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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on

Wednesday 19 May 2021 

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members Present

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                                                           Cllr A Jones

Cllr M Boult                                                                        Cllr A Ripper

In attendance:

2 members of public, Cllr M Squires, DCC (left 8pm), J Hole, Parish Clerk 

Formal Business

01/05/21       Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • To receive nominations for Chairman and to receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office form

Cllr C Furse was duly proposed, seconded and elected unanimously and signed the declaration of acceptance of office form

  • To receive nominations for Vice Chairman

There were no nominations.  This would be kept under review.


Public Participation – standing orders suspended

The members of public spoke in favour of planning application 21/00331/HOUSE, plans and maps were viewed and explained and questions answered.

Standing orders reinstated

Formal Business

02/05/21       Apologies

Cllr G Barnell, MDDC (personal) 

03/05/21       Declaration of Interest

None noted 

04/05/21       Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 28 April 2021

Agreed and signed as a true record 

05/05/21       To consider any applicants for co-option – five posts are available

No candidates had come forward.  It was agreed to put a more detailed note in the next edition of The Brooke explaining what the Parish Council does 

06/05/21       Mid Devon District Council

6.1                   Planning Applications:

21/00331/HOUSE - Erection of two-storey extension at 1 Mill Cottages, Shobrooke (revised plans) – to note request to Cllr G Barnell to call this into Planning Committee

Following discussion in the public session, Councillors were in support of the revised plans and did not wish Cllr G Barnell to call the application in to the Planning Committee                   

6.2                   Planning Decisions


6.3                   Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish.  

There was no report 

07/05/21       To review:

7.1                   Standing Orders – reviewed and adopted in April

7.2                   Financial Regulations – reviewed and adopted in April

7.3                   Risk Assessments – no update required

7.4                   Complaints procedure – no update required

7.5                   Bank signatories – to add and remove signatories and to consider internet banking

Clerk to update bank signatories to remove the resigned councillors.  It was resolved that the Clerk would find out about internet banking. 

7.6                   Dates for meetings in 2022 – agreed as the third Wednesday in each month

7.7                   Asset register – Clerk to check that the new lawn mower is covered on the insurance

7.8                   To confirm Insurance Policy – confirmed at last meeting

7.9                   Code of Conduct – being reviewed by MDDC – to consider once their review is complete

7.10                 Parish Council Action plan – Clerk to circulate to Councillors for consideration at the next meeting

7.11                 Training and Development Policy – no update required

7.12                 Publications Policy (FOI) – no update required 

08/05/21       Election of officers/representatives

8.1                   Neighbourhood Watch Officer – Cllr C Furse would ask if the previous post holder would be willing to continue

8.2                   Raddon Hills representative x 2 – Cllr C Furse and Cllr A Jones

8.3                   Snow Warden – it was agreed to leave this to later in the year when hopefully there were more Councillors.  It was noted that new storage was required for the salt supplies and towable gritter.

8.4                   Playing Fields Liaison Officer – Cllr C Furse

8.5                   Delegated responsibility: 

                         Footpath Warden – Carole Maher to continue

Playing fields representative – Cllr C Furse to continue until a volunteer can be found

Website Officer - Clerk

8.6                   Defibrillator/Kiosk Officer (to include weekly reporting for defib) – Cllr A Jones to continue.  A new reporting website was now in use


09/05/21       Road and Footpaths

9.1                   Outstanding Road and Footpath issues – Salt for new salt bins and steps opposite Hall

Salt bins – Cllr M Squires noted this was still outstanding.

Steps opposite the Hall – the Clerk had spoken to the contractor again to request a quote

9.2                   New issues identified

The Clerk had been notified that there were blocked gullies at Exeter Hill Cross and would report these to DCC 

10/05/21       Finance

10.1                 Parish Council receipts Current Account:  MDDC Precept - £6,518.00

10.2                 Parish Council payments current account

                         These were agreed as:




Amount £


C Furse

Reimbursement for paint for play park







Shobrooke Parish Church

Grant for maintenance



J Hole

Salary and expenses







10.3                 To approve signatures for this month’s cheques

Cllr C Furse and Cllr A Jones

10.4                 Balances:

10.4.1               Parish Council Current Account balance: £7,742.54                  

10.4.2              Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

10.4.3              Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.39

10.5                Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


11/05/21       Councillor’s Reports                                                        

11.1                 To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility

It was noted that the Post Box had been relocated to the opposite side of the road

11.2                 Playing Fields

11.2.1             To note weekly inspection reports

Weekly inspections were being carried out by Cllr C Furse and copies were passed to the Clerk.

11.2.2             Update on installation of new play equipment

The contractor had advised that there was a 4-5 week lead time on the grass matting.  There would be no additional charges for removing any spoils.  The monkey bars should have been delivered this week.

11.2.3             To agree maintenance programme for play park

Routine maintenance would be carried out as required, although the wet weather was currently an issue

Clerk to find out if anything can be fixed to the top of the swings to stop birds perching

Cllr C Furse would investigate sealant for the roundabout surface.  The balance beams and stepping stones were being monitored


12/05/21       Clerk’s Report


13/05/21       Parish Council

13.2                 To consider any training needs

Clerk to circulate list of training available from DALC  

Minuted here but taken before item 8

14/05/21       Devon County Council - Report from Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to parish

Cllr M Squires had nothing to report 

15/05/21       Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletter had been circulated 

16/05/21       Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

Action plan 

17/05/21       Date of next meeting: Wednesday 16 June 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm


The meeting closed at 8.26pm