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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held via Zoom on

Wednesday 28 April 2021 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                                        Cllr A Jones

Cllr M Boult                                                   Cllr A Ripper                                                                        

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business 

01/04/21     Apologies  

Cllr M Squires, DCC and Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (other meetings).  Resignation from Cllr C Boult received today with immediate effect 

02/04/21     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/04/21     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 17 March 2021

To be agreed and to be signed as a true record 

04/04/21     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

21/00527/FULL - Erection of extension to an agricultural storage shed and change of use to a poultry brooder at (Lane to Creedy Barton), Shobrooke – no comment

4.2              Planning Decisions:  


4.3              To consider request from MDDC to make the play park subject to a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

Details had been circulated and it was resolved to request that MDDC issue the Protection Order following confirmation that no extra powers are given to MDDC via this order.

4.4              Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish.  

There was no report, although correspondence from Cllr G Barnell had been circulated during the month.  Cllr G Barnell had requested that MDDC re-render the play park wall. It was noted that MDDC had taken down the damaged wall at 3-4 School Close and left the bricks in a pile.  Clerk to chase repair with Cllr G Barnell  

05/04/21     Finance

5.1              Parish Council receipts Current Account: MDDC precept - £6,518.00

5.2              Parish Council payments current account

Since the agenda had been sent, the cost of the lawnmower had risen to £421.66 and it was resolved to make payments as follows:





Amount £


Playsafety Ltd

Playground Inspection




Membership renewal




Data Protection Registration



J Hole

Reimbursement for purchase of mower



J Hole

Salary and expenses







5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Clerk to post cheques to Cllr C Furse for signature

5.4              Balances:

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £8,265.95

5.4.2           Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

5.4.3           Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.32 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor and summary to 31 March 2021


5.6              Annual Return - to note completion including Internal Audit

5.6.1           To approve Part 1 Annual Governance Statement 2020/21                  

5.6.2           To approve Part 2 Accounting Statements 2020/21

5.6.3           To sign Certificate of Exemption stating that during 2020/21 the higher of the authority’s income for the year or gross annual expenditure did not exceed £25,000

The Annual Return had been circulated.  No issues had been identified by the internal auditor and it was resolved unanimously that the Chair would sign Part 1, then Part 2 and the Certificate of Exemption.

5.7              To consider insurance quotes

Details of three quotes had been circulated and after due consideration it was resolved to renew with the existing insurer, BHIB for a 3-year period.


06/04/21     Road and Footpaths

6.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues  

Salt for new Salt bins and steps opposite Village Hall

Steps opposite the Village Hall - Clerk to chase contractor for quote. 

DCC had sent a thank you email to Snow Wardens and thanks were passed to Chris Boult for all his work as Snow Warden.  The email included a link to request salt and the Clerk would re-request via this link

6.2              New issues identified      

Various pot holes on the road between Shute and Stumpy Cross and from Stumpy Cross to Pennycott 

07/04/21     Parish Council

7.1              To review and agree updated Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Updated orders had been circulated and after discussion it was resolved unanimously to adopt both

7.2              Update on location of future meetings

Virtual meetings would not be permitted after 6 May, so meetings would resume in the Village Hall.  Clerk to book hall and check what Covid measurers were required. 

08/04/21     Councillor’s Reports                                    

8.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

Defibrillator – to check if new pads are due – new pads were due in January 2022

8.2              Coronavirus support – any issues to consider?

Chris Boult had advised that WDEG were happy to continue to provide any support that was required.

8.3              Playing Fields  

8.3.1           To note weekly inspections reports

Duly carried out weekly and Cllr C Furse would post the latest reports to the Clerk

8.3.2           To note annual inspection report – to agree any actions

The Annual Inspection Report from ROSPA had been circulated.  There were no major issues identified.

It was resolved to remove the zip wire and not to replace it for the time being.     If it is to be replace at some point in the future, consideration should be given to a metal replacement.  Cllr C Furse would find out if there was a volunteer who could dismantle the zip wire and remove it.  Some of the poles could be reused elsewhere in the park.

8.3.3           Update on progress with quotes for installation of new play equipment

Three quotes had been obtained and circulated.  It was resolved to appoint the most competitively priced contractor who had been recommended by MDDC. Clerk to check if spoils would be removed from the site and check start date.             

09/04/21     Clerk’s Report

9.1              None                                                                                                                


10/04/21     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

There was no report 

11/04/21     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Community Risk Management Plan for Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

Email from South West Regional Organised Crime Unit with advice on avoiding scams – Clerk to forward to The Brooke 

12/04/21     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda


13/04/21     Date of next meeting: Wednesday 19 May 2021, at 7.30 pm, in the Village Hall 

End of formal business 

The meeting closed at 8.10pm