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Shobrooke Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on

Wednesday 17 November 2021

The meeting commenced at 7.30pm

Members Present

Cllr C Furse (Chair)                                           Cllr G Barnell

Cllr L Balkwill                                                    Cllr L Pilgrim

In attendance:

J Hole, Parish Clerk

Public Participation

There was none 

01/11/21       Apologies  

Cllr M Squire (self-isolating); Cllr A Jones (personal)


02/11/21       Declaration of Interest

None noted 

03/11/21       Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 20 October 2021

Agreed and signed as a true record 

04/11/21       To consider any applicants for co-option

There were no applicants 

05/11/21       Mid Devon District Council

5.1                   Planning Applications:


5.2                   Planning Decisions:


5.3                   Public Spaces Protection Order  

It was resolved to allow MDDC to erect the signs for the PSPO at the Play park

5.4                   Report from MDDC Councillor, Cllr Graeme Barnell on MDDC business relevant to the parish – to include feedback from recent estate walkabout

Cllr G Barnell updated the meeting on the estate walkabout held earlier in the month. 

  • The play park wall was scheduled to be rendered during November.
  • Three large Sycamore trees in School Close had been inspected and one required crown pruning which would be added to MDDC work schedule;
  • A verbal abuse report between neighbours had been referred to the Neighbourhood Officer.

It was resolved to put a note in The Brooke to try and find out the interest in the parish with regard to affordable housing and depending on the response to ask a representative from MDDC to attend a meeting to discuss further.  

Cllr G Barnell recommended that Cllrs engage fully with the Local Plan Consultation which would be starting in January.


06/11/21       Finance

6.1                   Parish Council receipts Current Account:


6.2                   Parish Council payments current account

These were agreed as:




Amount £


John Hill *

Hire of mower and petrol




Training course for new Cllr



J Hole **

Salary and expenses






 *£20.00 expenses incurred for repair to gate ** To be paid via internet banking                        

6.3                   To approve authorisers/signatories for this month’s online payments

Cllr C Furse and Cllr A Jones

6.4                   Balances:

6.4.1                Parish Council Current Account balance: £2,143.86

6.4.2                Parish Council Footpath balance (in above current account figure): £311.74

6.4.3                Parish Council Reserve Account balance: £7,798.72 (£3,250.00 ringfenced for play equipment)

6.5                   Financial Statement and Budget Monitor


6.6                   Update on internet banking

Forms had been sent to the bank to add Cllr L Balkwill as a signatory.                        

07/11/21       Road and Footpaths

7.1                   Outstanding Road and Footpath issues – Update on salt for new salt bins

It was hoped that the salt would be back in the parish shortly and the new salt bins could then be filled. 

The Footpath Warden had confirmed that there were no unregistered footpaths in the parish.

7.2                   New issues identified

Report of water running down the road at Rew Cross – this had been reported to DCC

7.3                   To note Highways Conference via zoom on 24/25 November

Details had been circulated and Cllrs could attend if they wished.


08/11/21       Parish Council

8.1                   Update on Community Emergency plan

Cllr L Balkwill was working on a draft plan and this should be available for the next meeting

8.2                   Update on Broadband coverage

Cllr G Barnell had attended a scrutiny committee meeting at MDDC with Matt Barrow who had offered to visit the parish to provide an update on broadband roll out.  It was agreed that the Clerk would set up an informal meeting

8.3                   To note the Foundation level for the Local Council Award Scheme has been re-confirmed


8.4                   Update on Defibrillator installation 

The defibrillator would be installed shortly and Shute and Efford residents would be notified when it was installed.  Clerk to check with volunteer that any training given to residents is general information only and not a demonstration of the defibrillator.


09/11/21       Councillor’s Reports                                                        

9.1                   To consider any Councillor reports for areas of responsibility  

Update on Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator – there was no update

Update on appointment of Snow Warden and storage of towable gritter - The parishioner who had expressed an interest in the Snow Warden role could not insure their vehicle as required so would not be able to undertake the role.   Storage had been found for the towable gritter and it was hoped the gritter could be moved shortly.

9.2                   Playing Fields  

9.2.1                To note weekly inspections reports

A copy of the latest reports was supplied to the Clerk.   No new issues were identified

9.2.2                Update on meeting with MDDC to carry out risk assessment.  To note response from insurance company re a post installation inspection of the new equipment

Clerk to try and arrange a meeting for a Monday.  The insurance company did not require a post installation inspection report

9.2.3                Update on quotes for replacement wooden cross bars/upright for toddler swing and quote for new metal replacement

One quote had been received for a metal replacement frame for the toddler swings a further quote was pending.  The quotes for replacement wooden bars/uprights had been chased.

9.2.4                Update on grant application to Viridor Credits

Two quotes had been received from one company and another two were pending.                  

10/11/21       Clerk’s Report -None                                                                                                                     

11/11/21       Devon County Council

11.1                 Report from DCC Councillor, Cllr M Squires on DCC business relevant to the parish

There was no report 

12/11/21       Miscellaneous Correspondence

Various newsletters circulated; Policing update. 

13/11/21       Minor Matters and Items for Future Agenda

None noted 

14/11/21       Date of next meeting: Wednesday 15 December 2021, at 7.30 pm, at the Village Hall


End of formal business

The meeting closed at 8.30pm