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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 21 July 2021 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members Present

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                                                                        Cllr A Jones

Cllr G Barnell (left 8pm)                                                                 Cllr M Squires 

In attendance:

2 members of public, J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Public Participation

The parishioner who had emailed about being interested in helping to improve facilities at the play park introduced himself and said he would be willing to assist with grant funding.   Cllr M Squires suggested looking at Viridor funding and would also consider some funding from her locality budget.

Formal Business

01/07/21       Following the resignation of Alistair Ripper and Melanie Boult, to note the Council was inquorate and that Mid Devon District Council have therefore appointed Cllr M Squires and Cllr G Barnell under Section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972 to act as Parish Councillors

Cllr C Furse welcomed Cllrs M Squires and G Barnell to the meeting and thanked them for agreeing to be co-opted. 

02/07/21       Apologies  


03/07/21       Declaration of Interest

None noted 

04/07/21       Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday Tuesday 19 May 2021

Agreed and signed as a true record 

05/07/21       To consider any applicants for co-option

Standing orders to be suspended to allow discussion with candidates. 

Lynsay Balkwill was present at the meeting and willing to be co-opted as a Councillor.  This was agreed unanimously and Lynsay signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and joined the meeting as a Councillor. 

Cllr C Furse reported that another parishioner was willing to be co-opted but was not able to attend this meeting.  It was unanimously agreed to co-opt as long as the criteria for being a councillor were met and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form could be signed at the next meeting 

06/07/21       Mid Devon District Council

6.1                   Planning Applications

21/01336/FULL - Removal of agricultural occupation Condition (f) of Planning Permission 87/01805/FULL - Erection of detached agricultural bungalow with garage at Oaklea Shobrooke – no comment

6.2                   Planning Decisions:

21/00527/FULL - Erection of extension to an agricultural storage shed and change of use to a poultry brooder at (Lane to Creedy Barton), Shobrooke – grant permission 

19/00878/FULL - Conversion of barns to 5 dwellings at Furze Farm, Shute, Shobrooke

Clerk to enquire if any S106 money will be generated by this development

6.3                   To consider any submissions to the Building at Risk Survey and Register

Details had been circulated and it was agreed to submit details of the Village Hall

6.4                   Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish. 

Cllr G Barnell explained that MDDC now held an Affordable Housing pot of money which was collected from developments that did not provide affordable housing.  Was affordable housing something that Shobrooke would like to consider?   It may help to encourage younger people with children into the parish.  Cllr C Furse reported that the Parish Council had previously helped with four affordable houses in the parish and suitable land had been difficult to find.  It was agreed to hold a separate meeting to discuss this issue further and perhaps to invite a planning officer to attend. 

07/07/21       Finance

7.1                   Parish Council receipts Current Account: None

7.2                   Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:




Amount £


J Hole

Salary and expenses (May and June)






7.3                   To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Fuse and Cllr A Jones

7.4                   Balances:

7.4.1                 Parish Council Current Account balance: £6,673.05

7.4.2                 Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

7.4.3                 Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.46 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

7.5                   Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


7.6                   Quarterly Bank Reconciliation – for signatories to sign

7.7                   Update on internet banking

The Clerk had downloaded forms to remove three signatories and to set up internet banking with Cllrs C Furse and A Jones as signatories as well as a form to give the Clerk access to internet banking.  These were duly signed.


08/07/21       Road and Footpaths

8.1                   Outstanding Road and Footpath issues - Salt for new Salt bins and steps opposite Village Hall

                         Cllr M Squires agreed to speak to our Neighbourhood Highways Manager re the salt required.

8.2                   New issues identified                          

None noted 

09/07/21       Parish Council

9.1                   To consider any updates to the Action Plan

This had been circulated and was agreed.  Cllr A Jones asked if a Community Emergency plan was required?  After discussion it was agreed that a short statement of intent would suffice and the Clerk would draft this for agreement at the next meeting and eventual publication in The Brooke

9.2                   To consider delegating authority to the Clerk to respond to planning applications that are received over the summer following email correspondence with Councillors

This was agreed

9.3                   To consider request from Efford residents for the purchase of a Defibrillator to be located in Efford

Details had been circulated.  Clerk to check with Efford residents that someone would take responsibility for weekly and monthly checks and reports.  It was resolved to purchase a Defibrillator and the Clerk would investigate grants available and prepare three quotes for the next meeting.  Cllr M Squires may be able to provide some support from her Locality fund. 

10/07/21       Councillor’s Reports                                                        

10.1                 To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

10.2.1              Update on Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator

                         Cllr C Furse would check if the previous Co-ordinator would be willing to continue

                         10.1.2 Update on appointment of Snow Warden and storage of towable gritter

A possible Snow Warden had been identified and this would be followed up. Cllr L Balkwill would ask a parishioner with barns if the towable gritter could be stored there

10.3                 Playing Fields  

10.3.1             To note weekly inspections reports

The weekly inspections reports were noted. The inspections sheets would be updated to include the new equipment.  Cable ties had been put on the top bar of the swings to try and stop birds perching.  Cllr A Jones had painted the swings.

10.3.2             To note meeting with MDDC Health and Safety Inspector and Land Management Officer and discussions with MDDC Insurance Department

MDDC were willing to work with the Parish Council to offer training and support.   The site meeting did not identify any significant risks and the Health and Safety Officer suggested that once the new play equipment was in place, MDDC would help carry out a risk assessment of the whole playground with a view to asking the insurance company to accept monthly inspections rather than weekly.  Now that the zip wire and the basket swing were no longer in operation, the level of risk overall was very low and monthly inspections should be sufficient.  MDDC opinion was that insurance covers any claims although premiums may then be increased in subsequent years.

10.3.3             Update on installation of new play equipment

The monkey bars and two springys had been installed.  There would be a slight increase on the quoted cost as additional grass mats were required for the monkey bars.

The contractor would provide a quote for using the wooden beams from the zip wire to replace the rotten bar for the toddler swings and the balance beam.  It was agreed that the invoice would be paid over the summer.

10.3.4             Update on volunteer to help check play equipment

A volunteer had been found and was now completing weekly checks.  Someone from outside the parish had also volunteered but was not required at this stage.                  

11/07/21       Clerk’s Report


12/07/21       Devon County Council

12.1                 Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

Cllr M Squires reported that DCC were meeting at the Corn Exchange as County Hall did not have enough space to safety accommodate all members 

13/07/21       Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters circulated; Email enquiring about joining a “Friends of Shobrooke Play Park”;

Email about strimming at Pennicott path – passed to DCC; Email re crop spraying – Cllr C Furse would raise this at the next Raddon Hills meeting                        

14/07/21       Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

None noted 

15/07/21       Date of next meeting: Wednesday 16 September 2021, at 7.30 pm, at the Village Hall 

End of formal business 

The meeting closed at 8.50pm