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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 12 June 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr R Ayre (Chairman)                       Cllr A Jones

Cllr C Boult                                          Cllr J Lee

Cllr C Furse                                         Cllr L Pitts                                                                          

Cllr J Ingham                                     


In attendance:

1 member of the public (let 7.46pm), Footpath Warden (left 8.18pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk                  

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation 

A parishioner expressed concern about the use of weed killer at the play park as they feared this was contamining the soil.  Cllr R Ayre explained that a fence would be erected inside the play park due to health and safety requirements as detailed by the ROSPA inspection.  However, if a small gap was left under the fence it would allow strimming to take place rather than weed killing.

FP8 was blocked by crops.   The Footpath Warden reported that this had now been cleared. 

Formal Business

01/06/18     Apologies

Cllr B Curle (holiday).  Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC 

02/06/18     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/06/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 8 May 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/06/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

18/00781/HOUSE – Erection of first floor extension to garage at Shobrooke Mill, Shobrooke – no comment

18/00843/FULL - Removal of agricultural occupancy Condition (f) of planning permission 4/44/87/1850 at Oaklea, Shobrooke – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions:

18/00452/CLU | Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of a dwelling in non-compliance with an agricultural occupancy condition at Oaklea Shobrooke Crediton Devon EX17 1AL – certificate issued

4.3              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

There was no report 

05/06/18     Road and Footpaths

5.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Various pot hole – reported. It was noted that pot holes by the Shobrooke sign, and at Shute and Pincott had been filled

Various drains - reported

5.2              New issues identified

None noted

5.3              Report from Footpath Warden re Management and maintenance of footpaths where the land is not farmed/managed by the landowner

A report from the Footpath Warden on the above had been circulated This included guidance from DCC that it was the person managing the land who was responsible for its maintenance and not the land owner.  Cllr R Ayre noted that parts of FP28 were a green lane and not owned by anyone.    

The Footpath Warden noted that repairs to the steps on FP8 and FP12 were still outstanding and hoped these would be completed soon.  The grant for last years PP3 scheme had been confirmed as £540.00.  Grass on many paths was growing up quickly and contractors would start cutting soon.  The overgrown oilseed rape on FP8 had been cleared.  However, the southern end of the path was overgrown and it might be necessary to contact the land owner. The path beside the fence on FP19 was also overgrown and access was difficult, although passable with care.

5.4              Report from Footpath Warden re re-printing of footpath leaflet

The Footpath Warden reported that the footpaths leaflets continued to be popular and there were only 100 leaflets remaining and requested the Parish Council considered a re-print.  Cllr M Squires had indicated that she may be able to fund some of the cost.  It was agreed that a quote for 1,000 and 2,000 leaflets would be obtained. 

06/06/18     Finance

6.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr J Lee

6.2              Parish Council receipts Current Account: £1,695.00 received from DCC re CEF grant

6.3              Parish Council payments current account:

These were agreed as:                 




Amount £


Playsafety Ltd

Playground re-inspection




Clerk training course (split with NSC)



Orbital Signs

Dog fouling signs




Towable gritter



A Bowden

Installation of Defibrillator



J Hole

Salary and expenses







To note return of cheque for £35.00 from ICO as renewal was issued in error

6.4              Balances:

6.4a             Parish Council Current Account balance: £5,355.45

6.4b            Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £361.74

6.4c            Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,790.03

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


07/06/18     Councillor’s Reports                                    

7.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Cllr C Boult stated that at the last meeting he had no interest to declare with regard to the Enchanted Ball, however, since the meeting he had received a request to work at the event.

08/06/18     Clerk’s Report

8.1              To agree policies for GDPR

a) General Privacy notice for website

b) Privacy notice for staff, councillors and volunteers to be sent with consent form

Two privacy notices and a consent form, as recommended by NALC, had been circulated.  It was resolved to adopt both.  Clerk to forward consent form to parish volunteers 

09/06/18     Parish Council

9.1              Playing Field

9.1.1           To note re-inspection Report  

The ROSPA re-inspection report had been circulated and its contents noted.

Cllr C Boult reported that he had been carrying out weekly inspections.  He hoped to arrange a working party over the summer.  He was currently experimenting with covers to go around the legs of the play equipment to stop strimmer damage

9.1.2           Update on new maintenance schedules

Cllr C Boult was currently drawing up the schedules and was monitoring how often various pieces of equipment used grease, for example, in order to determine at what frequency grease should be checked.

9.1.3           Update on S106 grant application for fencing

The Clerk had received two quotes and was waiting for a third quote

9.1.4           To note response from insurance company re grass cutting

The response from the insurance company had been circulated and was noted.

9.1.5           To note confirmation from MDDC that they are aware of ownership of playpark

The Clerk had received confirmation from MDDC Estates Team that they were aware that Shobrooke playing fields was owned by the Parish Council.  The Clerk had obtained a copy of the Land Registry Deed and this was circulated.  It was resolved that the Clerk should update the record which was in the name of the previous deceased Parish Clerk.

9.1.6           To consider weed treatment at the playpark

It was resolved that weed treatment along the wooden fence at the playpark would be suspended.  Clerk to inform grass cutter.

9.1.7           To consider sign for playpark to go on post at a cost of £62.00

Cllr C Boult suggested the sign could be stuck to his front wall and this might provide a cheaper option.  Clerk to obtain a quote for a suitable sign

9.2              Update on Maintenance of BT Kiosk, installation of defibrillator and listing on 999 system

The Clerk was waiting for South West Ambulance Service to visit the site so that the 999 listing could be completed.  Cllr A Jones continued to work on the kiosk maintenance and had removed and painted 14 panels.  Cllr J Ingham offered to help with the painting.

9.3              Update on defibrillator training – BHF do not provide, other charges range for £375.00 to £400.00

It was felt that a demonstration/awareness of the use of the defibrillator was all that was required rather than a certified training course.  Further enquiries would be made to see if a demonstrator could be found

9.4              To consider provision of a salt bin by the Shobrooke sign at the bottom end of the village

Cllr C Boult would check if any of the existing salt bins could be re-located.  It was noted that despite reporting to DCC several times, the salt bins had not been filled up from the first lot of snow earlier in the year.  A new salt bin would need to be included on the re-fill list.  Cllr M Squires had indicated that she may be able to fund some of the cost of purchase.  Clerk to obtain a price for a new salt bin.

9.5              To sign updated general risk assessment

The updated general risk assessment had been circulated and was duly signed by the Chairman 

Minuted here but taken after item 3

10/06/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from Cllr M Squires

A written report had been circulated.  Cllr M Squires gave an update on DCC cutting of visibility splays. 

11/06/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

A “thank you” note had been received from auditor

DCC consultation on ways to improve library services to rural communities

Two temporary road closure notices had been circulated for Wyke Cross to Shobrooke Cross and Church Lane and Nomanland Farm to Westwood Farm


12/06/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda


13/06/18     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10 July 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm 


End of formal business 

The meeting close at 9.12pm