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Stoodleigh Parish Council

Chairman’s report 23 May 2022

I am starting the report this year letting my fellow councillors know that I will be stepping down from my role as Chairman and from the Parish Council. Whilst I have enjoyed my time on the council, I am unable to give the time and dedication that the role requires given other commitments I hold with work and family.

As a council we have continued to meet in person rather than whatever video call of choice is the norm these days and have discussed, agreed, disagreed, supported (or not) several items this year. I would like to thank my fellow councillors for all the time and effort they have put in this year, listening to and acting on behalf of the village.

As always there has been several planning concerns raised by council members and our parishioners which have, to the best of the council’s ability been supported or rejected. I won’t go into these in too much detail since everything is recorded and posted online; and the council also decided to be more proactive in sending information out regarding planning and other relevant issues via the community email.

The council agreed to use S106 monies to help fund some new benches at the cricket pitch. There was some confusion about who would own the benches and who was responsible for them with regards to releasing the funds from DCC but we got there in the end. They are now in situ and offer a great view across the valley if you get a chance to take a rest there.

With regards to the budget, it was agreed to raise our precept to £6k, part of this was to future proof the playground and ultimately looking towards replacing the equipment. There was some concern over the raising of the precept however, it had not been raised for some time and compared to other local parish’s remains quite favourable.

The playground has seen a few repairs but most noticeable is the damage from the storms this year which has left the wall between the church yard and playground needing to be fenced off due to damage. The council and the church are still working on a solution.

I would like to thank all the Parish Councillors for their time and effort over the last year and in particular Sandra Phillips as our Parish Clerk, without whom, I would not have been able to take on the last two years as Chairman.