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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Annual Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 8 May 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr R Ayre (Chairman)                       Cllr J Ingham

Cllr C Boult                                         Cllr A Jones

Cllr B Curle                                         Cllr J Lee                                                                    

Cllr C Furse                                         Cllr A Ripper 

In attendance:

Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC (left 7.50pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk                  

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

There was no public present 

Formal Business 

01/05/18     Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

To receive nominations for Chairman and to receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office form

Cllr R Ayre was proposed by Cllr B Curle and seconded by Cllr J Lee and it was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr R Ayre as Chairman.  Cllr R Ayre duly signed the acceptance of office form

To receive nominations for Vice Chairman

Cllr C Furse was proposed by Cllr R Ayre and seconded by Cllr B Curle and it was resolved unanimously to elect Cllr C Furse as Vice Chairman


02/05/18     Apologies

Cllr M Squires, DCC 

03/05/18     Declaration of Interest


04/05/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Friday 27 April 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

05/05/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

17/00348/MOUT  - Residential development of up to 257 dwellings; 8.6 hectares of land made available to facilitate the relocation of Crediton Rugby Club; up to 1.1 hectares of land safeguarded for the delivery of a primary school; access arrangements from A3072 (Exhibition Way); pedestrian and cycle access on to Pounds Hill/Stonewall Cross junction, Old Tiverton Road and Pedlerspool Lane; landscaping and area of public open space; and other associated infrastructure and engineering operations at (Creedy Bridge) Crediton

Cllr B Curle reported that he had attended the public meeting with the developer Gleesons, which had not provided much information and had not been very helpful. If planning was agreed it could be five years until development started. Cllr P Hare-Scott commented that the government were trying to stop developers sitting on land after planning permission had been granted. The Clerk had e-mailed planning to ask if the requested impact assessment on the extra traffic likely to be generated had been carried out as requested in our previous objection to this planning application but had not received a reply.  It was resolved to resubmit previous comments regarding concerns over traffic.

18/00550/FULL - Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden, formation of new access and parking area, and erection of extension at Oak Cottage Shobrooke – no comment

Cllr J Lee noted that as part of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, over 700 sites had been submitted for development consideration and it was important that when this plan was published, Shobrooke considered the implications carefully.

4.2              Planning Decisions:

17/01623 - Erection of an extension to existing livestock building and an extension to cover a cattle handling area and an extension to cover a cattle loafing area – grant permission

4.3              To note application the Enchanted Group Ltd for a new premises licence at Shobrooke Park Event Area, Shobrooke Park, Crediton EX17 1DG


4.4              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

Cllr P Hare-Scott confirmed that the local plan was with the inspectorate.  MDDC had finished the year on budget or there about.  The data protection changes would be incorporated into “Parish Matters” which could be forwarded onto voluntary organisations for information.

Since the last meeting, MDDC had undertaken work to the MDDC wall at the playpark and Cllr P Hare-Scott asked if work had been completed satisfactorily?  Cllr C Boult said that the unsafe bricks had been taken out and the ivy had been collected.  From correspondence received from MDDC it appeared that they thought the play park was a MDDC play park and it was resolved that the Clerk e-mail them to confirm ownership.  The Clerk was requested to check the land registry listing as it would be useful to have a copy of the document so it could be forwarded to MDDC if required. Cllr C Boult requested that the sign at the play park be changed to read “No dogs allowed”. The current sign was causing confusion and was not clear enough. This was resolved and Cllr C Boult would amend the sign. 

05/05/18     To review:

5.1              Standing Orders – to consider adopting updated NALC orders

The updated NALC model orders had been circulated and it was resolved unanimously to adopt these, subject to making adjustments and insertions relevant to Shobrooke.   Cllr B Curle agreed to make the necessary amendments, following which the orders would be re-circulated and reviewed at the July meeting. In the meantime, the existing standing orders would stand

5.2              Financial Regulations – to consider amending item 9C to read as follows

“The Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) will STRIVE to obtain two (2) quotations for any goods or services over the value of £250.00 as required by the Parish Council. For goods or services over the value of £500.00 the RFO will STRIVE to obtain three (3) quotations. This will apply to all orders for goods or services placed on behalf of the Parish Council irrespective of funding stream”

