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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held remotely via Zoom on Tuesday 14 July 2020 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present (via zoom)

Cllr J Ingham (Chair)              Cllr L Pitts

Cllr C Boult (present for some of meeting)                            

Cllr M Boult                             Cllr A Ripper

Cllr B Curle 

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

There were no pubic present

Formal Business 

01/07/20     Apologies  

Cllr A Jones, Cllr M Squires, DCC (other meetings), Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (apology received after the meeting – zoom link not provided)                  

02/07/20     Declaration of Interest

None noted


03/07/20     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 9 June 2020

Agreed as a true record and to be signed by the Chair at a later date


04/07/20     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications


4.2              Planning Decisions:

20/00628/FULL - Change of use of Woodleigh from dwelling to care home (C2) to form part of Creedy Court Care Home, Shobrooke – grant permission

4.3              To note LGA Consultation on Code of Conduct


4.4              To consider response from Cllr G Barnell to Boundary Commission The response from Cllr G Barnell had been circulated; this proposed that a new ward be created called Newbrooke and Sandford, as opposed to the Boundary Commission suggestion that Shobrooke should join with Morchard Bishop.  After discussion it was agreed to support Cllr G Barnell’s proposal.

4.5              To note publication of Greater Exeter Strategic Plan – consultation starts in September 2020.

Concern was expressed that roads were not sufficient to cope with more traffic.  The Clerk reported that Newton St Cyres Parish Council would be holding a public zoom meeting in September and Shobrooke Councillors were welcome to attend.

4.6              Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish

The report had been circulated and was noted.  It was not clear if the grant available through the “Love your Town Centre” fund for Crediton, Cullompton and Tiverton was £5,000.00 each or between each. Clerk to clarify

05/07/20     Finance

5.1              Parish Council receipts Current Account:


5.2              Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:             




Amount £


J Hole

Salary and expenses







5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Clerk to post cheques to Cllr C Furse

5.4              Balances:

 5.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £4,510.40

5.4.2           Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

5.4.3           Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,796.98 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


06/07/20     Road and Footpaths

6.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Damaged drain opposite old Post Office/Bus stop trip hazard/salt bins   

The missing handrail had been replaced on the steps opposite the Village Hall and the drain opposite the Old Post Office had been repaired.

6.2              New issues identified

Water on the bend by Creedy Court continued to be a problem and the Clerk would raise with DCC again.

Dog fouling was reported near/on the steps opposite the Village Hall and Cllr L Pitts would post some signs 

07/07/20     Parish Council

7.1              Maintenance of war memorial – to note response from PCC re maintenance.  To agree payment of grant for £500.00

Cllr M Boult informed the meeting that WDEG had offered to cut the grass free of charge for six months until more permanent arrangements can be made and it was understood that other offers of assistance had also been made.  A PCC meeting was scheduled for 17 July.  After discussion, it was agreed to defer payment of the grant until after the PCC meeting.

7.2              To consider invitation from Police and Crime Commissioner to join the Councillor Advocate Scheme

After discussion, it was agreed not to join the scheme at this time.

7.3              To agree there will be no meeting in August (unless required for planning purposes) with the next meeting to be held via zoom in September and a decision to be made about October meeting then.


7.4              Broadband – to note actions being taken by Shute residents (Cllr A Ripper to update meeting)

Cllr A Ripper updated the meeting:  Broadband speeds in Shute and Efford were very slow and local residents were joining together to take advantage of the grants available (£500.00 per house and £1,000.00 per business) in order to approach a provider to try and solve the problem.  To date 11 businesses and 23 properties were interested.  Councillors agreed that the Parish Council would support any effort to improve broadband speeds, although no financial support was promised.   Possibly a topic for the next Raddon Hills meeting?

7.5              To consider letter of support for the Red Lion pub to apply for a grant to open a shop

No further information was available but Councillors agreed in principal to support a grant application for the provision of a village shop. 

08/07/20     Councillor’s Reports                                     

8.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Cllr M Boult asked if permission could be given to cut the grass around the salt bins?  It was agreed that the Clerk should email DCC and inform them that we would cut the grass unless we were told not to.

8.2              Playing Fields report and to agree re-opening of park, risk assessment and any signage required.

Cllr M Boult reported that the loose stepping stones and damaged stile had been removed and the zip wire and toddler swings had warning tape showing that the equipment was not in use.  The benches and play equipment had been cleaned and disinfected.  The wood supporting the zip wire and toddler swings required replacing and it was still not clear if there was any warranty on these items.  The Clerk would contact Lesley Browne for more information.  The Clerk had circulated correspondence from MDDC, NALC and the insurance company which detailed the measurers required before re-opening playparks including a risk assessment and covid signage.  From an insurance point of view, it was for the Parish Council to manage the risks.  Discussion took place on whether the play park could be safely reopened.  It was agreed that disinfecting the play park would be required every two hours as it was not possible to limit the number of people using the park, or ensure that social distancing was being practiced.  It was therefore proposed, seconded and agreed that the playpark would stay closed for the time being.  Whilst closed further repairs/maintenance would be carried out.  Cllr M Boult would ensure that a closed sign was posted. 

09/07/20     Clerk’s Report

9.1              To note Clerk holidays 1 to 15 August 2020


10/07/20     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish


10.2            To consider response to survey on Impact and use of Devon’s Bus services

Clerk to reply that whilst a survey on bus services was welcomed, the questionnaire was too long and complicated and needed to be simplified and shortened. 

11/07/20     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Email from Crediton resident asking about support for possible cycle paths – referred to DCC 

At this point in the meeting the zoom meeting ran out of time and a new link was sent out.

Cllrs B Curle, L Pitts and A Ripper re-joined the meeting. 

12/07/20     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Cllr L Pitts reported that a parishioner had questioned building work taking place in the parish and whether planning permission had been sought.  Parishioner to be advised to contact MDDC direct. 

13/07/20     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8 September 2020, at 7.30 pm to be held remotely 

End of formal business 

The meeting closed at 9.00pm