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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10 July 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr R Ayre (Chairman)                       Cllr A Jones

Cllr B Curle                                         Cllr L Pitts

Cllr B C Furse                                     Cllr A Ripper

Cllr J Ingham                                                                                                           

In attendance:

Footpath Warden (left 8.07pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk                  

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business 

01/07/18     Apologies          

Cllr J Lee (away), Cllr C Boult (ill), Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (another engagement), Cllr M Squires, DCC (another meeting) 

02/07/18     Declaration of Interest


03/07/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 12 June 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/07/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:


4.2              Planning Decisions:

18/005500/FULL - Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden, formation of new access and parking area, and erection of extension at Oak Cottage – grant permission

4.3              Litter bin at allotment - To note that MDDC will only supply, install and empty litter bins if they are on land for which MDDC has responsibility.  If requested for third party land an application can be made and if approved a bin will be supplied, installed and emptied for a charge payable in advance.  All installations are subject to a site visit, risk assessment and a 3 month assessment of use.  To agree actions

It was resolved to take no further action with regard to a new bin and it was agreed that Cllr A Jones would take down the sign at the allotments which stated that the Council was trying to get a dog mess bin. 

4.4              To note and agree response to communication survey from MDDC

This had been circulated and responses were agreed.  Clerk to reply

4.5              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

There was no report 

05/07/18     Road and Footpaths

5.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues – various drains and various potholes. There were no updates               

5.2              New issues identified

To consider work to the gate at the far end of the allotment permissive path into the fields – gate has dropped and the flag stones have become loose.  There are also loose stones at the entrance

Cllr B Curle was concerned that loose stones etc were presenting a trip hazard on this well used path and it was resolved that he would carry out a risk assessment and e-mail to the Clerk over the summer.  It was noted that the chipping at the entrance were mostly gone.

Cllr B Curle reported that the edge of the road was slipping into the field about 20 meters on the left hand side past the Shobrooke sign.  Clerk to report

The Footpath Warden reported that several complaints had been received regarding access issues and overgrown paths.  Between landowners and DCC these issues had now been addressed.  The ownership of the track on FP28 had not been established but there were no issues with this path.  The Footpath Warden had received a new footpaths map from DCC and it was agreed that Cllr A Jones would update the map at the Village Hall.

5.3              To note a grant application for £250.00 has been made to Cllr M Squires for re-printing cost of 2,000 footpath leaflets.  Total cost is £264.00. (Two quotes were obtained)

The Clerk confirmed that Cllr M Squires had agreed the grant application for £250.00 and it was resolved to go ahead with a reprint for 2,000 leaflets using the cheapest quote.  Cllr L Pitts suggested the leaflet should have a version number or date of publication.  The Footpath Warden would make the arrangements for the reprint. 

06/07/18     Finance

6.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr L Pitts

6.2              Parish Council receipts Current Account: None

6.3              Parish Council payments current account:

These were agreed as:





Amount £


Shobrooke PCC

Grant for churchyard maintenance



A Jones

Materials for BT kiosk



J Hole

Salary and expenses






6.4              Balances:

6.4a            Parish Council Current Account balance: £4,712.15

6.4b            Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £361.74

6.4c             Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,790.27

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6              To consider NALC Financial Regulations – NALC standard Financial Regulations circulated separately together with suggested Shobrooke amendments.  For Cllr comment with sign off in September

It was agreed that councillors would consider these over the summer.  For clarity the Clerk would circulate the latest version for consideration 

07/07/18     Councillor’s Reports                                    

7.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

There were none 

08/07/18     Clerk’s Report

8.1              To note Clerks’ holiday 4 to 12 August 2018


8.2              To agree date for taking group photo for website (as agreed in April 2017)

This was agreed for the September meeting as long as all Councillors were present 

09/07/18     Parish Council

9.1              To note updated Standing orders – circulated separately.  For Cllr comment with sign off in September.

It was agreed that Councillors would consider these over the summer.  For clarity the Clerk would circulate the latest version for consideration.

9.2              Playing Field

9.2.1           To note inspection Report  

An inspection report had not been received but Cllr C Boult had confirmed that he was undertaking weekly checks.  Clerk to ask for copies.

9.2.2           Update on new maintenance schedules

Cllr C Boult had asked via e-mail if a maintenance weekend could be considered.  This was agreed as a good idea and the Clerk would ask for a list of suggested work and tools required.

9.2.3           Update on S106 grant application for fencing – waiting for 3 quotes

Cllr B Curle wished it clarified that as previously agreed, if the S106 grant was not approved then the Parish Council would fund the cost of the new fencing.   The Clerk reported that MDDC had agreed in principal to support the S106 grant application.     Discussion took place on the gap that would be left between the two fences and the maintenance required.  It was agreed that a gate should be installed to ensure easy access for maintenance. Two quotes had been received to date and it was resolved that the third contractor would be asked to quote for a gate in one of two places.  The two existing contractors would then be asked to re-quote to include a gate in the agreed best location.   If three quotes were received over the summer, it was resolved that the Clerk would make the grant application, accepting the lowest quote.

9.2.4           To consider wall sign for playpark. Foamex £27.00 or Aluminium composite £32.00

It was resolved to order an aluminium composite sign

9.2.5           To agree process for provision of new play equipment – time scale, cost, grant applications

It was resolved that play equipment would be purchased piece by piece over a number of years, according to need and advice received from the annual ROSPA reports.  The first piece of equipment to replace was agreed as the toddler playframe which required replacement in the next two years. Clerk to start the process of obtaining quotes and investigation of possible grant funding streams.

9.3              Update on Maintenance of BT Kiosk and possible use of kiosk – recent suggestion - water cooler and to re-consider previous suggestions (book swop, advert board, shop)

Cllr A Jones had put up a noticeboard and this could be used for adverts if required.  It was resolved not to use the kiosk for any other use at the present time.

9.4              To note the defibrillator is listed on the 999 system.  To agree Cllr responsible for monthly reporting checks

Cllr A Jones had met with SW Ambulance service and the defibrillator was listed on the 999 system.  Cllr A Jones would be responsible for the monthly checks for the time being.

9.4              Update on defibrillator awareness session

Cllr C Boult had e-mailed the Clerk to report that he was waiting for a training device to be available.

9.5              To note a grant application for £100.00 for the provision of a salt bin by the Shobrooke sign at the bottom end of the village has been made to Cllr M Squires (Total cost £150.00)

Cllr M Squires had asked if someone could meet with her and our Neighbourhood Highways Manager on site to discuss further.  Cllr J Ingham agreed to confirm the location with Cllr C Boult and the Clerk would pass his details to Cllr M Squires

9.6              To note the Town and Parish Fund (TAP) is now the Communities Together Fund.  Applications must benefit two or more communities and matched funding is encouraged.   To consider an application for two salt bins at the crossroads between Newton St Cyres and Shute and Shobrooke and Thorverton.

This item was carried forward to the next meeting to allow further discussion when Cllr C Boult was present 

10/07/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from Cllr M Squires

A report had been circulated


11/07/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Licencing Act 2003 – MDDC Consultation on Licencing Policy

Police survey for proposal for Devon/Cornwall police to merge with Dorset police – circulated separately

East Devon Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) – circulated separately


12/07/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

The dog mess signs were passed to Cllr L Pitts to put up.


13/07/18     Date of next meeting: If required for Planning – date to be advised.  Otherwise Tuesday 11 September 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.  

End of formal business 

The meeting closed at 9.17pm