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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 9 January 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr R Ayre (Chairman)                       Cllr A Jones

Cllr C Boult                                         Cllr J Lee

Cllr B Curle                                         Cllr L Pitts

Cllr C Furse                                         Cllr A Ripper              

Cllr J Ingham                

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk                                                                                                             

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business 

01/01/18     Apologies

Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (prior engagement), Cllr M Squires, DCC 

02/01/18     Declaration of Interest


03/01/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 12 December 2017

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/01/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:


4.2              Planning Decisions:


4.3              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

There was no report 

05/01/18     Road and Footpaths

5.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Pot hole between Exeter Hill Cross and stumpy Cross – may have been filled.

Drains at Exeter Hill Cross – these had not been jetted. Clerk to re-report.  Cllr L Pitts reported that the drain at the corner of Church Lane had not been jetted.  Clerk to re-report.

FP12 – letter sent to landowner re ensuring field margin is maintained

5.2              New issues identified

The Footpath Warden had circulated a short report and this was noted.  The footpath account would be in credit once VAT was reclaimed.  The VAT claim would be submitted at the end of January.

 06/01/18     Finance

6.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr J Lee

6.2              Parish Council receipts Current Account:   





Amount £



TAP grant for Defibrillator



6.3              Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:                 





Amount £


Primary Care Supplies

Purchase of Defibrillator



X2 Connect Ltd

Window rivets/clips/glazing frame - BT kiosk



J Hole

Salary and expenses



6.4              Balances:

6.4a            Parish Council Current Account balance: £2,094.00

6.4b            Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): -£52.12

 6.4c            Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,787.86

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6              To consider donations to Ring and Ride and Citizens Advice

Grant request letters had been circulated.  After discussion it was resolved not to give a grant to Citizens Advice.  It was resolved to grant £100.00 towards Ring and Ride.  Clerk to request that future grant applications advise how many Shobrooke Parishioners use the service.

 Minited here but discussed after item 14/01/18

6.7              To agree precept for 2018/19

It was noted that the Council Tax Reduction grant had been further reduced this year and this would mean an increase in Council Tax, even if the Parish Council kept the precept the same.  After discussion it was resolved to increase the precept by 2%.  This would take account of inflation and increasing costs. 

6.8              To agree new signatories for bank account                   

Cllr R Ayre and Cllr L Pitts agreed to be added to the bank account.  The Clerk would e-mail them the details required to complete the on-line forms 

07/01/18     Councillor’s Reports                                    

7.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

7.1a            Update on grant application for a towable gritter – waiting to hear from Stephen Tucker

The Clerk advised that a grant application could be made to DCC Community Enhancement Fund. However, support was required from our Neighbourhood Highways Manager.  As the NHM did not respond to e-mails, the Clerk would attend the next Highways Surgery held in Crediton to discuss the application with him in person.  Cllr M Squires had advised that she would also attend if free.             

08/01/18     Clerk’s Report

8.1              None        

09/01/18     Parish Council

9.1              Playing Field

No new issued were identified

9.2              Update on security marking for new bench by the war memorial

Cllr C Boult provided details to the Clerk of Smart Water – a forensic marking product.  It was suggested the Clerk contact the Church who also use this product for further advice.

9.3              To agree installation of defibrillator once purchased

BT had confirmed a guaranteed electricity supply for 7 years from the date of installation of a defibrillator.  The Parish Council were required to arrange for the defibrillator to be installed.  Cllr A Jones would make enquiries for installation by a parishioner who was an electrician.


9.4              Update on dog fouling signs

The Clerk had contacted the company used by MDDC to produce its dog fouling signs and an A4 sign on 3mm ally composite material was £15.00.  Cllr L Pitts would find out if suitable signs were available locally and advise the Clerk.  If signs were not available locally it was resolved that the Clerk should purchase 3 signs in A5 size on a white background with black lettering

9.5              To consider letter of support requested by new owners of Shobrooke Mill

A copy of the letter sent by the new owners had been circulated.  Councillors resolved to send a letter of support in principal for the courses of action outlined in the letter as long as any necessary permissions were obtained.  Clerk to circulate draft letter 

10/01/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from Cllr M Squires

There was no report 

11/01/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence


12/01/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Broadband – possible collective approach to future services 

13/01/18     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 13 February 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 


Part II

(Members of the press and public will be excluded from Part II in order that commercially sensitive information can be considered confidentially)


14/01/18     Playing fields

14.1            To consider quotes received for grass cutting at play park in 2018

Three quotes had been circulated.  Clerk to contact existing contractor to discuss provision of services.  

The meeting returned to item 6.7 

End of formal business

 The meeting closed at 8.55pm