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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on

Wednesday 19 October 2022 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                           Cllr A Jones

Cllr L Balkwill                                    Cllr L Pilgrim

Cllr G Barnell   


In attendance: J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business

01/10/22       Apologies  

Cllr M Squires, DCC


02/10/22       Declaration of Interest

None noted


03/10/22       Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 28 September 2022

Agreed and signed as a true record


04/10/22       To consider any applicants for co-option

There were no candidates 


05/10/22       Mid Devon District Council

5.1                   Planning Applications:


5.2                   Planning Decisions:


5.3                   Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish including update on affordable housing

Cllr G Barnell updated the meeting on the Pedlars Pool development:  A meeting had taken place with the Planning Officer, County and District Councillors and Chairs of local PC’s.  Design and infrastructure Issues had been identified.  To address the design issues, Cllr G Barnell was arranging a meeting with the developer, and interested parties.   Infrastructure issues included, the provision of school places at primary and secondary level, the provision of adequate bus services, provision of health services and a traffic assessment which would address the impact of the new development on local communities.  Cllr G Barnell thought that individual meetings with relevant parties would be required - DCC with regard to provision of education places and the traffic impact assessment, Stagecoach and the NHS.  Cllr G Barnell stressed the importance of Shobrooke Parish Council attending meetings and Cllr A Jones would attend.

Affordable housing - it was agreed that Cllr L Balkwill would arrange a meeting with Cllr G Barnell and an interested parishioner to discuss further.    


06/10/22       Finance

6.1                   Parish Council receipts Current Account: None

6.2                   Parish Council payments Current Account

These were agreed as:




Amount £


J Hill

Volunteer expenses for play park (hire of mower and petrol)



Crediton Courier

Advert for Clerk



J Hole

Salary and expenses (Sep and Oct – clerk paid in arrears)






(Please note: Clerks expenses of £37.58 were omitted from the above payment – an online payment was made)

6.3                   To approve authorisers/signatories for this month’s online payments

Cllr C Furse and Cllr A Jones

6.4                   Balances:

6.4.1                Parish Council Current Account balance: £4,498.18

6.4.2                Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

6.4.3                 Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,799.96(£4,000.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

6.5                   Financial Statement and Budget Monitor



07/10/22       Road and Footpaths

7.1                   Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Damaged road by Creedy Court

7.2                   New issues identified

None noted                            


08/10/22       Parish Council

8.1                   None 

09/10/22       Councillor’s Reports                                                        

9.1                   To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Cllr A Jones had received some dates to attend a police patrol

9.2                   Playing Fields  

9.2.1                To note weekly inspections reports and update on maintenance

Reports had not been received.   It was difficult to source wooden replacement poles for the balance beam.   Cllr C Furse would make further enquiries.

9.2.2                Update on new play equipment

No update had been received from Wicksteed.  Clerk to pass contact number to Cllr A Jones for him to contact.


10/10/22       Clerk’s Report

10.1                 Update on recruitment of new clerk and arrangements for hand over.

Clerk had advertised in the vacancy on the DALC website, emailed Raddon Hills Clerk and placed an advert in the local press.  No applications had been received.  Cllr G Barnell suggested contacting Crediton Town Council and advertising on Newton St Cyres noticeboards.  Cllr L Balwill agreed to undertake clerking duties in the short term and the Clerk would pass files etc to Cllr L Balkwill next week 


11/10/22       Devon County Council

11.1                 Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

There was no report


12/10/22       Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters circulated.


13/10/22       Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Clerk to contact Housing Officer with regard to requesting gardening help for a resident In School Close.


14/10/22       Date of next meeting: Wednesday 16 November 2022, at 7.30 pm, at the Village Hall


End of formal business


The meeting closed at 8.20pm