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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2019 at the Village Hall at 7.00pm 

Present:         Parish Councillors and the Clerk 

  1. Apologies

Cllr A Ripper, Cllr J Lee, Cllr P Hare-Scott, MDDC, Cllr M Squires, DCC 

  1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 8 May 2018

Agreed and signed as a true record 

  1. Chairman’s Report

I am happy to report that this year has seen improvements in the Parish

We now have a defibrillator installed in the decommissioned BT Kiosk and a training event has been held for various members of the village on CPR and how to use the machine.  My thanks must go to Allan in particular for the work on the refurbishment of the Kiosk.

We now have a salt spreader for Parish use which was obtained through grant funding.  I would like to thank Chris Bolt and his team for operating the spreader which has been used to good effect this past winter.  Thanks also to Margaret Squires for obtaining funding for new salt bins for the parish.

Unfortunately, there seems to be huge delays in getting repairs done to potholes and other road works in spite of extra funding from the government.

There has been a reprint of the footpath leaflet, with thanks again to Margaret Squires for obtaining funding for another 1000 leaflets.  There has been great demand from walkers of the Parish footpaths, certainly due to the efforts of Fred Harper in keeping them in excellent condition; my thanks to Fred.

The Council have repaired the wall beside the playing field at last, and hopefully the fencing on the same boundary will soon be done by the contractors. I would like to thanks Chris Bolt and his family and team for their work in maintaining and improving the playing field and its equipment during the last year and carrying out the inspections.

I would like to thank all the council members for their efforts over the last year, and as always, my thanks to Jane for her continued excellent administration and support to the Parish Council.  Thanks, must also go to Peter Hare-Scott for his support as District Councillor and I wish him well in his retirement.  Thanks also to Margaret Squires for her support as our County Councillor. 

Lastly, I have enjoyed being a Parish Councillor for almost 40 years, but due to other commitments and the feeling that someone else should have the opportunity to take it on, I have not opted for re-elections.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Parish Council every success over the coming years and many thanks to you all. 

  1. Parish Council Financial Statement for year ending 31 March 2019

Circulated to all present and noted 

  1. Public Participation/Questions

There were no public present