Agenda for March 2022 meeting
Shobrooke Parish Council
Notice of Meeting of Parish Council
Dear Councillors
I hereby give notice that the meeting of the above-named Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 7.30pm
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the Business to be transacted at the meeting set out hereunder.
Dated this 10 March 2022
Signed Jane Hole
Clerk to the Parish Council 01392 851148
Public Participation
Members of the public are invited to give their views and ask questions on issues on this agenda or to raise issues for future consideration by the Parish Council. Limited to 15 minutes.
Formal Business
(Members of the public may not take part in the formal business of the Parish Council except under special circumstances)
01/03/22 Apologies
To receive apologies
02/03/22 Declaration of Interest
2.1 Register of Interests (ROI). Councillors to update as required
2.2 Personal Interests (PI). Councillors must declare any personal interest in items on the agenda and their nature.
2.3 Disclosable Pecuniary interest (DPI). Councillors must declare any pecuniary interest in items on the agenda and their nature and they must leave the meeting for that agenda item.
03/03/22 Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 16 February 2022 (previously circulated)
To be agreed and signed as a true record
04/03/22 To consider any applicants for co-option
Standing orders to be suspended to allow discussion with candidates.
05/03/22 Mid Devon District Council
5.1 Planning Applications:
22/00423/LBC - Listed Building Consent to replace tiled roof of house and guttering and repoint chimney at Zephyr Cottage, Shobrooke
22/00371/FULL- Erection of dwelling following demolition of Dutch barn and stable and formation of vehicular access at West Efford Farm, Efford, Shobrooke
5.2 Planning Decisions: None
5.3 To agree comments on MDDC Local Plan
5.4 Feedback on Affordable Housing
5.5 Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish
06/03/22 Finance
6.1 Parish Council receipts Current Account: None
6.2 Parish Council payments current account:
Item |
Payee |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
6.2.1 |
Lynsay Balkwill |
Reimbursement for purchase of jubilee tree |
6.2.2 |
Shobrooke Village Hall |
Room rent |
126.00 |
6.2.3 |
Play Safely |
Play park inspection (to be paid in April) |
126.00 |
6.2.4 |
J Hole |
Salary and expenses |
284.86 |
6.3.5 |
9.40 |
6.3 To approve authorisers/signatories for this month’s online payments
6.4 Balances:
6.4.1 Parish Council Current Account balance: £649.56
6.4.2 Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74
6.4.3 Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.98 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)
6.5 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor – attached.
07/03/22 Road and Footpaths
7.1 Outstanding Road and Footpath issues
7.2 New issues identified
08/03/22 Parish Council
8.1 To agree final version of Community Resilience plan – circulated separately
8.2 Update on plans for the Queens Platinum Jubilee
8.3 Update on arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting (7pm 18 May)
09/03/22 Councillor’s Reports
9.1 To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility
9.2 Playing Fields
9.2.1 To note weekly inspections reports
9.2.2 To note annual inspection report from ROSPA – circulated separately
9.2.3 To agree grant application to Viridor - including management and maintenance document and PC contribution of £4,000.00 (up from £3,250.00)
10/03/22 Clerk’s Report - None
11/03/22 Devon County Council
11.1 To consider supporting the “20 is plenty” campaign by passing a resolution to normalise the 20mph speed limit throughout the village (or areas to be agreed). See below for details
11.2 To note DCC 20mph Community Self Assessment form and to consider completion. See below for details
11.3 Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish – see report below
12/03/22 Miscellaneous Correspondence
Various newsletters circulated.
MDDC State of the District Debate 5 April, 6pm via zoom
A list of any other correspondence will be available at the meeting
13/03/22 Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda
Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
14/03/22 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20 April 2022, at 7.30 pm, at the Village Hall
End of formal business
Agenda Item 6.5
Agenda item 11.1
Dear Clerk/Parish Council and supporters,
You are probably aware of the nationwide campaign "20's Plenty for Us", promoting a speed limit of 20mph to be normal on residential streets and in town and village centres. Across the UK there are now over 500 local groups campaigning to make cities, towns and villages better places to be.
We are now trying to develop a campaign across the whole of our county, "20's Plenty for Devon", as we believe that the vast majority of residents in our towns and villages are concerned about traffic travelling at speed in residential areas and on narrow, winding country lanes where people also live, work and play. It has been conclusively shown that more people walk and cycle, and use public transport, on roads where traffic is moving at lower and safer speeds.
We are encouraging town and parish councils to pass a resolution to petition Devon County Council (DCC) to implement 20mph speed limits in their residential communities and to join our county-wide campaign – the more of us who petition DCC the more they will have to respond, making it both cheaper and easier for the county council to implement.
We urge you to consider passing a resolution – local people know and understand how higher vehicle speeds blight communities and inhibit their ability to walk and cycle, and they know that lower vehicle speeds save lives and reduce pollution.
Great thanks to Brian Wood who has created a Facebook page
If you need any further information, or if there is anything else we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Best wishes.
Charles Nuttall/Robin Campbell/Brian Rowe
Agenda item 11.2
20 mph Speed Limits
We are keen to understand the benefits of 20 mph speed limits for our communities and would like to know where you feel this would be beneficial. At our Cabinet meeting on the 8th December a resolution was agreed to allow 20mph schemes to be progressed in 2022/23 for those communities who request them (item 87). Please see our article for further details, including the application process
Agenda Item 11.3 – Report from Cllr M Squires
Connecting Devon and Somerset - Briefing, February 21st, 2022
Programme update
- Airband and Openreach contracts in Devon
- CDS Mobile Boost Scheme
- Vouchers
- CDS has delivered superfast connections to over 315,000 homes and businesses in Devon and Somerset.
- Airband and Openreach teams are working in dozens of communities across Devon under contract to CDS to connect thousands of additional homes and businesses.
- Hundreds of homes and businesses in Devon and Somerset have benefited from the CDS Mobile Boost Scheme funded by the Heart of the South West LEP.
- Over 2,000 additional homes and businesses in Devon now have gigabit-capable connections or are in the process of being connected through the Gigabit Voucher scheme.
In parallel with our broadband contracts and other initiatives, CDS works closely with Building Digital UK (BDUK) to expand take-up of the Government's Rural Gigabit Voucher programme. CDS offers support to communities who wish to contract with telecoms providers to design and shape broadband solutions for their areas. CDS can provide additional financial support where appropriate through its Community Challenge Programme to help bridge any local funding gaps.
To date, vouchers worth £4.5 million have been issued in Devon and 2,458 additional homes and businesses have gigabit-capable broadband or are in the process of being connected.
Any help I can offer with facilitating speakers for parish councils please let me know - Margaret
National Apprenticeship Week 7th-13th February
DCC has been celebrating National Apprenticeship Week this week, I hope you will have seen on DCC’s social media channels the work some of our apprentices have done for the organisation.
Over 80 apprentices have completed their apprenticeship ranging from Level 2 standards such as the Customer Service Practitioner all the way up to Level 7 standards such as the Senior Leader Master Degree apprenticeship.
Since the apprenticeship programme started in 2006, Devon County Council has delivered over 850 opportunities for new and existing staff and utilised more than 70 different apprenticeship standards.
We have a retention rate of 76% of our apprentices securing permanent employment at the Council, while the remaining 24% either go onto university or gain employed outside of the Council.