Minutes from December 2020 meeting
Shobrooke Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council meeting held via Zoom on
Tuesday 9 December 2020
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
Members Present
Cllr C Furse (Chair) Cllr J Ingham
Cllr C Boult Cllr A Ripper
Cllr B Curle Cllr L Pitts
In attendance:
Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (left 7.50pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk
Public Participation
There was none
Formal Business
01/12/20 Apologies
Cllr C Boult (unwell), Cllr A Jones (apology received after the meeting), Cllr M Squires (another meeting)
02/12/20 Declaration of Interest
None noted
03/12/20 Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 10 November 2020
Agreed and signed as a true record
04/12/20 Mid Devon District Council
4.1 Planning Applications:
4.2 Planning Decisions:
20/01634/HOUSE - Erection of garden room at Trew House, Chilton – grant permission
4.3 Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish. Email re estate walkabout circulated
Cllr G Barnell ran through his report on the estate walkabout. Two sycamore trees required inspection to check their health and structure. There were a few residents who were not keeping their gardens tidy and rather than sending the usual tidy up letter, Cllr G Barnell wondered if some practical help could be given be offered? MDDC Housing Officers made telephone calls to vulnerable housing residents and Cllr G Barnell noted that residents in Shobrooke did look out for their neighbours so hopefully any problems would be picked up quickly.
The planning consultation period for the slurry lagoon near Shute had closed and quite a few objections had been lodged with EDDC.
Cllr B Curle asked for an update on Peddlers Pool planning application, specifically with Sherbrooke’s request for a traffic impact assessment? Cllr G Barnell noted that planning had been approved for approx. 278 houses but the agreement with the rugby club had yet to be finalised and a start date for construction was not known. There were 9 housing developments in Crediton, all shown in the local plan, and Cllr G Barnell was concerned about the culmative impact of traffic. The petition asking for a combined transport plan would be put to DCC after Christmas and was being supported by EDDC Councillors. Cllr J Ingham enquired about the number of affordable homes at Peddlers Pool and it was noted they had been reduced.
Cllr B Curle asked if future housing developments will be required to include charging points for electric cars? Cllr G Barnell said eventually this would be a requirement along with greener heating such as solar and air pumps. However, it was essential that the Government updated the National Planning Framework to include these requirements so that Councils had some basis on which to introduce local policies.
A question and answer paper had been circulated on the Covid-19 vaccination programme
05/12/20 Finance
5.1 Parish Council receipts Current Account:
DCC - £500.00 Covid-19 support grant
5.2 Parish Council payments current account
These were agreed as:
Item |
Payee |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
5.2.1 |
Grant to support COVID-19 work |
500.00 |
5.2.2 |
J Hole |
Salary and expenses |
241.59 |
5.2.3 |
13.20 |
5.3 To approve signatures for this month’s cheques
5.4 Balances:
5.4.1 Parish Council Current Account balance: £2,506.76
5.4.2 Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74
5.4.3 Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.07 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)
5.5 Financial Statement and Budget Monitor
Noted. Clerk to charge zoom subscription to room expenses rather than subscriptions
5.6 Quarterly Bank Reconciliation for agreement and signature
To be signed by bank signatories
5.7 To agree budget and precept for 2021/22. To consider donation to Citizens advice
A draft budget had been circulated and was considered. It was noted that there were likely to be increased costs next year to running and maintaining the playpark and the maintenance of the war memorial. Cllr B Curle proposed an increase to the precept of £1,000.00 and this was seconded by Cllr L Pitts and agreed unanimously.
It was agreed not to give a grant to Citizens Advice.
06/12/20 Road and Footpaths
6.1 Outstanding Road and Footpath issues
New Salt bins – DCC chased. Clerk to chase again
6.2 New issues identified
It was noted that the steps opposite the Church had been repaired.
Pot holes between Exeter Hill Cross and Stumpy Cross – Clerk to report
Clerk to check that there will be no cost to moving the post box and to ask if a bigger post box can be installed
07/12/20 Parish Council
7.1 To consider any projects suitable for funding from Cllr M Squires DCC Locality budget
After discussion it was agreed to request £350.00 to buy a cordless mower to cut the grass at the war memorial.
08/12/20 Councillor’s Reports
8.1 To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility
None noted
8.2 Playing Fields
Cllr J Ingham noted that he had 100 trees from the Woodland Trust stored. It was agreed that he should keep these trees as the only requirement was that they were planted in the parish.
8.2.1 To review re-opening of park – to agree signage
Draft signage had been circulated and a few amendments suggested to ensure that insurance requirements were met. It was resolved to open the play park as soon as possible subject to signs being posted and a risk assessment completed.
The Clerk and Cllr L Pitts would amend the sign and recirculate. Signs would be laminated in the first instance and would be placed at various points in the park with photos taken.
It was noted that the zip wire had been taken down and laid near the fence. The poles were still in place and it was agreed to post a “do not climb/keep off” notice. If the zip wire was not replaced then the poles and concrete would need removing and this was likely to be expensive.
It was agreed that the Clerk and Cllr L Pitts would carry out the risk assessment and circulate.
8.2.2 To note S106 funding has been agreed. Monkey Bars and matting and 1 x duck springy and 1 x 4-seater springy. To agree delivery and installation
Details of the costs and delivery had been circulated. It was agreed to order the duck springy in yellow. Safety matting was not required. The Clerk would place the order in December and request delivery in January to Cllr J Ingham who would store the equipment until better weather conditions. Clerk to obtain quotes for installation.
Cllr M Boult informed Cllrs that the person who had been carrying out park inspections had moved so a new person was required. Cllrs to ask around for volunteers. Cllr C Furse had the keys to the playpark.
09/12/20 Clerk’s Report
9.1 To resolve that criteria are in place for application to Local Council Award Scheme – Foundation level
Details of the application had ben circulated and it was resolved unanimously that the criteria were in place for an application to be made
10/12/20 Devon County Council
10.1 Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish
A report had been circulated and was noted
11/12/20 Miscellaneous Correspondence
Devon Carbon Plan
12/12/20 Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda
None noted
13/12/20 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20 January 2021, at 7.30 pm, via zoom
End of formal business
The meeting closed at 9.00pm