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Report to Annual Parish Meeting - 31 May 2023

Stoodleigh Parish Website –

Stoodleigh Community Email –


There has been an increase in website users since last year’s annual report which makes the information uploading worthwhile.  The Google Analytic reports can now be accessed at any time and not just at the end of the month. They show the number of hits over the whole website as well as a breakdown of hits on each page. The website was averaging 1000 hits per month (2021/22 but am pleased to say, the average is now around 1500.

The most read webpages are, in order, Police, Parish Council Meetings, News, Parish Hall Events, Events Calendar and Useful Info inc rainfall figures. Users are also looking often at other webpages - eg the Stoodleigh Inn, Garden Club, Photo Galleries and Walking Groups. Apart from the Devon & Cornwall Police pages, these are the pages most regularly updated – so it just goes to show, the use of the website is only as good as the current news posted. So, please send us information about what your groups are doing or have done!

Community Email, via , as you will know, continues on full alert! With over 160 of you on the email list, you all have lots of news out there to share, and that’s great! If you have information to share, please send it as soon as you can because it can’t always be circulated quickly and it might mean you have missed a deadline or advertising your event. Please send your information to

The web and community email is volunteer dependent so, to help please …

  • be patient ….. any emails have to be sent via computer/laptop so I need to be at home to do that;
  • where a response to a community email is needed, don’t reply to stoodleighweb, please reply to the address or phone number given in the email as I don’t have time to forward your messages;
  • remember I like to have weekends off too. If you want routine information circulated, please send it by Friday at the latest.

Despite those little requests above, I enjoy playing a part in communication amongst our community so keep those messages coming to share with your fellow residents!

We can, or course, talk to one another! But community email shares info more widely across the village more quickly!


Geraldine Talbot

Stoodleighweb Admin