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Minutes of the Annual Stoodleigh Parish Meeting, held on Wednesday May 26 in the Parish Hall


Members present – Chairman Cllr L Biles  Vice Chair Cllr J Widdowson Cllr S Davey  Cllr W Knowles  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr C Payne  Cllr G Talbot

  1. Apologies – none received
  2. Declarations of Interest – none declared
  3. Minutes of the last Meeting held on 22nd May 2019 – these were approved and signed as a true record
  4. Chairman’s Report – Cllr Biles gave a comprehensive summary of the events for the last year
  5. Reports from Local Organisations – copies of the reports are attached

SWAG – Alistair Morrison had sent his apologies but stated that the pandemic had prevented any activity by the group and there were no immediate plans for the future

The Cricket Club – Bing Torrance had sent in a written summary which was read to the meeting

The Village Hall – Linda Brice gave her report on behalf of the committee

The Garden Club – the report is attached

The Church Warden – Chris Whitehead presented his report

The History Group – Malcom Jones had forwarded a report

The Parish Website – Cllr Talbot provided the report

Trustees of the Stoodleigh Inn – Lizzie Issac and Julian Ayre were in attendance. The forced closure through Covid was actually helpful to making a number of improvements. The estimated cost of building a new toilet block was so excessive that the existing facility was refurbished. The end of the building was also renovated and a couple of new windows installed. Lizzie did much of the internal decoration etc. and was pleased to announce that the business was still solvent after all the expenditure. The village was thanked for their continued support and Julian emphasised his confidence in the future of the business.

  1. Open Forum

The signpost restoration has gone well and the last letters should be delivered any day. Summary from Malcolm Jones attached.

  1. Woodland Developments – Cllr Lucy Gould from Oakford spoke on the increase in the sale of small parcels of woodland and the subsequent erection of forestry buildings. This has become a common practice in Stoodleigh but has an impact on Oakford. Her personal contact with the agents selling the plots had confirmed some misleading information given when promoting the sale which implied that associated convenants and restrictions could largely be ignored. This issue is of concern to many and a long term solution might be to classify the area as that of recognised   District  Councillor Andrew Moore had sent a summary on the action with planning and enforcement bodies to date.   The Clerk was asked to obtain another update for the July meeting
  2. MDDC Climate and Sustainability Projects – the need for replacement of native trees was fully appreciated but there were no obvious sites for planting within the parish. Cllr Knowles was to give the project further consideration
  3. Fraud Protection – it was thought that a presentation on the subject would be well received and adjoining parishes could be invited. Cllr Widdowson would contact the Avon and Somerset police with the intention of arranging this later in the year.
  4. S106 grant money. Ideas were encouraged on the best way to utilise this extra funding. Outdoor seating, goal posts at Hillcrest and benches on the Cricket Field were among suggestions.

Other concerns – the bridleway in Beeching’s Wood should be retained, Clerk to contact Tania Weeks, DCC as the Washfield meeting was postponed where discussion was scheduled. Overgrown hedges on the Church Path still need attention along with the surface and drainage.