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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held via Zoom on

Wednesday 17 February 2021 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present

Cllr A Ripper (Chair)   Cllr M Boult

Cllr C Boult                  Cllr A Jones                                                                                   

In attendance:

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (left 8.00pm), Cllr M Squires (left 8.10pm), DCC, J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business

07/02/21     Apologies  

Cllr C Furse (personal) 

08/02/21     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

09/02/21     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 3 February 2021

Agreed and to be signed as a true record 

10/02/21     Mid Devon District Council

10.1            Planning Applications


10.2            Planning Decisions  


10.3            To note MDDC launch of a Call for Sites process to inform a new Local Plan for Mid Devon.

Cllr G Barnell explained that this process would inform the new local plan which would be developed over the next 3-4 years.

10.4            Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish. 

Cllr G Barnell and Cllr M Squires together with other District Councillors had attended a meeting with the Head of MDDC Planning Department to discuss transport planning for the Creedy Valley.  A further meeting was scheduled for April.  Crediton Town Council would be inviting local Parish Council Chairs to attend a meeting on the 16 March to find out their views.

Cllr G Barnell updated the meeting on the EDDC planning application for a digestate lagoon at Rixenford Lane.  It was thought that a decision would be made in March or April.  A petition was in circulation. 

11/02/21     Finance

11.1            Parish Council receipts Current Account


11.2            Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:             




Amount £


Mid Devon Mobility




J Hole

Salary and expenses







11.3            To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Clerk to post cheques to Cllr C Furse for signature

11.4            Balances:

11.4.1          Parish Council Current Account balance: £2,214.42

11.4.2          Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

11.4.3          Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.20 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

11.5            Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


12/02/21     Road and Footpaths

12.1            Outstanding Road and Footpath issues  

Salt for new Salt bins - Cllr M Squires suggested phoning the Highways call centre to ask for the new salt bins to be allocated a number and then filled.

The Clerk had spoken to the local contractor about the steps opposite the Village Hall and he had agreed to provide a quote.

12.2            New issues identified      

None noted          

13/02/21     Parish Council

13.1            To note Councillor resignations and to consider recruitment of new Councillors

Since the extraordinary meeting, Brian Curle, John Ingham and Lynne Pitts had resigned.  MDDC had been informed and would be sending the Notice of Vacancy paperwork shortly, following which the vacancies could be advertised.

13.2             Update on specification for cordless mower

Cllr A Jones agreed to look at a specification and costs for the next meeting. 

14/02/21     Councillor’s Reports                                                                 

14.1            To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

None noted

14.2            Coronavirus support – any issues to consider?

None noted

14.3            Playing Fields  

14.3.1         To note response from insurance company regarding requirements for persons carrying out inspections and to record that we comply with the requirements.

The insurance company had stated “that an annual inspection should be carried out on the Playground Equipment, by ROSPA.  However, in respect of weekly checks these can be done by a volunteer or a parish councillor.  This then needs be logged on your minutes that this has been carried out”.

Cllr C Furse was carrying out the weekly checks and Cllr A Jones confirmed that he had carried out the checks this week.  The Parish Council therefore complies with the insurance requirements.

14.3.2         To note advice received from BHIB Insurance, DLAC and SLCC that the Parish Council and not individual Councillors would be liable for any claims that the insurance company did not meet.

The insurance company states “that providing the councillor/volunteer are working on the sole instructions of the Parish Council, to carry out this specific duty the legal liabilities will lie with Parish Council”.  DALC states “since the council owns the play park, it will be the council as a corporate body that would be liable, individual councillors would not be liable”

The Clerk had referred the matter to NALC and also to MDDC Legal Department for further clarification.

14.3.3         To note survey of local play parks

The Clerk had contacted 5 local councils who own their own play park.  All had annual/bi-annual inspections by a professional company and weekly inspections were carried out either by Councillors or employees.  Two had sent the person carrying out the inspections on a 1-day training course.  

14.3.4         To note list of insurance companies contacted for quotes

Five insurance companies had been contacted for quotes.  However, it was too early for quotes to be issued as they are only valid for 90 days.  The Clerk asked what the insurance cost of the war memorial should be and it was agreed to keep the same figure as in the current insurance.  It was agreed to put the insurance cost of the BT kiosk as £10,000.00

14.3.5         To consider training courses available for those carrying out play park inspections

ROSPA regularly run a 1-day training course in Exeter at a cost of £260.00.  However, due to COVID-19, this was not scheduled at present.  Two other companies had been contacted, one had replied that training courses were not running due to COVID-19 and they would let us know if and when they run any in our local area.

14.3.6         To note any progress with volunteers to carry out inspections.

No volunteers had come forward and a note had been put in The Brooke.

14.3.7         Update on quotes for installation of play equipment                  

The Clerk had contacted one contractor who would hopefully provide a quote.  A note had been placed in the Brooke asking if anyone would be able to quote for the work. 

15/02/21     Clerk’s Report

15.1            To note 5 extra hours worked on play park information and to request payment         

Noted and agreed 

Minited here but taken after item 13

15/02/21     Devon County Council

15.1            Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

Cllr M Squires noted that DCC would be setting its budget at the next meeting 

16/02/21     Miscellaneous Correspondence

None noted - any relevant correspondence had been circulated 

17/02/21     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

None noted


18/02/21     Date of next meeting: Wednesday 17 March 2021, at 7.30 pm, via zoom


End of formal business

The meeting finished at 8.20pm