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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 18 May 2022 in the Village Hall at 7.00pm 

Present:       Parish Councillors, 3 members of public and the Clerk


  1. Apologies

Cllr A Jones


  1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 19 May 2021

These were agreed and signed as a true record


  1. Chairman’s Report

Welcome to the Shobrooke Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting and May meeting.  Thanks go to Lyndsay and Lily for joining our ranks and I hope they are finding it a worthwhile commitment. Special thanks go to Margaret and Graeme whose attendance has enable us to function.  This was supposed to be a temporary membership but due to the lack of new members coming from our community I can only apologise for the extended time period.  The need of new parish councillors is still urgent, so please continue to try to co-opt.  The development at Pedlars pool will still be prominent during next years meetings especially as concerns relating to topics such as education and traffic have not been fully answered.  We can also expect a fair amount of disruption during the construction work.  Access to our gritter also remains unsolved and will have to be resolved hopefully before next Autumn.  New toddler equipment for the playing field should soon be on its way with the aid of grant funding, thanks to Jane’s hard work.  My thanks go to Ben who checks the paly area every week.  It would be nice to see a “Friends” committee established for the field again. Carol monitors the footpaths reporting faults and does a wonderful job considering the parish has so many – thank you.  We are lucky to have John Hill cutting the playing field and I’m sure you will agree that it always looks very week kept – thanks again.  Finally, where would be without Jane our very efficient Clerk.  I will close with many thanks to you.


  1. Parish Council Financial Statement for year ending 31 March 2022

These had been circulated and were noted


  1. Affordable Housing - presentation by MDDC Principal Housing Enabling and Forward Planning Officer

Arron Beecham gave a presentation on Affordable Housing which can be viewed here


  1. Public Participation/Questions

These had been covered under item 5 above