It was resolved not to make the above amendment.  Instead it was resolved that the NALC Model Financial Regulations should be considered for adoption and the Clerk would circulate these for review at the July meeting.  In the meantime, the existing Financial Regulations would stand

5.3              Risk Management Policy and risk assessments

Three risk assessments - overall risk, working from home and grass cutting -  had been circulated.  After discussion it was resolved that “loss of grass contractor” should be added to the overall risk assessment.  Clerk to amend and re-circulate for sign off at the next meeting. The other two risk assessments were duly confirmed and signed by the Chairman 

5.4              Complaints procedure. This was on the website and no changes were necessary.

5.5              Bank signatories. There were now four signatories and no further changes were required.

5.6              Dates for meetings in 2019.  These had been circulated and were agreed

5.7              Asset register.  This had been circulated. Cllr B Curle asked if there was a breakdown for the cost of the individual play equipment?  Without a breakdown, when play equipment is replaced, how much should be deduced from the asset register?  The Clerk was not aware of a breakdown by individual pieces of equipment and the figure on the asset register had been inherited from previous audits.  The audit figure was the cost of purchase and was not changed once stated.

5.8              To confirm Insurance Policy

 As previously advised, the Council existing insurer, Aon, had transferred their business to BHIB.  BHIB’s renewal quote had been circulated together with a quote from another insurance company which was more expensive. 

The Clerk confirmed that BHIB stated that playground equipment must be inspected every 7 days.  It was agreed that the current playground inspections sheets should be amended to reflect checks that were required on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, with quarterly being more maintenance related.

5.9              Code of Conduct. This was on the website and no changes were necessary

5.10            Parish Council Action plan. This was on the website and no changes were necessary

5.11            Training and Development Policy. This was on the website and no changes were necessary

5.12            Publications Policy (FOI).  This was on the website and no changes were necessary 

06/05/18     Election of officers/representatives

6.1              Crediton Neighbourhood Plan representative – Cllr B Curle to continue

6.2              Neighbourhood Watch Officer –  Cllr L Pitts to continue

6.3              Raddon Hills representative – Cllrs C Boult and R Ayre to continue

6.4              Snow Warden – Cllr C Boult to continue with Cllr A Jones as back up

6.5              Delegated responsibility:  Footpath Warden – Fred Harper to continue

                                                              Playing fields rep –  Darren Fox to continue

                                                              Website Officer –  Clerk to continue

6.6              To consider a new post - Playing Field Liaison Officer

Cllr C Boult would take on this role.  It was resolved that the revised playground inspection sheets should make it clear the importance of carrying out the checks and should state for insurance purposes.  Cllr C Boult would also add a tick box for when a second opinion or advice was required. 

07/05/18     Road and Footpaths

5.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Pot hole between Exeter Hill Cross and Stumpy Cross – reported. Various other pot holes were marked on the parish map for the Clerk to report.  There was a large pot hole by the Shobrooke sign which had been caused by surface water.

Drains at Exeter Hill Cross, Church Lane and by bus stop - reported

Dog fouling signs – ordered. Clerk to chase signs up.   It was noted that dog mess can now be placed in any bin and Cllr A Jones suggested removing the sign by the allotments which states that the Parish Council are trying to get a dog bin installed.  Could a general-purpose waste bin be installed?  Clerk to find out costs from MDDC

5.2              New issues identified

Pot holes as above and standing water on bend near Shobrooke Park 

08/05/18     Finance

8.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr J Lee

8.2              Parish Council receipts Current Account: None

8.3              Parish Council payments current account:

                   These were agreed as:              





Amount £


J Ayre

Replacement of sleeper bridge incl weldmesh/ handrail




Affiliation fees



Signs Express

Defibrillator signs x 3




Data Protection Registration




2 x toddler swings and chains



J Hole

Salary and expenses










                                                                                                                                                      8.4              Balances:

8.4a               Parish Council Current Account balance: £5,278.60

8.4b               Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £361.74

 8.4c              Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,789.78

8.5                 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor

Noted.  Cllr B Curle queried why the reserve balance was being kept high and should some of the money be spent, for example on replacing the playing field fence?  After discussion it was agreed to get quotes for the fencing.  Cllr B Curle would be available to meet contractors on site and would draw up a specification for the Clerk to send to contractors.

