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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held via Zoom on

Wednesday 17 March 2021 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm 

Members Present

Cllr C Furse, (Chair) present via phone         Cllr M Boult

Cllr C Boult                                                    Cllr A Jones                                                                                   

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

There was none

Formal Business

01/03/21     Apologies  

Cllr M Squires, DCC and Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (both attending MDDC meeting); Cllr A Ripper (apologies received after meeting) 

02/03/21     Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/03/21     Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 17 February 2021 (previously circulated)

Agreed and to be signed as a true record 

04/03/21     Mid Devon District Council

4.1              Planning Applications:

21/00331/HOUSE - Erection of two-storey extension at 1 Mill Cottages, Shobrooke – no comment

21/00334/HOUSE - Erection of detached garage with ancillary space over at 1 Mill Cottages, Shobrooke – no comment          

4.2              Planning Decisions:  None         


4.3              Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish. 

There was no report 

05/03/21     Finance

5.1              Parish Council receipts Current Account:

VAT refund £775.97        

5.2              Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:    




Amount £


J Hole

Salary and expenses







5.3              To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Clerk to post cheques to Cllr C Furse for signature

5.4              Balances:

5.4.1           Parish Council Current Account balance: £2,684.50

5.4.2           Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

5.4.3           Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.26 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

5.5              Financial Statement and Budget Monitor  


06/03/21     Road and Footpaths

6.1              Outstanding Road and Footpath issues  

Salt for new Salt bins – The Clerk had phoned DCC to ask for numbers to be allocated to the new salt bins and for them to be filled

Steps opposite Village Hall – Clerk to chase quote

6.2              New issues identified      

The wall outside number 3 and 4 School Close required repairs.  Clerk to inform Cllr G Barnell. The wall in the play park had not been rendered following the repairs by MDDC. 

07/03/21     Parish Council

7.1               Update on specification for cordless mower

Cllr A Jones had researched cordless mowers and provided details of quotes. It was resolved to purchase a cordless mower with a five-year guarantee which could be used for commercial purposes.  Details would be provided to the Clerk to arrange purchase.  The volunteer who currently cuts the hedge at the back of the war memorial was happy to continue.

7.2              To agree any further actions re Councillor liability

Since the last meeting advice had been received from NALC and SLCC and this had been circulated to Councillors and interested parties. Councillors were in agreement that no further action was required with regard to play park liability as all the checks required by the insurance company were being carried out.  Discussion at Raddon Hills Group of Parish Councils had indicated support that no further action was required

7.3              To consider future meetings – unless further legislation is passed, zoom meeting will not be legal after 7 May.  Should we hold the Annual Parish Meeting in April via zoom or defer for another year?  The May Annual Parish Council meeting will need to be held in person unless we hold it before 7 May.

It was resolved to defer the Annual Parish Meeting and to wait and see if any changes to legislation were made with regard to meetings after the 7 May.


08/03/21     Councillor’s Reports                                    

8.1              To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

8.1.1           Raddon Hills report

Cllr C Furse gave a brief verbal report. Discussions had taken place on the proposed lagoon planning application at Rixenford Lane and the increased traffic that would result; Air Band had been awarded the Broadband contract for this area; Elections would take place in May although some polling stations may find it difficult to operate under the current guidelines.

Cllr C Boult noted that tractors speeds were a local issue at present but this was a matter for the Police and not the Parish Council.

Fly tipping – the recent fly-tipping in Shobrooke was noted.  Parishioners can report fly tipping online direct to MDDC at

8.2              Coronavirus support – any issues to consider?

Cllr C Boult reported that lifts were still being offered to vaccination centres including West Point and Taunton.

8.3              Playing Fields  

8.3.1           To note weekly inspections reports

Cllr C Furse was carrying out weekly inspections and sending the reports to the Clerk.  The top of the slide needed painting and a new 3ft balance pole was required.  It was resolved that Cllr C Furse would purchase the materials

8.3.2           To note any progress with volunteers to carry out inspections.

No volunteers had come forward.  Cllr C Furse confirmed she would continue in the role with assistance from Cllr A Jones as required.

8.3.3           Update on quotes for installation of play equipment

Cllr C Furse had been unable to contact the builder who had expressed interest in providing a quote.  It was noted that if the zip wire and the basket swing were to be removed then a digger would be required.  It would be helpful to get a quote for repairing both before the decision was made to take them out.

8.3.4           To consider cost of monthly/quarterly play park inspections by a contractor

Costs had been circulated.  As insurance requirements were being met, it was felt this was an unnecessary expense and the money would be better spent on new equipment/maintaining existing equipment.  It was noted that the annual ROSPA inspection report was due very shortly so it was agreed to see what this reported and consider again when all Councillors were present.


09/03/21     Clerk’s Report

9.1              MDDC were considering including the Play Park in a (Public Spaces Protection) (Dog Control) Order 2020 under Section 59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The areas listed within the schedules would be dog exempt.  It was resolved to register an interest in this course of action with MDDC and to put on next agenda for final agreement.  Clerk to check with MDDC if service/guide dogs were included. 

10/03/21     Devon County Council

10.1            Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

There was no report 

11/03/21     Miscellaneous Correspondence

Draft Resources and Waste Strategy consultation – details circulated

DCC Climate Emergency newsletter - circulated           

 “Life on the Verge” presentation – 22 April        

A request that the school bell in School Close be tidied up.  Cllr C Furse would clear the glass as it was not possible to clean inside


12/03/21     Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Date of expiry of defib pads

Review of Financial Regulations                  


13/03/21     Date of next meeting: Wednesday 21 April 2021, at 7.30 pm, via zoom 

End of formal business 

The meeting finished at 8.40pm