     To consider any applicants for co-option – two posts are available

Standing orders to be suspended to allow discussion with potential candidates 

06/05/19     To adopt the power of competency

The Council is eligible to adopt this power as more than 2/3rds of Councillors were elected and the Clerk is qualified.  See brief explanation of power circulated separately. 

06/05/19     Mid Devon District Council

6.1              Planning Applications:

19/00628/HOUSE – Erection of porch at Rose Cottage, Shute

19/00568/FULL and 19/00571/LBC – Planning and Listed Building Consent for demolition of cloakroom and porch, internal alterations, erection of a porch and extension to North elevation and extension to existing conservatory to South elevation with alteration to window over, replacement of tile roof with natural slate and erection of a garage block at Lower Living, Shobrooke                           

6.2              Planning Decisions:

19/00272/FULL - Erection of single storey extension at 1 Burrington Drive, Shobrooke – grant permission

18/02029/FULL – to note appeal against refusal of planning permission for the Conversion of redundant workshop to 2 dwellings at (Commercial Unit, Shute Farm) Shute

6.3              Report from Cllr Graeme Barnell 

07/05/19     To review: (on website unless stated otherwise)

7.1              Standing Orders

7.2              Financial Regulations

7.3              Risk Assessments (

7.4              Complaints procedure

7.5              Bank signatories – to add and remove signatories

7.6              Dates for meetings in 2020 – see below

7.7              Asset register (

7.8              To confirm Insurance Policy – circulated separately

7.9              Code of Conduct

7.10            Parish Council Action plan (

7.11            Training and Development Policy

7.12            Publications Policy (FOI) 

08/05/19     Election of officers/representatives

8.1              Crediton Neighbourhood Plan representative

8.2              Neighbourhood Watch Officer

8.3              Raddon Hills representative x 2

8.4              Snow Warden

8.5              Playing Fields Liaison Officer

8.6              Delegated responsibility:  Footpath Warden                  

                                                             Playing fields representative

                                                              Website Officer

8.7              To consider new post of Defibrillator/kiosk Officer (to include weekly reporting for defib)

8.8              To consider a new committee – Staff and Personnel Committee – see below

8.9              To consider a new committee - Play Park Refurbishment Committee – see below 

09/05/19     Road and Footpaths

9.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues – list attached

9.2              New issues identified 

10/05/19     Finance

10.1            Parish Council receipts Current Account:                  




Amount £







Grant for grit bins



10.2            Parish Council payments current account:   




Amount £



Data Protection Registration



A Jones

Reimbursement for materials (keys/paint)







DB Fencing

Fence at playpark



J Hole

Salary and expenses







10.3            To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

10.4            Balances:

10.4.1         Parish Council Current Account balance: £6,918.83

10.4.2         Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

 10.4.3        Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,792.93

10.5            Financial Statement and Budget Monitor - attached

10.6            Annual Return – please view on website:

10.6.1         To approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2018/19

10.6.2         To approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2018/19

10.6.3         To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2018/19 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000

10.7            To confirm arrangements for grass cutting at the playpark 

11/05/19     Councillor’s Reports                                    

11.1            To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

11.2            Playing Fields report 

12/05/19     Clerk’s Report

12.1            To consider paying the Clerk’s membership of Society of Local Council Clerks (total cost approx. £100.00 - to be split 50/50 with NSCPC)

12.2            Update on barking dogs 

13/05/19     Parish Council

13.1            To consider draft Crediton Neighbourhood Plan – circulated separately.  Comments invited by 20 May 2019

13.2            To consider any training needs 

14/05/19     Devon County Council

14.1            Report from Cllr M Squires 

15/05/19     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Letter re use of land at Mill – see below

Thank you from Mid Devon Mobility for grant

A list of any other correspondence will be available at the meeting 

16/05/19     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.  Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making. 

17/05/19     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 11 June 2019 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm  

End of formal business


Agenda Item 7.6

Meeting dates for 2020

Tuesday 14 January (if required)

Tuesday 11 February

Tuesday 10 March

Tuesday 14 April

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 12 May

Tuesday 12 May (Parish Council Annual Meeting)

Tuesday 9 June

Tuesday 14 July

Tuesday 11 August (if required)

Tuesday 8 September

Tuesday 13 October

Tuesday 10 November

Tuesday 8 December (Budget and precept)

Agenda Item 8.7

As required by Financial Regulations the salary budget should be reviewed at least annually.  If required this can be combined with an annual Performance Appraisal.  It is not practical for the whole council to carry this out so the task can be delegated to a Staff and Personnel committee who then make recommendations to the Council, including recommendations on hours of work and pay.  The terms of reference for the committee would be:

Terms of Reference for Staff and Personnel Committee


The Committee to consist of the Chairman and Vice Chairman plus one additional Councillor


  • To deal with all matters relating to staff issues
  • To deal with any staff disciplinary issues
  • To undertake staff appraisals including discussion of hours and salary
  • To report any recommendations to full council
  • To deal with all matters relating to Councillor behaviour


Agenda Item 8.8  

Play Park Refurbishment Committee

A play park refurbishment committee would consider options for the play park and make reports and recommendations to full Council. 

Terms of Reference for Play Park Refurbishment Committee

  • To devise an equipment replacement schedule and to keep this under review based on weekly/annual reports on the state of the equipment
  • To consider a nature/wild area and investigate possible grants
  • In consultation with the Clerk to contact companies to obtain quotes for equipment
  • In consultation with the Clerk to investigate possible grants
  • To meet company representatives on site to discuss requirements
  • To make recommendations to full council
  • To supervise implementation of new equipment 


Agenda Item 9.1

Outstanding issues for Roads and Footpaths 

  1. Various pot hole between Exeter Hill Cross and Stumpy Cross
  2. Drains at Exeter Hill Cross – update from DCC – This gully has been added to the annual inspection.  When last inspected by our gully team 07/03/19 they have reported that the cover was stuck and this has now been forwarded to our contractor to repair and then clean this gully 


Agenda item 15.5

Dear Parish Council,

I would like to keep you in the picture as to what I am doing in Shobrooke at the moment. I have purchased the final parcel of land which the Cox family put up for sale when they gave up Shobrooke Mill. It is the very hilly field just past the old mill itself, and I have put a sign on the gate using the name Camm's Hill, which I discovered was what the top part of the land was called on the Victorian Tythe Map.

I live nearby in Cheriton Fitzpaine and have been looking for somewhere to write, away from daily demands for several years now. The view from the top of the hill is quite special and panoramic. I have already planted a small woodland at the back of the plot with trees from the woodland trust, and will try to establish bluebells and other wild flowers there. I have also erected a Mongolian Gur (a sort of yurt) so that I can write under cover, in peace, and sometimes stay overnight wild-camping. I need no planning permission for this. There is of course no water and no electricity and the place will just be held for my children and grandchildren to visit and play in when there are here from London and Tasmania. The Gur is green rather than white so that it will be far less visible and I have sighted it behind two ancient oak trees so that the nearby properties cannot see it at all. I have had race horses grazing there for the past 3 weeks and would hope to have sheep from neighbouring farms in the future.

You can always contact me by email if there is anything you need to discuss.

kind regards,


Agenda item 10.5

Budget Monitor available here


Meeting information