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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 13 November 2018 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr R Ayre (Chairman)                       Cllr C Furse

Cllr C Boult                                         Cllr A Jones

Cllr B Curle                                         Cllr L Pitts                                                                       

In attendance:

Footpath Warden (left 8.20pm), 2 members of public (left 8.05pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk                  

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation 

Two members of the public made a presentation ahead of a planning application for an aerobic digester plant at Lords Meadow.  

Formal Business

01/11/18     Apologies 

Cllr J Ingham (away), Cllr J Lee (away), Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC, Cllr M Squires, DCC (another meeting)                  

02/11/18     Declaration of Interest


03/11/18     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 9 October 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/11/18     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications


4.2              Planning Decisions:

18/01281/PNCOU - Prior notification for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling under Class Q at West Efford Farm, Shobrooke Devon – not permitted development

18/01379/FULL- Formation of new access track at West Efford Lane, Shobrooke – grant permission

18/01402/HOUSE - Erection of a replacement garden store/workshop at Oak Cottage, Shobrooke – grant permission

4.3              Report from Cllr P Hare-Scott

There was no report


05/11/18     Road and Footpaths

5.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

i) Drains opposite the village hall/bus stop. Cllr J Lee had sent an e-mail reporting that DCC had recently jetted and pumped out various drains between Shobrooke and Raddon Cross but the two blocked drains at the top of Exeter Hill had not been done.  The Clerk reported that Cllr M Squires had e-mailed to report that further jetting should have taken place today

ii)  Poor road surface by Creedy Court.  Some patching had taken place

 iii) Damaged bridge by Lower Coombe Cottages.  Cllr J Lee had reported that the broken rail on the bridge had not been repaired although the footpath rails just up the road had been.

iv) Junction at Church lane white lines needed.  There was no update

5.2              New issues identified and report from Footpath Warden

The Footpath Warden reported that the outstanding jobs on Footpaths 3, 8 and 12 had been completed and the invoice was awaited.  The work identified by DCC’s Footpath Warden had mostly been completed at no cost to the parish.  The Mid Devon P3 workshop would take place on 20 November in Shobrooke.  All the paths had been walked and the form would be forwarded to the Clerk to send to DCC.

The pot hole by the Village Hall entrance had been filled.

5.3              Update on work to allotment path

Cllr B Curle was waiting for further instructions from the land owner as to the materials to be used for the path surface. 

06/11/18     Finance

6.1              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr R Ayre

6.2              Parish Council receipts Current Account: None

6.3              Parish Council payments current account:

                   These were agreed as:   





Amount £


Information Commissioner*

Data Protection



J Hill

Hire of mower and associated costs



J Hole

Salary and expenses






                                                                                                                                                                     * payment already made due to short payment deadline

6.4              Balances:

6.4a            Parish Council Current Account balance: £3,053.39

6.4b           Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £361.74

6.4c           Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £5,791.48

6.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6              To consider sign for playpark stating “No Barbecues Please” in green letters on white metal, 70cm wide x 7cm, placed separately under the main sign for a cost of £30.00

 It was resolved to purchase this sign


07/11/18     Councillor’s Reports                                    

7.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Snow Warden – to note response from MDDC re storage of towable gritter and to consider storage options.  To draw up a risk assessment for use of gritter

MDDC would not allow the gritter to be stored on a MDDC driveway.  They had suggested renting a MDDC garage.  However, there was no availability at the present time and there would be a monthly cost.  Currently the gritter was being stored in Langford.  Smart Water had been applied plus a tracker had been fitted and the farm where it was stored had CCTV.   A Shobrooke resident had offered that in bad weather the gritter could be driven onto their property for storage attached to a motor vehicle and this offer was gratefully accepted.  It was an insurance requirement that the gritter was stored locked away and it was agreed that the Clerk should advise the insurance company about the current storage arrangements.  Cllr C Boult advised that he had additional motor insurance which would cover him if, for example, he was driving down a closed road with the gritter.  This insurance would be valid as long as he was not paid for the work.  There may also be some cover under the Snow Warden Scheme.  A risk assessment for using the gritter was required and Cllr C Boult would send a copy to the Clerk.


08/11/18     Clerk’s Report

8.1              To agree that Shobrooke documents may be stored in NSC filing cabinets located in NSC Parish Hall (the Clerk needs to free up space and NSC PC have agreed files can be stored at Shobrookes risk)

It was resolved that the Clerk could store Shobrooke documents in the Newton St Cyres storage cabinets but should ensure there was a second copy of the keys to the cabinets.  Consideration to be given to putting old signed minutes in County archive storage in due course.

 09/11/18     Parish Council

9.1              To sign Standing orders and Financial Regulations

These were duly signed by the Chairman

9.2              Playing Field

9.2.1           To note latest inspection report

There was no inspection report.  Cllr C Boult reported that the swing posts had been adjusted so that strimming would not damage the wood and the trip hazard had been removed from the roundabout.

9.2.2           Update on playground fencing

The contractor had yet to inspect the gate and Cllr B Curle would chase him up

9.2.3           Update on play park wall

The Clerk reported various e-mails from MDDC following Cllr P Heal’s intervention.  Currently, MDDC were waiting for quotes along with several other areas of work.

9.3              Dates for Defibrillator awareness session

Cllr C Furse advised that the Village Hall was free on most Saturdays and Friday nights.  It was agreed to hold the session on a Saturday after Christmas and Cllr C Boult would obtain a date from his contact.  Clerk to put a note in The Brooke to advise that the session would be held in the New Year

9.4              To consider updating the noticeboard in the bus shelter

A new noticeboard was required as pins did not stay in the current one.  Cllr A Jones would obtain a price for some pinboard.

9.5              To consider reports of dog barking and agree any possible actions

Cllr C Furse reported that the Dog Warden had issued a letter to the dog owner.   However, the dogs were still barking and it was resolved that the Clerk should inform the Dog Warden.


10/11/18     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from Cllr M Squire

There was no report 

11/11/18     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Connecting Devon and Somerset – digital users survey                       


12/11/18     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

A parishioner had a spare litter bin and had offered to put this by the allotments.  This offer was accepted.

The October Raddon Hill meeting had asked parishes to consider if they would be interested in a rural mental health initiative. 

The notebook for defibrillator checks was being kept in the Village Hall


13/11/18     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 11 December 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.  


End of Formal Business


The meeting closed at 8.50pm