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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10 September 2019 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present: 

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                Cllr A Jones

Cllr B Curle                            Cllr L Pitts (arrived 8.15pm)

Cllr J Ingham                         Cllr A Ripper 

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Business to be Transacted

Public Participation

There was no public present 

Formal Business

01/09/19     Apologies  

Cllr C Boult (unwell), Cllr M Squires, DCC (away), Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (prior engagement) 

02/09/19     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/09/19     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 30 July 2019

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/09/19     To consider any applicants for co-option – two posts are available

There were no candidates present.  Cllr C Furse encouraged Councillors to continue to canvas for new councillors 

05/09/19     Mid Devon District Council

5.1              Planning Applications:

19/01375/HOUSE and 19/01380/LBC – Erection of two storey rear extension and side porch and new window openings at 1 Blackmoor Cottages, Shobrooke, EX17 1BB – no comment

A discussion took place on when a site visit should be called. It was agreed that a visit would be arranged for new builds, where clarification was required, or if there was a highways/access issue or if a councillor had a particular concern over an application.

5.2              Planning Decisions

19/01222/NMA - Non-Material Amendment for 19/00272/FULL to allow alterations of pitched roof to flat roof at 1 Burrington Drive Shobrooke

5.3              MDDC have advised that approximately £2,705.00 of unallocated S106 money is available.  In addition, £1,442.00 is available to spend on toddler play equipment only.  To consider making a grant application

The Clerk explained that there was a total of £5,710.00 unallocated S106 money available but this had been split between Shobrooke and Newton St Cyres.  MDDC required the money to be spent as soon as possible and three quotes would be required. To qualify for a S106 grant the project had to be continually freely available to the public.  After discussion it was resolved to apply for the grant towards new toddler play equipment.  Cllr B Curle suggested that we should consider projects for older parishioners for the future as a lot of current expenditure was towards younger parishioners. 

5.4              Consultation on Local Government Boundary Commission review of warding patterns

Details had been circulated for information.  It was noted that Newsbook ward was one of the smallest wards.

5.5              Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish

A report had been circulated.  Clerk to thank Cllr G Barnell for his report and let him know that councillors look forward to seeing him next month. 

06/09/19     Road and Footpaths

6.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Various pot holes and drains

Pot holes were still present on the road to Stumpy Cross.  The road outside Creedy Court was still damaged.  Clerk to report to DCC and point out what the building is used as there is a lot of traffic, especially pedestrians, using this stretch of road.         

6.2              New issues identified

To consider a new sign for the permissive path through the allotment to state “Permissive path and not a right of way”. Cost £25.00

Some dogs continued to be off the lead along the permissive path across the allotments.  The Clerk would circulate the permissive path agreement to councillors for information and for consideration at the next meeting before purchasing a new sign. 

A house near the allotments was using the Parish Council fence posts to prop a retaining piece of wood up. Clerk to write and request the wood is moved back

Cllr B Curle reminded Council about the steps at the bottom of the permissive allotment path which required some work.  Clerk to contact contractors and Cllr B Curle would meet them on site. 

07/09/19     Finance

7.1              Parish Council receipts Current Account: None

7.2              Parish Council payments current account:                    





 Amount £


Primary care supplies

Paediatric pads for defib



J Hole

Salary and expenses







The Clerk reported that the cost for the paediatric pads was £106.14 and not £99.00 as stated on the agenda.  This was due to the addition of postage.

7.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

7.4              Balances:

7.4.1            Parish Council Current Account balance: £3,242.67

7.4.2            Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

7.4.3             Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,793.71 (£3,000.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

7.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor

Noted.  The Clerk would continue to chase Cllr M Squires for a locality grant towards a new grit bin. Some grant money from MDDC had already been received.  The grit bin should be in place for the winter months.

7.6              Quarterly bank reconciliation – available at the meeting for checking and signing

Duly signed 

08/09/19     Councillor’s Reports                                    

8.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

There were no reports

8.2              Playing Fields report

No report had been received 

09/09/19     Clerk’s Report


10/09/19     Parish Council

10.1             To consider any training needs for new co-opted councillors

Deferred until Councillors are co-opted

Cllr J Ingham requested to attend a DALC finance course and this was agreed.  Clerk to forward dates for agreement

10.2            To consider consultation by Devon Fire and Rescue

One of the consultation options was the removal of the second pump from Crediton Fire Station.  Clerk to circulate details of the consultation and Councillors to respond if they wished. 

11/09/19     Devon County Council

11.1            Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

A paper from DCC members detailing a response to Devon Climate Emergency had been circulated separately 

12/09/19     Miscellaneous Correspondence

MDDC How to report fly-tipping

CPRE presentation in Crediton on 18 September

Invitation to DCC Highways Conference

DDC Tourism project – request for information.  Clerk to respond 

13/09/19     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Clerk to update Cllr A Jones’s email address

The Clerk had emailed the retired Footpath Warden to say thank you

Cllr C Furse confirmed that the footpaths by Shute had already been walked by the Footpath Warden so Cllr A Rippers offer to walk the paths was no longer required.        

14/09/19     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8 October 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall 

End of formal business

The meeting closed at 8.30pm