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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 11 December 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr R Ayre (Chairman)                       Cllr A Jones

Cllr B Curle                                         Cllr J Lee

Cllr C Furse                                         Cllr L Pitts

Cllr J Ingham                                       Cllr A Ripper 

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

There was no pubic present 

Formal Business

01/12/18     Apologies 

Cllr C Boult (unwell), Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC, Cllr M Squires, DCC (other meetings) 

02/12/18     Declaration of Interest

None noted. 

03/12/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 13 November 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record


04/12/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications

18/01800/MFUL- Construction of an on-farm anaerobic digestion plant and associated infrastructure at land east of Lords Meadow Industrial Estate – consultation as a neighbouring authority. 

Councillors expressed concern about the potential for an increase in traffic, even though the traffic assessment showed a relatively low number of vehicle movements, this may well increase in the future. 

18/01902/CLU - Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of a dwelling in breach of the agricultural occupancy condition on Planning Permissions 4/44/89/268 and 4/44/90/471 for a period in excess of 10 years at Mill Ash Farm, Shobrooke.

Cllr R Ayes declared a personal interest.   After discussion the Clerk was asked to comment as follows: “We are not sure why a certificate of lawfulness is required as it would appear that the applicant is lawfully occupying the premises under the terms of the original planning application”

4.2              Planning Decisions:

18/01498/FULL - Erection of an agricultural livestock building at Hill Farm, East Village, Crediton Devon – grant permission

4.3              To consider notification from MDDC that Newton St Cyres Parish Council have applied for funding of £1,000.00 for improved access at the arboretum from the S106 “general pot”

Newton St Cyres application was noted and agreed.

4.4              Consultation on internal procedures – illegal encampments on MDDC land

Consultation papers had been circulated and were noted.  There were no comments

4.5              Consultation on S106 Governance arrangements

Consultation papers had been circulated and were noted.  Playground equipment had already been notified as a potential project for S106 contributions

4.6              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

There was no report 

05/12/18     Road and Footpaths

5.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

i) Drains opposite the village hall/bus stop – on list to be jetted.  Correspondence had been received from a parishioner concerning the drain by the bus stop.  Cllr J Lee reported that the drains at Exeter Hill were badly blocked and urgently required jetting.  Clerk to chase with Cllr M Squires

ii) Poor road surface by Creedy Court – no update

iii) Damaged bridge rail by Lower Coombe Cottages – no update

iv) Junction at Church lane white lines needed – no update

5.2              New issues identified

The road surface to Stumpy Cross was very poor.  Clerk to report

5.3              Update on work to allotment path

Cllr B Curle was waiting to speak to the landowner 

06/12/18     Finance

6.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr J Lee

6.2              Parish Council receipts Current Account.  The Clerk reported that the S106 money for £1,667.96 had been received

6.3              Parish Council payments current account:

These were agreed as:           





Phil Keen

Sign for park



J Ayre

Work to FP’s 3/8/12



J Hole

Salary and expenses







6.4              Balances:

6.4a            Parish Council Current Account balance: £2,763.35 plus £1,667.96

6.4b           Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £265.74

6.4c            Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,791.48

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6              Quarterly Bank Reconciliation

As required under the new Financial Regulations the Clerk had prepared a quarterly bank reconciliation which would be signed off by the cheque signatories.

6.7              To agree budget and precept for 2019/2020

A draft budget and precept had been circulated.  An e-mail had been received from the PCC asking for an increased grant.  Cllr J Lee declared a personal interest.  The Clerk reported that the PCC grant had been increased by £50.00 in July 2017.  After discussion it was agreed that as previously agreed all grant requests should be accompanied by a set of accounts and the Clerk would ask the PCC for a copy.  The request would then be considered at the next meeting.  It was noted that the Council Tax support grant had been withdrawn this year, so even if the Parish Council did not increase the precept, parishioners would still see a small increase in precept.  After discussion it was proposed and seconded that the precept be increased by 3% taking it to £5,358.00 and this was agreed unanimously.


07/12/18     Councillor’s Reports                                    

7.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

There were no reports 

08/12/18     Clerk’s Report

8.1              To agree a Christmas Card list

The Clerk proposed sending Christmas Cards to volunteers and this was agreed unanimously 

09/12/18     Parish Council

9.1              Playing Field

9.1.1           To note latest inspection report

No inspection report had been received.  Clerk to chase the report for the next meeting

9.1.2           Update on playground fencing

Despite repeated attempts Cllr B Curle had been unable to contact the fencing contractor.  The Clerk would e-mail and ask for a price and request that he inspect the gate as soon as possible or it may be necessary to look at alternative suppliers .

9.1.3           Update on play park wall

Work on the wall had taken place and was nearly complete

9.3              Dates for Defibrillator awareness session

It was noted that Crediton Town Council were running a defibrillator awareness session in January and it was agreed that the Clerk should request details of their trainer.  Cllr C Furse suggested the Clerk contact Mid Devon Leisure Centre who also had a qualified trainer.

9.4              To consider updating the noticeboard in the bus shelter

Cllr A Jones had received one quote of £64.00 for the pinboard but would continue looking for a cheaper supplier.

9.5              Update on dogs barking

The dog warden had reported that noise monitoring equipment could be installed in nearby homes.  Cllr C Furse had told affected properties to contact the dog warden direct.                 

10/12/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from Cllr M Squires

Cllr M Squires called into the meeting on her way to another meeting and wished everyone a Happy Christmas and promised to follow up the jetting of drains 

11/12/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence


12/12/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Cllr B Curle had received two reports of shooting taking place in the afternoon near a public footpath.  It was agreed that the Clerk should inform the landowner. 

13/12/18     Date of next meeting: To be agreed – If required for planning then Tuesday 8 January 2019 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm, otherwise Tuesday 12 February 2019

                   Clerk to inform Village Hall if the January meeting is not going ahead


The meeting closed at 9pm