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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on

Wednesday 16 March 2022

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                           Cllr A Jones

Cllr L Balkwill                                   Cllr L Pilgrim

Cllr G Barnell                                   Cllr M Squires 

In attendance:

1 member of public (left after public participation), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

A member of the public spoke in favour of planning application 22/00371/FULL, showing plans and answering questions.

Formal Business

01/03/22       Apologies  


02/03/22       Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/03/22       Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 16 February 2022

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/03/22       To consider any applicants for co-option

There were no candidates 

05/03/22       Mid Devon District Council

5.1                   Planning Applications:

22/00423/LBC - Listed Building Consent to replace tiled roof of house and guttering and repoint chimney at Zephyr Cottage, Shobrooke – no comment

22/00371/FULL- Erection of dwelling following demolition of Dutch barn and stable and formation of vehicular access at West Efford Farm, Efford, Shobrooke – Although Cllrs were generally in favour of the application due to its unique nature and the fact that it was the first application in MDDC under Section 80 of the NPPF, It was resolved to ask Cllr G Barnell to refer the application to the Planning Committee.

5.2                   Planning Decisions


5.3                   To agree comments on MDDC Local Plan

After discussion it was resolved to comment as follows:

  • Support was required to build sustainable rural communities
  • To request a joined-up planning approach with Crediton as part of a Crediton Masterplan. This would help to stop piecemeal developments.                         

5.4                   Feedback on Affordable Housing   

One email and one phone call had been received both of which supported the need for affordable housing in the parish.  It was resolved to ask MDDC Planning Enabler Officer to attend a meeting to discuss further and Cllr G Barnell would request this.

5.5                   Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish


06/03/22       Finance

6.1                   Parish Council receipts Current Account: None.  VAT refund was due this month

6.2                   Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:




Amount £


Lynsay Balkwill

Reimbursement for purchase of jubilee tree



Shobrooke Village Hall

Room rent



Play Safely

Play Park inspection (to be paid in April)



J Hole

Salary and expenses







6.3                   To approve authorisers/signatories for this month’s online payments

Cllr C Furse and Cllr A Jones.   Cllr L Balkwill could not access payments that required authorisation and Cllr A Jones would check the banking permissions.

6.4                   Balances:

6.4.1                Parish Council Current Account balance: £649.56

6.4.2                Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

6.4.3                Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.98 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

6.5                   Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


07/03/22       Road and Footpaths

7.1                   Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

There was no update on outstanding issues, although Cllr M Squires was due to visit the parish with our Neighbourhood Highways Manager and would look at the pot hole on the bend by Shobrooke Park.

7.2                   New issues identified

A Footpath sign was down on the footpath near the war memorial and one of the steps opposite the Village Hall was breaking up. Cllr C Furse would report these to the Footpath Officer

Clerk to report to MDDC Housing moss and algae on a pathway in Silverway which was a trip hazard 

08/03/22       Parish Council

8.1                   To agree final version of Community Resilience plan

This was agreed subject to a minor amendment.  Clerk to print out a hard copy for the pub to keep and post on website and send to Devon Communities Together for their records

8.2                   Update on plans for the Queens Platinum Jubilee

The tree to mark the Queens Jubilee had been planted at the playpark and the details uploaded to the Queens Green Canopy website                       

A short church service followed by a tea would be held at the pub on Sunday 5 June to celebrate the Queens Jubilee

Cllr C Furse would calculate the number of young people in the parish under 16 so that a packet of seeds could be purchased.

8.3                   Update on arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting (7pm 18 May)

Airband were not able to attend the meeting.  It was agreed to ask MDDC Housing Enabler if he would attend


09/03/22       Councillor’s Reports                                                        

9.1                   To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Clerk to mark Neighbourhood Watch Officer as vacant in the next edition of The Brooke

9.2                   Playing Fields  

9.2.1                To note weekly inspections reports

The weekly inspection report was noted

9.2.2                To note annual inspection report from ROSPA

The report had been circulated and was noted.  There were no items of concern and only minor matters of maintenance which were already known about.   Clerk to copy report to volunteer who does the weekly checks

9.2.3                To agree grant application to Viridor - including management and maintenance document and PC contribution of £4,000.00 (up from £3,250.00)

Details of the grant application had been circulated for information and 7 letters of support had been received. It was resolved unanimously to increase the PC’s contribution to the new play equipment £4,000.00, up from the earmarked amount of £3,250.00                  

10/03/22       Clerk’s Report - None 

11/03/22       Devon County Council

11.1                 To consider supporting the “20 is plenty” campaign by passing a resolution to normalise the 20mph speed limit throughout the village (or areas to be agreed).

Details had been circulated and were noted

11.2                 To note DCC 20mph Community Self Assessment form and to consider completion.

Details had been circulated and were noted.  It was agreed that further consultation with the parish was required before a 20mph speed limit was requested.  It was agreed to prepare a short paper survey for parishioners to complete at the Jubilee Celebration Tea on the Sunday 5 April.

11.3                 Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

A report had been circulated and was noted. 

12/03/22       Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters circulated. 

MDDC State of the District Debate 5 April, 6pm via zoom 

13/03/22       Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

None noted 

14/03/22       Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20 April 2022, at 7.30 pm, at the Village Hall 

End of formal business 

The meeting finished at 9.00pm