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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held remotely via Zoom on Tuesday 9 June 2020 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present (via zoom)

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                Cllr A Jones

Cllr B Curle                             Cllr A Ripper

Cllr J Ingham 

In attendance:

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (left 8.40pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

There were no pubic present

Formal Business 

01/06/20     Apologies  

Cllr L Pitts, Cllr M Squires (DCC), Cllr M Boult (working), Cllr C Boult   

02/06/20     Declaration of Interest


Agreed as a true record and to be signed by the Chair at a later date 

04/06/20     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications


4.2              Planning Decisions:

20/00469/CLP - Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed siting of a caravan for use as an annexe at Stokes Farm, Shobrooke – permission refused

4.3              MDDC Consultations i) MDDC Design Guidance SPD and ii) Public Space Protection Order               Covered by Cllr G Barnell in 4.4

4.4              Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish

Cllr G Barnell explained that the Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document would form an important reference document for planning issues.  The proposed Public Space Protection Order would apply to MDDC owned areas only

A report had been circulated and Cllr G Barnell gave a brief verbal update on the actions MDDC were taking with regard to Covid-19.  There were now two grant schemes and £18 million in grants had been awarded.  The discretionary grant scheme was aimed at businesses like charities and B&B’s.  MDDC were also signposting businesses to the loans that were available.  The shielding hub was continuing.  A pilot scheme for vulnerable people to be given priority slots for home delivery was up and running.  The Tiverton Panier market was back in operation.  Discussions were taking place with Crediton Town council to put tables and chairs in the Market Square to allow the nearby businesses to serve customers.  There was a High Street Fund aimed at helping businesses to open safely.  Crediton Farmers market should be operating from 20 June.

Cllr G Barnell left the meeting 

05/06/20     Finance

5.1              Parish Council receipts Current Account:


5.2              Parish Council payments current account:

These were agreed apart from item 5.2.1 and 5.2.2      





Amount £


Shobrooke PCC

Grant for maintenance of churchyard



Shobrooke PCC

Grant for maintenance of war memorial



A Jones

Reimbursement for materials to fix signs



J Hole

Salary and expenses







After discussion it was resolved to defer payment to the Church.  The Clerk would contact the Church Warden and Treasurer to find out the plans for the maintenance of the Churchyard and war memorial following the death of Jack Fey, who usually carried out the maintenance

5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Clerk to post cheques to Cllr C Furse for signature

5.4              Balances:

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £4,992.05

 5.4.2          Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

5.4.3           Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,796.64 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


5.6              Quarterly Bank Reconciliation for checking and signing

Clerk to post to Cllr C Furse for checking 

06/06/20     Road and Footpaths

6.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues

Various pot holes/ Damaged drain opposite old Post Office/ Standing water on bend by Shobrooke Park/Bus stop trip hazard/salt bins/hedge slippage/missing railing on steps

The various updates as detailed on DCC website were noted.  Clerk to report that the drain opposite the Old Post Office was not in a safe condition.

Missing railing on steps –  Cllr A Jones had put up a rope as a temporary measure.   DCC Footpath Warden reported the railing would be repaired in the next couple of weeks.  The clerk noted how promptly DCC Footpath Warden responds to emails.

6.2              New issues identified

Broken step on FP 16 by Mill – reported to DCC

DCC reports mirrors on the highway – DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer had reported two mirrors in the parish.  As these mirrors were not put up by the Parish Council, there was no further action to be taken

6.3              Update on location of 20 is plenty signs

Cllr A Jones had installed the signs. New brackets were required as the ones supplied were too small.  The supplier would not accept an exchange as they were purchased in November 2019. 

07/06/20     Parish Council

7.1              To note resignation of Cllr C Boult

The Clerk had circulated an email from Cllr C Boult which stated his intention to resign once the coronavirus crisis was over. 

At this point in the meeting the zoom connection was lost and the Clerk sent out a new link.  The meeting restarted with the following present:

Cllr J Ingham, Cllr A Jones, Cllr A Ripper, Cllr M Boult and Cllr C Boult.  Cllr J Ingham took the chair.  The meeting resumed at item 7.1

Cllr C Boult stated that he would like Parish Councillors to work together more to provide support during the coronavirus and would like more communication.  He stated that he would not resign until the current crisis was over.  The rest of the items on the agenda were deferred until the next meeting. 

13/06/20     Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14 July 2020, at 7.30 pm to be held remotely 

End of formal business 

The meeting ended at 8.50pm