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Annual report of the Parish Hall Management Committee.

May 2024

Stoodleigh Parish Hall is a grade 2 listed building gifted to the village when the Stoodleigh estate was dispersed many years ago. The legal ownership is in the hands of a group of trustees, and the Management Committee is responsible for its maintenance, safety, legality and use.

Because of its age and fragility, and its listed status, maintenance and repairs are incessant and costly, and funds are constantly needed for the inevitable costs of running and maintaining the hall as well as improvements and development in order to ensure the hall is useable, functional and attractive.

The Management Committee comprises a group of volunteers including Linda Brice as secretary, Janet Russell as treasurer, and myself as chairman, ably supported by Alex Hannis, Yvonne Lang, Jill Chant, Hannah Parker and Geoffrey Parkman. These people donate their time, and other resources, to ensure the hall works as a functional community hub, without reward other than knowing and appreciating that they are significantly contributing to the social fabric of the village.

The fragility of the hall is highlighted by our current and near-future work programme, which includes:

  • Removal of invasive moss from the roof, and repairs to damaged slates over the toilet block, currently causing a leak. With big thanks to Alex Hannis, Matt and Wilbur Parker and Jill and Rowland Chant for their help which saved over £1200 of professional costs quoted to do the job. With special thanks to Alex for rescuing me from the ridge when Nifty Lifty had a tantrum.
  • Spring cleaning of the interior and exterior in April.
  • Replacement of rotten window sills on the southern face of the building, with redecoration costing £300, about to be done.
  • Treatment of the woodworm in the roof timbers, including compliance with the wildlife protection laws (which required the engagement of a bat surveyor and expert) now completed at a total cost of about £2,500.
  • Refurbishment of the lobby are to match the major improvement scheme in the kitchen, including the upgrading of the electrical system, removal of the asbestos ceiling, and repair of the rotten floor to cost an estimated £10,000.
  • In the not-too-distant future, we have to conder the damp patch on the wall, floor and roof repairs, heating redesign, redecoration of the hall and committee room, redecoration and essential maintenance of the toilet block, not mentioning accessibility issues.

The funding of the maintenance, repair and general running of the hall, is through hire charges, money raising events, and donations. The demands of the inevitable costs are not insignificant: our insurance bill is over £1000 per annum, and we also have to pay for other essential recurrent costs such as safety inspections, equipment maintenance, and utilities as well as the repair and upgrade schedule already highlighted. In recent months we have successfully run the Christmas Lights celebration, a spring market, regular coffee mornings on the first Saturday of each month, and the forthcoming Stoodleigh Walk and Lunch. We plan an autumn fair later in the year and are constantly considering ideas to attract funds, as well as provide popular social events for the community on whose support we depend. We thank all those villagers who help at these events, which make them the social successes that they are.

The hall provides a community hub for the village, and we want everyone to enjoy the unique facilities that it provides. We are always looking for willing volunteers to help, and thank you everyone for your support. W are always open to suggestions for changes, events, and improvements.

My huge thanks for the generous, enthusiastic and willing work of the marvellous management committee, including Jill, Yvonne, Hannah, Alix and Geoffrey, but especially Linda and Janet, all of whom get the job done, efficiently, effectively and without fuss. 

Please book for the June walk: a self-guided tour of some of the local footpaths (short or long options are available) through beautiful countryside with a comprehensive guide, fun questions and treasure hunt on the way. The walk is preceded by coffee and cake, and ends at the village hall with a hot lunch. Families, individuals and groups of all ages will be made welcome.

Thank you.

Dick Sibley, Chairman

Stoodleigh Parish Hall Committee.