8.6              8.6.1 Annual Return - approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2017/18

The Annual Return had been circulated and Councillors agreed unanimously to approve Part 1

 8.6.2 To approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2017/18

 Councillors resolved unanimously to approve Part 2

8.6.3 To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2017/18 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000

This was duly confirmed and signed.  It was resolved to supply a small gift, using Chairman’s expenses, for the internal auditor who had not made a charge for carrying out the audit.  Clerk to arrange.

 09/05/18     Councillor’s Reports                                    

9.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Cllr C Boult enquired when the towable gritter would be purchased?  The Clerk was waiting for a purchase order number from DCC and would chase this up.

Cllr C Boult noted that the play park is hard to find – could a sign below the footpath sign be put up stating “Playpark” with an arrow?  This was resolved and the Clerk would commission a sign.  It was also resolved that the post code for the play park should be listed on the noticeboard by the playpark and in the telephone box and the Clerk would arrange this. 

10/05/18     Clerk’s Report

10.1            Data Protection – Clerk to update on actions required

The Clerk had attended a training course.  It had been announced that Parish Council’s were exempt from having to appoint a Data Protection Officer, but still needed to comply with the rest of the legislation.  The Clerk would carry out an audit and document what information was held, why it was held, how it was used and was there permission to use it.  Express permission was required. 

11/05/18     Parish Council

11.1            Playing Field

11.1.1         To note a re-inspection at a cost of £225.00 plus VAT has been booked

The re-inspection had taken place on Friday 4 May, Cllr C Boult, Cllr J Ingham and Darren Fox had attended.  The inspector had been helpful and all play equipment was now low risk.  The inspector drew attention to the poor state of repair of the perimeter wooden fence and will list this in the re-inspection report as a health and safety hazard that requires attention. (It was also listed as an issue in the March inspection report).  It was resolved that a new fence would be erected behind the existing wooden fence with a suitable gap left between the two and a small horizontal fence at the top end to close off the gap between the two.  The new fence would continue across to the MDDC wall.  Councillors were disappointed to hear that when the play park was closed some children disregarded the notice and when asked not to play in the park were verbally abusive as were their parents.

.11.1.2        To agree arrangements for formulating a long-term plan for the playpark to include funding

 The Clerk had contacted MDDC to enquire about S106 funding and there was £6,493.49 in the general pot.  This was shared with Newton St Cyres Parish who would be consulted about any funding application together with the ward member.  It was resolved that the Clerk should inform MDDC that an application for a S106 grant for the cost of fencing would follow shortly.  MDDC had informed the Clerk that just over £1,400 had been collected from the Community Infrastructure levy although this may not be available to spend for some time

11.1.3         Update on right of way outside play park.  To consider future actions

The Clerk had spoken to the parishioner thought to have a right of way outside the play park.  He had not been able to confirm this but stated that if he did have a right of way, he would not mind if removable poles were installed to prevent parking in front of the gate. However, at the moment parking was not an issue and it was therefore resolved to take no further action at this present time.  Cllr C Boult offered to get a box junction painted and this was agreed.

11.2            Update on Maintenance of BT Kiosk and installation of defibrillator. 

The defibrillator was scheduled for connection on Friday 11 May

11.3            To consider training for parishioners on how to use a defibrillator

The Clerk had contacted the SW Ambulance representative who had attended a meeting last year to ask if he could undertake training but this was not in his remit.  Further enquires had been made to SW Ambulance about the possibility of training and the Clerk was waiting for a reply. Cllr C Boult advised that other companies such as British Heart Foundation could also provide training.

11.4            To consider how the Parish Council currently communicates with parishioners and to consider if communication could be improved

A parishioner had spoken to a Councillor about how the Parish Council communicates.  For example, it was not easy to read Parish Council minutes in an unlit bus shelter and perhaps an e-mail circulation list could be considered?  Councillors noted that the minutes of meetings were also available on the website and an e-mail circulation list would need to comply with the new data protection legislation so was not something that the Parish Council wished to consider at this point. 

12/05/18     Devon County Council

12.1            Report from Cllr M Squires

There was no report 

13/05/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence


14/05/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Cllr A Ripper commented that Gigaclear had posted an update regarding superfast broadband although it was still not clear when connection would be available 

15/05/18     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12 June 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm  

End of formal business 

The meeting closed at 9.15pm