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Minutes of Stoodleigh Annual Parish Meeting, held Wednesday 25 May 2022 in the Parish Hall at 7.00pm

Members present –

 Chairman Cllr W Knowles  Cllr S Davey  Cllr G Parkman  Cllr Payne  Cllr Talbot and 17 members of the public  

  1. Apologies – these were received from Cllr Widdowson, Trevor and Shirley Cope, Jill Chant, Pat Pennington, Viv Menear and Julian Ayre
  2. Declarations of Interest – none received
  3. Minutes of the Meeting held on May 26 2021 – these were approved and signed as a true record
  4. The Retiring Chairman’s Report – this had been produced by Leo Biles and was read by the new Chairman. Cllr Knowles added his thanks to Leo for his hard work during his time on the council, especially considering he was virtually press ganged into being the Chairman.
  5. Reports from Local Organisations

Stoodleigh Working Action Group is no longer in existence. They have very generously given their remaining funds towards the Jubilee Games, £150.

The Cricket Club – Dick Sibley said that the cricket club had a long history and welcomed players of all ages and abilities. There are 2 teams, one team plays friendly matches against local villages and will be shortly hosting a Dutch side. The other team is in the 3rd division of the West Somerset League and plays on Saturdays. The Club is funded by match fees, sponsorship, grants and fundraising events. £200 was raised in the Stoodleigh Inn. The outgoings comprise an annual rent, ground maintenance and the purchase of equipment.  There have been new changing facilities and a security locker installed on the ground. The Parish Council had applied for Public Open Space funding on behalf of the Cricket Club; a new bench was eventually purchased. Thanks were given to Lizzie for the match refreshments.  The field has been temporarily closed to the public because of persistent dog fouling until a solution can be found. Suggestions welcomed. He expressed thanks to Stephen Partridge who does an excellent job of maintaining the pitch.

Parish Hall Management Committee – report given by Linda Brice, on behalf of the Chairperson. Copy attached

The Garden Club – in the absence of a vocal representative the report was read by the Clerk, copy attached.

St Margaret’s Church –Presented by Penny Norman and Yvonne Lang. Pleased to report that an organist had just been recruited. The church is always in need of financial help and seeks various ways to combat the problem, the payment to the diocese have been temporarily suspended. The opportunity to have a stall in South Molton Pannier Market was gratefully taken up. Coffee mornings continue to be popular, whether for the coffee, the raffle or the gossip. Penny, the new Church Warden following Margaret Cunningman’s retirement, invited requests for inclusion in the special forthcoming Songs of Praise service 5 June, whether it be a hymn, song or a poem.

The History Group – Chris Whitehead stated that research was continuing into the history of Stoodleigh parish and the group was pleased to try and answer questions.

The Parish Website – the report was given by Geraldine Talbot, copy attached.

Trustees of Stoodleigh Inn - advantage was taken during the Covid lockdown to carry out structural work on the building including the chimney and replacing 2 more windows. The Inn is financially sound and any grants received during 2021/2 went into improvements to the business. It is regarded as a definite asset to the community and should anyone wish to become a trustee, please contact Hole and Pugsley solicitors. This report was from Lizzie Isaacs

SWAP Box – this is now back in operation and there are a number of vegetable plants on offer, including tomato plants seeking a home.

  1. Open Forum
  2. South West Water Problems – Phil Talbot had a meeting with a representative from the department after a number of properties within the parish had experienced a severe drop in water supply and pressure going back as far as November 2021. The installation of a new pump at Loxbeare should correct this and remedial work has commenced.
  3. Fraud Protection - a highly recommended presentation from Avon and Somerset Police has been arranged for July 6th at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome. The Clerk will contact other neighbouring parishes to extend the invitation.
  4. DCC Definitive Map Review of Public Rights of Way: A consultation paper is in circulation to extend the following but requires support before adoption -

Proposal 1: Public bridleway from road at Parkhouse Water, through Barehills Wood, to Stoodleigh Drive; 

Proposal 2: Public bridleway from road at Shilhay, through Shilhay Copse to road near Springfield Cottage.

User evidence for those in agreement can be accessed for submission to DCC at

  1. Footpath 10. The adjacent land belongs to 8 different owners and there have been strong objections to the local deer hunts using the track, with horses and quad bikes. The permissive bridleway allowance has therefore been withdrawn. There is a video recording of the hunt using the track. Cllrs Knowles and Parkman have been in contact with Dr Cheeseman who is representing the landowners and are hopeful of a resolution that may suit some.
  2. The Cricket Field – how best to police it. A Community email will appeal to dog owners to be more responsible or the minority offenders will affect the majority. Trail cameras was one suggestion, possibly leading to a name and shame culture. Ideas included ban all dogs, keep dogs on leads and even charging owners to use the area. Providing poo bags raises the problem of disposal.
  3. The Playground Wall – Chris Whitehead has strong feelings concerning liability and until this is established the Church cannot claim on insurance. He asked for the Parish Council to look at their insurance policy. Cllr Knowles believes the wall to be the church responsibility and will try and look at an old estate plan.
  4. Potholes – this ongoing saga was raised by Mary Handing. The best way to report is via the website map to pinpoint the exact location of the broken tarmac. There is however a minimum specification before a pothole is rendered bad enough to merit repair.
  5. Broadband – Tim Hugill wished to know if it were possible to co-ordinate a discussion group to instigate improvement in the situation. Chris Winter is in contact with Open Reach, Airband is working in Washfield and Susie Titchener has been in touch.
  6. Horse Aid Ukraine – grateful thanks were expressed to Rebecca Brown and company who had been involved in taking supplies to Ukraine and also to all those who so generously gave. The hosting of families in the village is less likely to happen. Stoodleigh is a trifle remote where transport and nearby facilities are concerned. Refugees also benefit from fellow community support from those in similar circumstance.